فهرست مطالب :
About the Editors and Contributors
Women´s Empowerment for a Sustainable Future World: Transcultural and Positive Psychology Perspectives
Part I: Personal and Structural Resources for Women´s Empowerment
Creating Women´s Empowerment Through the Constructive Mastery of Life Crises
1 Introduction
2 Life Crises and Gender
3 Life Crises and Women´s Empowerment
4 Research Methodology
4.1 Sample
4.2 Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
4.3 Ethical Considerations, Qualitative Quality Criteria and Limitations
5 Findings and Discussion
5.1 Life Crisis Experiences
5.2 Empowerment Strategies
5.2.1 Empowerment at the Micro Level
5.2.2 Empowerment at the Meso Level
5.2.3 Empowerment at the Macro Level
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Transforming Intercultural Critical Incidents of Women Into Transcultural and Transcendental Growth Experiences
1 Introduction
2 The South African Context and its Cultural and Gendered Complexity
3 Critical Incidents in Intercultural Contexts
4 Research Methodology
4.1 The Sample and Sampling
4.2 Quality Criteria and Ethical Considerations
4.3 Limitations of the Research
5 Findings
5.1 Lost in Translation in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
5.2 Respectful Greetings
5.3 Value Differences in Chinese and South African Cultures
5.4 Communication Differences in Australian and South African Cultures
6 Discussion
7 Conclusions and Recommendations
Women´s Empowerment through Intercultural Communication and Identity Development in South Africa
1 Introduction
2 Empowerment of Women in Post-Apartheid South Africa
3 Intercultural Communication and Identity Development
4 Research Methodology
5 Findings and Discussion
5.1 A Cultural Awakening
5.2 The Beginning of a New Life
5.3 Patchwork Identity Shaping Cultural Identity
6 Conclusions and Recommendations for Theory and Practice
Sense of Coherence of Institution-Confined Teenage Girls at Risk
1 Introduction
1.1 Salutogenic Theory and SOC
2 Methodology
2.1 Field of Research
2.2 Study Design, Paradigm and Participants
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis
2.4 Ethics
3 Results
3.1 Violence and Bullying Weakened the Comprehensibility Component of SOC
3.2 Frequent Crises Weakened the Manageability Component of SOC
3.3 Weakness of the Meaningfulness Component of SOC
3.4 Factors that Strengthened SOC
4 Discussion
5 Conclusions and Implications
Young Female Current and Former Service Users and Female Staff Coping with the COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of the Women´s Courty...
1 Theoretical Background
1.1 The Transition to Adulthood for Socially Excluded Females
1.2 Feminist Social Work
1.3 The Research Context: The Women´s Courtyards: An Alternative Critically-Oriented Service
2 The Research Method
3 Findings
3.1 The Courtyard´s Significant Role for the Young Women
3.1.1 ``I Really Believe that Loneliness is Above all Else´´: Solitude
3.1.2 ``The Situation Is Much, Much Worse´´: Financial Pressure and Domestic Violence
3.1.3 ``Sometimes This Is the Only Place in the World (For Them)´´: A Safe Space to Go
3.2 The Difficulty in Operating the Courtyard as a Special Space
3.2.1 ``Capsules are so Unsuitable to the Courtyard!´´
3.2.2 ``As if Everything Stopped Breathing´´: A Double Emergency
3.2.3 Dilemmas Concerning Availability for the Courtyard´s Young Women
3.2.4 ``Cases were Being Handed down to us left Right and Centre´´: Organizational Level Challenges
3.3 The Courtyards´ Strengths Emphasized During the First Wave of the Pandemic
3.3.1 ``We are Used to Working in Extreme Conditions all the Time´´
3.3.2 ``The Haifa Network Managed by `K´ Is Truly Significant and Big and Powerful´´
4 Discussion
Implementing a Strengths and Competencies Based Wellness Program for Mothers Living in a South African High-Risk Community
