فهرست مطالب :
Front matter,
Pages i-iiiCopyright,
Page iv
Page vA practical approach to R-1234yf thermophysical property calculation and A/C system cycle analysis,
Pages 3-10Automotive material investigation with low GWP refrigerant HFO-1234yf,
Pages 11-18Numerical investigation of energy-efficient heat-up strategies considering a comprehensive HVAC-system,
Pages 19-32Flux free brazing of aluminium heat exchangers,
Pages 35-43Corrosion of aluminium Charge Air Coolers in exhaust gas condensates – application to Exhaust Gas Recirculation systems,
Pages 45-56A methodology for evaluation of charge air coolers for low pressure EGR systems with respect to corrosion,
Pages 57-67New approach in microstructural analysis of a modified AA4XXX/AA3XXX brazing sheet before and after brazing,
Pages 69-79Graphite foam heat exchanger for vehicles,
Pages 81-90Flat panels heat exchangers to improve the thermal management,
Pages 91-98The Wilson Plot – why it doesn\'t work and what to do about it,
Pages 99-106Information for HFO-1234yf automotive plant and service shop implementation,
Pages 107-116Spatially resolved heat flux measurements from a HSDI engine over NEDC,
Pages 119-129Investigation of temperature fields during stop-start operation of a spark ignition engine and the effect on engine behaviour after a restart,
Pages 131-144A thermistor-based instrument for measuring vehicle cooling airflow,
Pages 145-154Identification and optimization of the powertrain thermal system,
Pages 155-166Analysis of energy flows in engine coolant, structure and lubricant during warm-up,
Pages 167-176Thermal coupling and energy flows between coolant, engine structure and lubricating oil during engine warm up,
Pages 177-188A high-resolution warm-up simulation model for a gasoline engine with advanced thermal control,
Pages 189-200Powertrain thermal modeling for vehicle simulation,
Pages 201-210The effectiveness of heating parts of the powertrain to improve vehicle fuel economy during warm-up,
Pages 211-221A novel EGR system to improve engine performance of a diesel engine,
Pages 223-232CFD simulation of the fouling process in EGR coolers,
Pages 233-243Development of cooling system sign-off criteria for hybrid vehicles,
Pages 247-260Evaluation of TEG potential in Hybrid Electric Vehicle by simulation,
Pages 261-271Balancing vehicle energy performance and thermal comfort: benefits of a multi-domain system simulation approach in the case of a power-split hybrid-electric vehicle,
Pages 273-285Concept development and CAE for EV battery thermal management,
Pages 287-298Development of a detailed model for simulation and investigation of the thermal behaviour of electric vehicle traction batteries,
Pages 299-307Thermal modelling of the effects of a passive heat insulation on temperature distribution inside a battery,
Pages 309-322Thermo electrochemical modeling of high capacity lithium-ion cells,
Pages 323-333Efficient thermally responsive coolant output and flow control for conventional and advanced propulsion systems,
Pages 335-350Design and development of an integrated EV cooling system,
Pages 351-361Development of a thermal management control system for electric vehicles,
Pages 363-372Integrated thermal management for a downsized diesel engine with low CO
2 emissions,
Pages 375-387CO
2 and emission reduction by means of heat storage in the powertrain,
Pages 389-398Predicting the windscreen demisting performance using CAE,
Pages 401-410Transient thermal modelling of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet (AFPM) machine with model parameter optimisation using a Monte Carlo method,
Pages 411-421Fan modelling in CFD using RANS with MRF, limitations and consistency, a comparison between fans of different design,
Pages 423-433Design of an innovative high-efficiency fan for engine cooling,
Pages 435-445Application of a hybrid computational aeroacoustics method to an automotive blower,
Pages 447-455Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments (DACE) and 3D Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations for agricultural tractor cooling concept,
Pages 459-471Dual level vehicle heat rejection system,
Pages 473-480Development of compact cooling system “SLIM”,
Pages 481-490Thermal management concept of a taxi vehicle with rear engine application,
Pages 491-500Virtual vehicle thermal management at Jaguar/Land Rover, reducing cost, development time and carbon footprint,
Pages 501-512Minimising total vehicle energy consumption by balancing the aerodynamic benefit of an active grille shutter and the power consumption of the air conditioning compressor,
Pages 513-521Small-scale dynamic test facility for automotive thermal management systems,
Pages 523-535Factors affecting transient cooling system performance for arduous drive cycles,
Pages 537-547Unsteady method for thermal vehicle prediction,
Pages 549-559Numerical simulation of exhaust system temperatures taking into account thermal interactions with the vehicle environment,
Pages 561-570Combination of a 1D tool and CFD results for a cool down simulation,
Pages 573-5823D Thermal simulation of a vehicle cabin with a view to reducing air conditioning loads,
Pages 583-597Distributed energy system simulation of a vehicle,
Pages 599-608Exhaust system heat exchanger design for thermal energy recovery in passenger vehicle applications,
Pages 609-622Influence of vehicle age on build-up of carbon dioxide in cabin to monitor indoor air quality (IAQ),
Pages 623-634TOPMACS: Thermally OPerated Mobile Air Conditioning Systems,
Pages 635-647PHEV/EV integrated vehicle thermal management – development of a KULI model to assess combined cooling loops,
Pages 649-660Author Index,
Pages 661-663