توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
در سال 1984، کنفرانسی به نام حیات وحش 2000: مدل سازی روابط زیستگاه مهره داران زمینی، در کمپ استانفورد سیرا در دریاچه برگ افتاده در کوه های سیرا نوادا کالیفرنیا برگزار شد. کنفرانس با استقبال خوبی مواجه شد و جلد منتشر شده (ورنر، جی.، ام. ال. موریسون، و سی. جی. رالف، ویراستاران. 1986. حیات وحش 2000: مدل سازی روابط زیستگاه مهره داران زمینی، انتشارات دانشگاه ویسکانسین، مدیسون، ویسکانسین، ایالات متحده آمریکا) ثابت کرد. به عنوان یک انتشارات برجسته که جایزه کتاب را توسط انجمن حیات وحش دریافت کرد. حیات وحش 2001: جمعیت ها یک کنفرانس بعدی با تاکید بر دیگر حوزه اصلی زیستی حفاظت و مدیریت حیات وحش، جمعیت ها بود. این کنفرانس در 29 تا 31 ژوئیه 1991 در هتل هیلتون فرودگاه اوکلند در اوکلند، کالیفرنیا برگزار شد، مطابق با هدف ما که این کنفرانس دارای نمایندگی بین المللی بسیار قوی تری نسبت به Wildlife 2000 است. هدف کنفرانس گرد هم آوردن بود. یک گروه بین المللی از متخصصان برای رسیدگی به وضعیت هنر در پویایی جمعیت حیات وحش و تعیین دستور کار برای تحقیقات و مدیریت آینده در آستانه قرن بیست و یکم. ترکیبی از متخصصان شامل کارگران در جنبه های نظری و عملی حفاظت و مدیریت حیات وحش بود. سه جلسه کلی روشها، مدلسازی و حفاظت از گونههای در معرض خطر را پوشش میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xv
Introduction....Pages 1-9
Front Matter....Pages 11-11
Introduction to the Methods Session....Pages 13-15
Data-Based Selection of an Appropriate Biological Model: The Key to Modern Data Analysis....Pages 16-30
The Robust Design in Capture-Recapture Studies: A Review and Evaluation by Monte Carlo Simulation....Pages 31-43
Catch-Per-Unit-Effort Models: An Application to an Elk Population in Colorado....Pages 44-55
A Unified Theory for the Study of Resource Selection (Availability and Use) by Wildlife Populations....Pages 56-64
Partitioned Capture-Recapture Models for Population Estimation....Pages 65-73
A Risk Ratio Approach to Multivariable Analysis of Survival in Longitudinal Studies of Wildlife Populations....Pages 74-89
Change-In-Ratio Methods for Estimating Population Size....Pages 90-101
An Efficiency Comparison Between Capture-Recapture Estimators Derived Using Maximum Likelihood and Martingale Theory....Pages 102-113
Front Matter....Pages 115-115
Trends in Applied Ecological Modelling....Pages 117-122
Wolf Recovery for Yellowstone National Park: A Simulation Model....Pages 123-138
Chaotic Dynamics in Food-Limited Populations: Implications for Wildlife Management....Pages 139-147
Population Viability Analysis and Risk Assessment....Pages 148-157
Detection of Environmental Influences on Wildlife: California Quail as an Example....Pages 158-169
A Stochastic Population Model of Mid-Continental Mallards....Pages 170-181
Modelling Population Change From Time Series Data....Pages 182-194
Front Matter....Pages 195-195
Research on Threatened Populations....Pages 197-216
The Use of Morphologic and Molecular Techniques to Estimate Genetic Variability and Relationships of Small Populations....Pages 217-236
Problems and Policy for Species Threatened by Hybridization: The Red Wolf as a Case Study....Pages 237-251
Front Matter....Pages 195-195
Monitoring and Management Strategies for Endangered Populations of Marine Mammals and Ungulates....Pages 252-261
Genetic and Demographic Considerations in Endangered Species Captive Breeding and Reintroduction Programs....Pages 262-275
Front Matter....Pages 277-277
Values, Problems, and Methodologies in Managing Overabundant Wildlife Populations: An Overview....Pages 279-293
Contraception as a Tool for Managing Feral Horse Populations in the Western United States....Pages 294-303
Burgeoning Ungulate Populations in National Parks: is Intervention Warranted?....Pages 304-312
Selective Control in Quelea Populations in Eastern Africa....Pages 313-320
Pros and Cons of Pinniped Management Along the North American Coast to Abet Fish Stocks....Pages 321-330
Wolf Predation, Wolf Control and the Management of Ungulate Populations....Pages 331-340
