توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این مجموعه دانشمندانی از رشتههای مختلف را گرد هم میآورد تا سؤالات اساسی در مورد چگونگی برخورد زنان با موانع متعددی که پیش روی آنها قرار میگیرد، در حالی که تلاش میکنند زندگی کامل انسانی داشته باشند، بپرسند. این مجموعه به بررسی روایات زنان – واقعی و تخیلی – میپردازد که با این موانع مبارزه میکنند، تسلیم آنها میشوند، از آنها بیخبر میمانند یا تصمیم میگیرند آنها را نادیده بگیرند. این کتاب روشهایی را که ما از زنان در تولیدات فرهنگی میخوانیم، و نحوه خواندن زنان در جامعه را بررسی میکند. ما ادعا میکنیم که موانعی که در بافت جوامع در برابر پنجاه درصد جمعیت ایجاد میشود، ناعادلانه است، چه موانعی برای زنان برای رسیدن به اهدافشان باشد، چه موانعی که گفتار و مشارکت اجتماعی زنان را محدود میکند - اشتراکی و هنری - یا موانعی که رفتارهای خاص را ممنوع میکند و تصاویر زنان
فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents
Introduction (Johanna M. Wagner)
Part I. Women in Work: Ways of Doing and Being
Part II. Women in Cultural Production: Defi ning Images
Part III. Women in the World: Telling Women’s Stories
Social Reproduction and “Housewifization”. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Women and Economics (Sorcha Gunne)
The Gendered Division of Domestic Labour and Social Reproduction Theory
Silvia Federici and the Limits of Conventional Critiques of Capitalism
Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Reproductive Labour
The Gothic Short Story and Resisting “Housewifization”
Conclusion: “Housewifi zation”, Gender and Global Crises
The Feminist Agenda in Rachilde’s La Jongleuse. The Artist and Her Creative Power (Guri Ellen Barstad)
Rachilde – a Self-Promoting Auteur à Scandale
Eliante – an Orphean Queen in the Aquatic Underworld?
The Siren’s Spell
The Game of Animation and Petrification
Pygmalionesque “Girl Power”
“Looking and feeling good on my own terms”. Amal’s Hybrid Identity in Randa Abdel-Fattah’s "Does My Head Look Big in This?" (Jane Ekstam)
The Hijab, Empowerment and Hybrid Identity
Amal as an Adolescent
Wearing the Hijab
Muslims, the Quran and the Hijab
Identity and Empathy
Challenging Gender Stereotypes? The Representation of Women in Two Ecuadorian Comics (Wladimir Chávez V.)
Ecuadorian Comics: A Brief Account
Comics and Women in Ecuador – Two Stories
Female Representation – Two Visions
Sublimity of the New Mother in Gothic Film. "The Babadook" and "Goodnight Mommy" (Johanna M. Wagner)
Beyond the Good and the Bad, New Mothers in Film
New Mothers as Human
New Mothers and Subjectivity
Women and Th e Gothic
Sublimity of the New Mother
Women, Animals and Fairness. An Ecofeminist Reading of Charlotte Wood’s "The Natural Way of Things" (2015) and "Animal People" (2011) (Melanie Duckworth)
Ecofeminism, Nature and Fairness
Treating Women Like Animals
Animals, Feminism and Sexual Reproduction
Culture, Animality, and Selfhood in "The Natural Way of Things"
Helen Wells’ "Peril over the Airport" (1953). Norwegian and Swedish Translations of Gender (Marcus Axelsson)
Feminist Approaches in YA Detective Novels for Girls
"Peril over the Airport" and its Translations
Analysis of Excerpted Units
Concluding Remarks
Writing Someone Else’s Story. Entitlement and Empathy in Maxine Hong Kingston’s “No Name Woman” (Deanna Benjamin)
Entitlement and Empathy
More than the Storyteller’s Story
Silence and Story
The Stigmatized Vernacular
Tellability, in Conclusion
Female Lawyers in the Middle East after the 2011 Arab Revolts. Addressing Family Law and Domestic Violence in State Laws (Rania Maktabi)
Objectives, Theory and Method
The Rise of Female Lawyers: Figures and Features
Women’s Citizenship and Body Politics: Family Law and Criminal Law
The Politicization of Violence against Women After 2011
Absolutely happy in myself. Four Women’s Negotiations with Patriarchy (Eva Lambertsson Björk and Jutta Eschenbach)
Concluding Remarks
Being and Becoming a Woman in Lesotho. An Autoethnography of Belonging (Mathabo Khau)
The Context of Lesotho
Memory Work
Becoming a Scholar
Teaching at University
Theoretical Framing
Field, Habitus and Capital
About the Editors
About the Contributors
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This collection brings together scholars from various disciplines to ask fundamental questions concerning how women handle the manifold impediments placed before them as they simply attempt to live full human lives. The collection explores narratives of women – real and fictional – who fight against these barriers, who succumb to them, who remain unaware of them, or choose to ignore them. It explores the ways we read women in cultural production, and how women are read in society. We assert the obstacles constructed into the very fabric of societies against fifty percent of the population are unfair, be they hindrances for women to attain their goals, encumbrances that limit women’s speech and societal participation – communal and artistic – or hindrances that prohibit specific behaviors and images of women.