1 Introduction
1.1 Theoretical Underpinnings
2 The Power Moms Wellness Program (PMWP)
2.1 PMWP and Functional Strategies
2.1.1 Structure of PMWP Content
2.2 Descriptive Content of the Wellness Program and Structured Sessions
2.2.1 Program Aims and Outcomes
2.2.2 Manualisation of Program Procedures
3 General Discussion
4 Conclusion
Psychological Perspectives on Financial Empowerment of BIPOC/Non-WEIRD Women
1 Introduction
2 Women in the Labour Force
3 Gender Wage Gap
4 Women-Led Households
5 Beyond Microfinancing
6 Beyond Financial Literacy
7 Introduction to Financial Psychology
8 Culture Plays a Role
9 Conclusion
``Women Can´t Manage Farms´´: Empowerment of Women in Agriculture
1 Introduction
2 The Concept of Empowerment
3 Gender Inequality in Agriculture
4 Gender and Agriculture: It´s Complicated
5 Ineffective or Unsuitable Interventions
6 What Empowers Women Farmers and Under What Conditions?
7 The Complicated Case of Women and Coffee in Guatemala
8 Impact of Women´s Empowerment in Agriculture
9 Future Directions
10 Conclusion
Indian Women and Empowerment: A Kleinian Approach
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Problem
2 Method
2.1 Qualitative Approach and Research Paradigm
2.2 Context
2.3 Sample Strategy
2.4 Data Collection Methods
2.5 Ethical Issues
2.6 Interview Schedule
2.7 Research Objective
2.8 Data Synthesis
3 Synthesis and Interpretation
3.1 Case Presentation
3.1.1 Belief in the Need for Empowerment of Self
3.1.2 Conflict with Societal Expectations
3.1.3 Endorsing Benevolent Sexism
3.1.4 Centrality of Family and Mothering
3.1.5 Exhaustive Nature of Work-Family Struggles
3.1.6 Conflicted Sense of Self
3.2 Summary and Conclusion
3.3 Limitations and Future Directions
Ubuntu: A Strategy for Empowering Rural Women and Transforming Lives Through Food Security Projects
1 Introduction and Background
2 Sustainable Development in Communities
3 Women Empowerment and Food Security
4 Theoretical Framework
5 Methodology
6 Results and Discussions
7 Conclusion
8 Recommendations
Part II: Women´s Empowerment Through Education
``Challenge Accepted and Mastered´´: Empowerment of Women Through Formal Education
1 Introduction
2 Empowerment
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
3.2 Sample
3.3 Limitations
4 Findings
4.1 Resources
4.1.1 Use of Conducive Factors as Resources
4.1.2 Overcoming and Transforming Hindering Factors as Resources
4.2 Empowerment Through Agency
4.2.1 Supporting Empowerment Through Narratives
4.3 Relevant Capabilities and Strategic Choices of Women that Enable Empowerment Through Education
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Need for Future Research
Empowering Female Offenders: A Model and Framework for Practice
1 Introduction
2 Characteristics of Female Offenders
2.1 Child Abuse and Neglect
2.2 Substance Use Disorders
2.3 Mental Health Disorders
3 A Conceptual Model of Empowerment for Female Offenders
4 Clinical Implications
5 Conclusions and Future Directions
The Quest for Women´s Empowerment Through Collaboration and a Humanising Pedagogy: A Perspective from the Global South
1 Introduction and the Theoretical Framework
2 Women Empowerment in the Global South
3 Women Empowerment in the Faculty of Education at Nelson Mandela University
4 A Collaborative Methodology
5 Discussion of Findings
5.1 A Mutual Understanding of Women Empowerment
5.2 Women Empowerment Practices Linked to Humanising Pedagogy
6 Recommendations and Possible Future Research
7 Conclusion
Trickle-Down Effect of Upbringing Conditions on Women Empowerment: A Study of Rural India
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review and Objective
3 Research Design
4 Data Analysis and Results
5 Training and Capacity Building Workshop
5.1 Training Need Analysis
5.2 Designing the Training Program
5.3 Conducting the Training Program
5.4 Follow-up of the Training Workshop
6 Discussion and Conclusion
The Voice of Women in Higher Education: Current Perspectives of Students in Germany, Japan and Taiwan. A Contrastive Analysis ...
1 Introduction
2 Methodological Approach
2.1 Short Description of the Online Survey
2.2 Short Description of the Interviews
3 Women in Higher Education and Society: Status Quo
3.1 Germany
3.2 Japan
3.3 Taiwan
4 Women in Education and Society
4.1 Overall Survey Results
4.2 Survey Data Results
4.3 Expert Interview Results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Stepping Stones to Empowerment for International STEM Students in Japan
1 Introduction
2 Method
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Social, Political and Cultural Backgrounds of Participants
3.2 Boundaryless Careers
3.3 Gender Discrimination
3.4 Role Models
3.5 Religion
4 Conclusion
Part III: Women Empowerment in the Workplace
Remote Working as a Source of Women´s Leadership and Empowerment
1 Introduction
2 Remote Working
3 Empowering Women
4 Research Methodology
4.1 Sample
4.2 Data Collection, Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting
4.3 Quality Criteria, Ethical Considerations and Limitations
5 Findings and Discussion
5.1 Empowerment Through De-hierarchisation and Democratisation
5.2 Empowerment Through Cultural Change
5.3 Empowerment Through a Changed Connection Between Work and Life
5.4 Empowerment Through Overcoming and Transforming Crises
5.5 Empowerment and Sustainability
5.6 Individual Empowerment Experience and Leadership
6 Conclusion and Recommendations
A Predictive Model of Women´s Work Engagement
1 Introduction
1.1 Contribution
2 Conceptualising the Predictors of Women´s Work Engagement
2.1 Work Engagement
2.2 Work-Family Culture (Support)
2.3 Positive Work-Home Interaction and Positive Home-Work Interaction
2.4 Psychological Availability
3 Study´s Sample
4 Measuring the Predictors of Women´s Work Engagement
5 Results
5.1 Daily Psychological Availability on Daily Work Engagement
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
7.1 Limitations
7.1.1 Recommendations for Future Research
Towards Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Workplace: A Gender Perspective on Advancing Transformation in South Africa
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Literature Review
3.1 Pregnancy and Maternity
3.2 Sexual Harassment
3.3 Work-Life Balance
4 Findings
4.1 Maternity as a Barrier to Development
4.2 Sexual Harassment as an Oppressive Force
4.3 Societal Roles as Barriers
5 Conclusions
6 Recommendations for Employers
6.1 Encouraging Policies That Promote Equity
6.2 Practices Promoting Gender Equality
7 Recommendations for Future Research
8 Limitations of the Study
Enhancing Psychological Capital and Career Development of Female Employees in South Korea: Focusing on Gender Diversity and In...