Front Matter....Pages 341-341
The Management of Amphibian and Reptile Populations: Species Priorities and Methodological and Theoretical Constraints....Pages 343-368
The Use of Automated Data-Acquisition Techniques in Monitoring Amphibian and Reptile Populations....Pages 369-378
The Use of Coverboards in Estimating Patterns of Reptile and Amphibian Biodiversity....Pages 379-403
Monitoring Saltwater Crocodiles ( Crocodylus Porosus ) in the Northern Territory of Australia....Pages 404-418
Population Ecology of two Relictual Salamanders from the Klamath Mountains of Northwestern California....Pages 419-437
Front Matter....Pages 439-439
Population Models for Passerine Birds: Structure, Parameterization, and Analysis....Pages 441-464
Relationships Between Bird Density, Vegetation Characteristics, and Grasshopper Density in Mixed-Grass Prairie of Western North Dakota....Pages 465-475
What Is Habitat Suitability and how Should it be Measured?....Pages 476-488
Demographic Patterns of the Vinous-Throated Parrotbill....Pages 489-501
Population Dynamics of the Mountain Chickadee in Northern California....Pages 502-510
Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (Maps): A Sharp, Rather than Blunt, Tool for Monitoring and Assessing Landbird Populations....Pages 511-521
Front Matter....Pages 523-523
Seabirds: Management Problems and Research Opportunities....Pages 525-546
Front Matter....Pages 523-523
Point-Source and Non-Point-Source Problems Affecting Seabird Populations....Pages 547-562
Modelling Metapopulation Dynamics for Single Species of Seabirds....Pages 563-585
Multispecies Interactions in Marine Ecosystems: Current Approaches and Implications for Study of Seabird Populations....Pages 586-601
Seabird-Fisheries Interactions: Evaluation with Dimensionless Ratios....Pages 602-615
Education and Seabird Conservation: A Conceptual Framework....Pages 616-632
Front Matter....Pages 633-633
World Waterfowl Populations: Status and Dynamics....Pages 635-652
Reproductive Success and Population Increase of Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks ( Dendrocygna autumnalis ) in Newly Placed Artificial Nests in a Tropical Freshwater Marsh....Pages 653-664
Habitat Selection of Nesting and Wintering Trumpeter Swans....Pages 665-675
Effect of Density-Dependent Harvest Rates on Inferences About Compensatory Mortality....Pages 676-686
Black Duck Population Units as Determined by Patterns of Band Recovery....Pages 687-695
Application of a Computer Simulation Model to Migrating White-Fronted Geese in the Klamath Basin....Pages 696-706
Front Matter....Pages 707-707
Long-Term Perspectives of Upland Game Bird Research in North America....Pages 709-717
Conservation Through Wise-Use Hunting....Pages 718-726
Dispersal of Ruffed Grouse: A Large-Scale Individual-Based Model....Pages 727-737
Effects of Boreal Forest Fragmentation on Capercaillie Grouse: Empirical Evidence and Management Implications....Pages 738-749
Population Viability Analysis of a Sharp-Tailed Grouse Metapopulation in Wisconsin....Pages 750-758
Front Matter....Pages 759-759
Studies of Raptor Populations: Contributions to Theory and Conservation....Pages 761-765
Captive Management for the Long Term Survival of the California Condor....Pages 766-774
Regional Conservation Planning for the Swainson’s Hawk ( Buteo Swainsond ) in the Central Valley of California....Pages 775-789
Monitoring the Population of the Endangered Lanyu Scops Owl ( Otus elegans botolensis )....Pages 790-802
Front Matter....Pages 759-759
Demography of an Insular Population of Spotted Owls....Pages 803-814
Population Regulation in Northern Spotted Owls: Theoretical Implications for Management....Pages 815-827
Front Matter....Pages 829-829
Dynamics of Small Mammal Populations: A Review....Pages 831-850
Effects of Habitat Patchiness on Population Dynamics: A Modelling Approach....Pages 851-863
