What is Public Trust in the Health System?: Insights into Health Data Use

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کتاب اعتماد عمومی به سیستم سلامت چیست؟: بینش در مورد استفاده از داده های بهداشتی نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب اعتماد عمومی به سیستم سلامت چیست؟: بینش در مورد استفاده از داده های بهداشتی بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب What is Public Trust in the Health System?: Insights into Health Data Use

نام کتاب : What is Public Trust in the Health System?: Insights into Health Data Use
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : اعتماد عمومی به سیستم سلامت چیست؟: بینش در مورد استفاده از داده های بهداشتی
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Policy Press
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 167
ISBN (شابک) : 9781447367352
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 8 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Front Cover\nWhat is Public Trust in the Health System?: Insights into Health Data Use\nCopyright information\nTable of Contents\nList of figures and tables\nAbout the author\nAcknowledgements\nONE Introduction\nPart I Why do we care about public trust in the health system?\n TWO What is trust?\n Relationship – we need a relation to trust\n Communication – we need to communicate to place trust\n Truth – we need truthful information to place trust\n Autonomy – we need free choice to place trust\n Alternatives – we need alternatives between which we choose to trust\n No guarantee – we cannot guarantee trust\n Concluding remarks\n THREE Three health system examples\n Public trust in vaccination\n What is public trust in vaccination?\n What builds trust in vaccination?\n Public trust in non-pharmaceutical interventions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic\n What is public trust in non-pharmaceutical interventions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic?\n What builds public trust in non-pharmaceutical interventions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic?\n Public trust in health data use in health systems\n What is public trust in health data use in health systems?\n What builds public trust in health data use in health systems?\n Concluding remarks\nPart II What is public trust in the health system?\n FOUR Where does public trust develop?\n How misinformation and conspiracy threaten public trust building in the public sphere\n Public trust develops in the public sphere\n Concluding remarks\n FIVE What builds public trust?\n Theme relating to the past\n Familiarity\n Themes relating to the present\n Active regulatory systems\n Anonymity\n Autonomy\n Gut feeling\n Information quality\n Privacy\n Potential\n Respect\n Security\n Themes relating to the future\n Certainty about the future\n Net benefit\n Time\n Concluding remarks\n SIX What are the effects of public trust?\n Participation\n Legitimisation\n Concluding remarks\n SEVEN What frames public trust?\n Communication\n Reason for the need of public trust\n Risk\n Fear\n Human error\n World-view\n Religion and afterlife\n Public mood\n Trust cannot be expected\n Concluding remarks\nPart III How can we foster public trust in the health system?\n EIGHT How can we build public trust by means of effective health policy and governance?\n 1. Do not rush trust building\n 2. Engage with the public\n 3. Keep the public safe\n 4. Offer autonomy to the public\n 5. Plan for diverse trust relationships\n 6. Recognise that trust is shaped by both emotion and rational thought\n 7. Represent the public interest\n 8. Work towards realising a net benefit for the health system and the public\n Concluding remarks\n NINE How can we foster public trust by means of effective communications?\n Understand the present and historical context as well as the actors involved in the health system\n Understand the mechanisms that are fundamental to building public trust\n Understand how public trust-building actions are embedded in the wider societal and political context\n Communicate via credible and reputable spokespersons\n Make the information easily understandable and tangible, and tailor the information to different target audiences\n Convene public discussion fora\n Meaningfully engage and involve responsible actors when developing a consistent communication strategy\n Provide the opportunity for public engagement and response when developing and implementing communication strategies\n Consider the potential impact of conspiracy and misinformation on the public trust-building processes\n Develop a contingency plan for events that diminish public trust\n Concluding remarks\n TEN How can we foster public trust through effective observation?\n Concluding remarks\n ELEVEN Conclusion\n How can we evaluate the performance of health policies to build public trust?\n What is the economic power of public trust in health systems?\n How does public trust develop in unstable societies?\n How does public trust develop in international and national health politics?\n How does history influence trust in present digital health activities?\nReferences\nIndex

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