فهرست مطالب :
Historical Prologue
1 One-Dimensional Viscoelasticity
1.1 Constitutive Law
1.2 Stored and Dissipated Energy
1.3 Physical Models
1.4 Equation of Motion
1.5 Problems
2 Three-Dimensional Viscoelasticity
2.1 Constitutive Law
2.2 Stress-Strain Notation
2.3 Equation of Motion
2.4 Correspondence Principle
2.5 Energy Balance
2.6 Problems
3 Viscoelastic P, SI, and SII Waves
3.1 Solutions of Equation of Motion
3.2 Particle Motion for P Waves
3.3 Particle Motion for Elliptical and Linear S Waves
3.3.1 Type-I or Elliptical S (SI) Wave
3.3.2 Type-II or Linear S (SII) Wave
3.4 Energy Characteristics of P, SI, and SII Waves
3.4.1 Mean Energy Flux (Mean Intensity)
3.4.2 Mean Energy Densities
3.4.3 Energy Velocity
3.4.4 Mean Rate of Energy Dissipation
3.4.5 Reciprocal Quality Factor, Q-1
3.5 Viscoelasticity Characterized by Parameters for Homogeneous P and S Waves
3.6 Characteristics of Inhomogeneous Waves in Terms of Characteristics of Homogeneous Waves
3.6.1 Wave Speed and Maximum Attenuation
3.6.2 Particle Motion for P and SI Waves
3.6.3 Energy Characteristics for P, SI, and SII Waves
3.7 P, SI, and SII Waves in Low-Loss Viscoelastic Media
3.8 P, SI, and SII Waves in Media with Equal Complex Lamé Parameters
3.9 P, SI, and SII waves in a Standard Linear Solid
3.10 Displacement and Volumetric Strain
3.10.1 Displacement for General P and SI Waves
3.10.2 Volumetric Strain for a General P Wave
3.10.3 Simultaneous Measurement of Volumetric Strain and Displacement 93
3.11 Problems
4 Framework for Single-Boundary Reflection-Refraction and Surface-Wave Problems
4.1 Specification of Boundary
4.2 Specification of Waves
4.3 Problems
5 General P, SI, and SII Waves Incident on a Viscoelastic Boundary 107
5.1 Boundary-Condition Equations for General Waves
5.2 Incident General SI
5.2.1 Specification of Incident General SI Wave
5.2.2 Propagation and Attenuation Vectors; Generalized Snell’s Law
5.2.3 Amplitude and Phase
5.2.4 Conditions for Homogeneity and Inhomogeneity
5.2.5 Conditions for Critical Angles
5.3 Incident General P Wave
5.3.1 Specification of Incident General P Wave
5.3.2 Propagation and Attenuation Vectors; Generalized Snell’s Law
5.3.3 Amplitude and Phase
5.3.4 Conditions for Homogeneity and Inhomogeneity
5.3.5 Conditions for Critical Angles
5.4 Incident General SII Wave
5.4.1. Specification of Incident General SII Wave
5.4.2 Propagation and Attenuation Vectors; Generalized Snell’s Law
5.4.3 Amplitude and Phase
5.4.4 Conditions for Homogeneity and Inhomogeneity
5.4.5 Conditions for Critical Angles
5.4.6 Energy Flux and Energy Flow Due to Wave Field Interactions
5.5 Problems
6 Numerical Models for General Waves Reflected and Refracted at Viscoelastic Boundaries
6.1 General SII Wave Incident on a Moderate-Loss Viscoelastic Boundary (Sediments)
6.1.1 Incident Homogeneous SII Wave
6.1.2 Incident Inhomogeneous SII Wave
6.2 P Wave Incident on Low-Loss Viscoelastic Boundary (Water, Stainless-Steel)
6.2.1 Reflected and Refracted Waves
6.3 Experimental Confirmation of Viscoelastic Wave Theory
6.4 Viscoelastic Reflection Coefficients for Ocean, Solid-Earth Boundaries
6.5 Problems
7 General SI, P, and SII Waves Incident on a Viscoelastic Free Surface
7.1 Boundary-Condition Equations
7.2 Incident General SI Wave
7.2.1 Reflected General P and SI Waves
7.2.2 Displacement and Volumetric Strain
7.2.3 Numerical Model for Low-Loss Media (Weathered Granite)
7.3 Incident General P Wave
7.3.1 Reflected General P and SI Waves
7.3.2 Numerical Model for Low-Loss Media (Pierre Shale)
7.4 Incident General SII Wave
7.5 Problems
8 Rayleigh-Type Surface Wave on a Viscoelastic Half Space
8.1 Analytic Solution
8.2 Physical Characteristics
8.2.1 Velocity and Attenuation Coefficient
8.2.2 Propagation and Attenuation Vectors for Component Solutions
8.2.3 Displacement and Particle Motion
8.2.4 Volumetric Strain
8.2.5 Media with Equal Complex Lame Parameters ( Λ = M )
8.3 Numerical Characteristics of Rayleigh-Type Surface Waves
8.3.1 Characteristics at the Free Surface
8.3.2 Characteristics versus Depth
8.4 Problems