Dynamics of Exploited and Unexploited Fox Squirrel ( Sciurus Niger ) Populations in the Midwestern United States....Pages 864-874
The Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Small Mammal Populations....Pages 875-885
What Drives the Snowshoe Hare Cycle in Canada’s Yukon?....Pages 886-896
Front Matter....Pages 897-897
A Review of Population Dynamics of Furbearers....Pages 899-910
Computer Simulation of Furbearer Population Dynamics....Pages 911-921
Diet and Demographics of the Red Fox ( vulpes Vulpes ) in Relation to Population Density — The Sarcoptic Mange Event in Scandinavia....Pages 922-931
Density, Dispersion, Movements and Habitat Of Skunks ( Mephitis mephitis ) and Raccoons ( Procyon Lotor ) in Metropolitan Toronto....Pages 932-944
An Integrated Approach to Monitoring Badger ( Meles Meles ) Population Changes in Britain....Pages 945-953
Demography of the Arctic Fox ( Alopex Lagopus ) Population in Iceland....Pages 954-964
Front Matter....Pages 965-965
Concepts of Large Herbivore Population Dynamics....Pages 967-984
Genetic Perspectives in Wildlife Management: The Case Of Large Herbivores....Pages 985-996
Interactions Between Pathogens and Hosts: Simulation of Pasteurellosis Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep Populations....Pages 997-1007
Rareness as an Antipredator Strategy to Reduce Predation Risk for Moose and Caribou....Pages 1008-1021
Front Matter....Pages 1023-1023
Determining Population Status and the Use of Biological Indices in the Management of Marine Mammals....Pages 1025-1037
Status of Dolphin Stocks in the Eastern Tropical Pacific....Pages 1038-1050
A Review of Northern Fur Seal Population Modelling....Pages 1051-1061
Front Matter....Pages 1023-1023
Population Biology and Status Of Eastern Pacific Gray Whales: Recent Developments....Pages 1062-1074
Population Recovery of Northern Elephant Seals on the Southern California Channel Islands....Pages 1075-1086
Front Matter....Pages 1087-1087
Large Carnivore Ecology: From Where Do We Come and to Where Shall We Go?....Pages 1089-1097
Mark-Recapture Density Estimation for Animals with Large Home Ranges....Pages 1098-1111
A Comparison of Methods Used to Study Food Habits of Large African Carnivores....Pages 1112-1124
Population Dynamics of African Wild Dogs....Pages 1125-1139
Conservation and Management of Gray Wolves in the USA: Status, Trends, and Future Directions....Pages 1140-1149
The Population Dynamics of Polar Bears in Western Hudson Bay....Pages 1150-1159
Back Matter....Pages 1161-1163
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
In 1984, a conference called Wildlife 2000: Modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates, was held at Stanford Sierra Camp at Fallen Leaf Lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. The conference was well-received, and the published volume (Verner, J. , M. L. Morrison, and C. J. Ralph, editors. 1986. Wildlife 2000: modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) proved to be a landmark publication that received a book award by The Wildlife Society. Wildlife 2001: populations was a followup conference with emphasis on the other major biological field of wildlife conservation and management, populations. It was held on July 29-31, 1991, at the Oakland Airport Hilton Hotel in Oakland, California, in accordance with our intent that this conference have a much stronger international representation than did Wildlife 2000. The goal of the conference was to bring together an international group of specialists to address the state of the art in wildlife population dynamics, and set the agenda for future research and management on the threshold of the 21st century. The mix of specialists included workers in theoretical, as well as practical, aspects of wildlife conservation and management. Three general sessions covered methods, modelling, and conservation of threatened species.