9 General SII Waves Incident on Multiple Layers of Viscoelastic Media
9.1 Analytic Solution (Multiple Layers)
9.2 Analytic Solution (One Layer)
9.3 Numerical Response of Viscoelastic Layers (Elastic, Earth’s Crust, Rock, Soil)
9.4 Problems
10 Love-Type Surface Waves in Multilayered Viscoelastic Media
10.1 Analytic Solution (Multiple Layers)
10.2 Displacement (Multiple Layers)
10.3. Analytic Solution and Displacement (One Layer)
10.4 Numerical Characteristics of Love-Type Surface Waves
10.5 Problems
11 General Viscoelastic Ray Theory
11.1 General SII Rays in Horizontal Layered Viscoelastic Media
11.1.1 Viscoelastic Ray Parameters for Phase and Attenuation
11.1.2 Viscoelastic Solution of Forward Ray-Tracing Problem
11.1.3 Ray-Path, Wave-Propagation, and Travel-Time Characteristics
11.1.4 Amplitude Attenuation Characteristics
11.1.5 General Viscoelastic Head Waves
11.1.6 Critical, Reversal, and Turning Points for Viscoelastic Rays
11.1.7 Computation Steps (Forward Ray-Tracing Algorithm)
11.1.8 Ray Characteristics in a Surface Layer
11.1.9 Ray Characteristics in Underlying Layers; “Wide” Angle Refractions across Anelastic Boundaries (Earth’s Mantle, Rock, Soil)
11.2 General SII Rays in Horizontal Viscoelastic Media with Vertical Material Gradients
11.2.1 Viscoelastic Ray Parameters for Phase and Attenuation
11.2.2 Viscoelastic Solution of Forward Ray-tracing Problem
11.2.3 Ray-Path, Wave-Propagation, and Travel-Time Characteristics
11.2.4 Amplitude Attenuation Characteristics
11.2.5 Critical, Reversal, and Turning Points for Viscoelastic Rays
11.3 General SII Rays in Spherical Layered Viscoelastic Media
11.3.1 Viscoelastic Ray Parameters for Phase and Attenuation
11.3.2 Viscoelastic Solution of Forward Ray-Tracing Problem
11.3.4 Ray- Path, Wave-Propagation, and Travel-Time Characteristics
11.3.4 Amplitude-Attenuation Characteristics
11.3.5 General Viscoelastic Head Waves (Spherical Layers)
11.3.6 Critical, Reversal, and Turning Points for Viscoelastic Rays
11.4 General SII Rays in Spherical Viscoelastic Media with Radial Material Gradients
11.4.1 Viscoelastic Ray Parameters for Phase and Attenuation
11.4.2 Viscoelastic Solution of Forward Ray-tracing Problem
11.4.3 Ray-Path, Wave-Propagation, and Travel-Time Characteristics
11.4.4 Amplitude-Attenuation Characteristics
11.4.5 Critical, Reversal, and Turning Points for Viscoelastic Rays
11.5 Forward Ray-Tracing Algorithms and Earth-Flattening Transformations for Horizontal and Spherical Viscoelastic Media 397
11.6 Inverse-Problem Solutions for Viscoelastic Media
11.6.1 Horizontal Media (Single and Multiple Layers) Viscoelastic Material Parameters Inferred for Single Layer from Reflected Waves Viscoelastic Material Parameters Inferred for Multiple Layers from Reflected Waves Viscoelastic Material Parameters Inferred for Multiple Layers from Head Waves
11.6.2 Horizontal and Spherical Media with Material Gradients (Solution of Viscoelastic Herglotz-Wiechert Integral) Viscoelastic Material Parameters Inferred for Half Space with Vertical Material Gradients Viscoelastic Material Parameters Inferred for Sphere with Radial Material Gradients
11.7 Implications of Using Elastic Models to Describe General Rays in Anelastic Viscoelastic Media
11.8 Problems
12 Appendices
12.1 Appendix 1 – Properties of Riemann-Stieltjes Convolution Integral 433
12.2 Appendix 2 – Vector and Displacement-Potential Identities
12.2.1 Vector Identities
12.2.2 Displacement-Potential Identities
12.3 Appendix 3 – Solution of the Helmholtz Equation
12.4 Appendix 4 – Roots of Squared Complex Rayleigh Equation
12.5 Appendix 5 – Complex Root for a Rayleigh-Type Surface Wave
12.6 Appendix 6 – Particle Motion Characteristics for a Rayleigh-Type Surface Wave
12.7 Appendix 7 – Characteristics of General Waves in a Viscoelastic Surface Layer
12.7.1 General SII Reflected Wave
12.7.2 General SII Head Wave
12.7.3 General SII Direct Wave
12.8 Appendix 8 – Viscoelastic Herglotz-Wiechert Integral for Spherical Media with Radial Gradients
Additional Reading – first edition
Additional Reading – second edition