1 Study Background
1.1 Gender-Diversity and Inclusion Management and Its Significance in Korea
1.2 Organizational Factors Affecting Female Employees´ Psychological Capital
2 Research Method and Measures
2.1 Data Collection
2.2 Measures
3 Results
4 Discussion
4.1 Theoretical and Practical Implications
4.2 Limitations and Future Research Directions
5 Conclusion
South African Women Academics Navigating to the Top: A Positive Psychology 2.0 Perspective
1 Introduction
2 Women´s Experiences of Career Progression in South African Higher Education
3 Positive Psychology 2.0
4 Intersectional Theory
5 Research Methods
6 Findings
6.1 I Was/Am Challenged
6.2 I Am Able
6.3 I Am Not Alone
6.4 I Want Better for Others
7 Discussion
8 Conclusion and Recommendations
Empowerment of Women Leaders in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Objective of the Chapter
2 Literature Review
2.1 Key Theoretical Concepts
2.1.1 Leadership for the 4IR
2.1.2 Women Leadership for the 4IR
3 Method
3.1 Study Design
3.2 Study Eligibility Criteria
3.3 Data Analysis
3.4 Strategies Used to Ensure Data Quality
4 Discussion and Practical Implications
4.1 Empowerment of Women Leaders in the 4IR
4.2 4IR-Intelligence for Women Leaders
4.2.1 Strategic Intelligence
4.2.2 Emotional Intelligence
4.2.3 Inspired Intelligence
4.2.4 Somatic Intelligence
4.3 Practical Recommendations for Empowerment of Women Leaders in the 4IR
5 Conclusion
Wisdom Lies in the Eye of the Perceiver: Tracking the Architecture of Perceptual Leadership Wisdom
1 Introduction
2 Perceptual Leadership Wisdom: A Culturalized, Profession-Specific and Gender-Sensitive Kind of Wisdom
3 Designing a Perceptuo-Cognitive Experimental Pilot
4 Conclusion
Female Representation in Technical Roles Within the Performing Arts Industry
1 Introduction and Background
2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 The Feminist Theory
3 Methodology
3.1 Sampling
3.2 Data Collection
4 Data Analysis
4.1 Ethics and Authorisation
4.1.1 Findings
4.2 Theme 1: Unequal Representation
4.2.1 Sub-theme: Fewer Females in Technical Roles and in Managerial Positions in the Technical Business Unit
4.2.2 Sub-theme: History of the Industry and Stagecraft
4.2.3 Sub-theme: Legislation Supporting Female Representation
4.2.4 Sub-theme: Male Attitudes Towards Females
4.2.5 Sub-theme: Male Language Behind the Scenes
4.3 Theme 2: Leadership
4.3.1 Sub-theme: Leadership Influence
4.3.2 Sub-theme: The Need for Female Leadership in the Technical Business Unit
4.4 Theme 3: Career Trajectory and Growth
4.4.1 Sub-theme: Perception and Lack of Knowledge of Stagecraft as a Career
4.4.2 Sub-theme: Limited Career Growth
4.4.3 Sub-theme: Lack of Female Role Models
4.4.4 Sub-theme: Perceived Salary Inequalities
4.5 Theme 4: The Impact of COVID-19
4.5.1 Sub-theme: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
5 Discussion
5.1 Unequal Representation
5.2 Leadership
5.3 Career Trajectory and Growth
5.4 The Impact of COVID-19
6 Recommendations of the Study
6.1 Recommendations for Future Policy
6.2 Recommendations for Future Research
7 Conclusion
The Experiences of Women in Academic Leadership Positions in Cross-cultural Contexts in South Africa
1 Introduction
2 Challenges to Women Ascending into Leadership Roles in Academe
2.1 Institutional Bias
2.2 Woman Leaders and Family Responsibility
2.3 Women Academic Leaders and Well-being
3 Leadership Styles and Theories
3.1 Leadership Theories
3.1.1 Trait Theories
3.1.2 Behavioural Theories
3.1.3 Contingency Theories
3.1.4 Transformational Theories
3.2 Leadership Styles
3.2.1 Authoritarian/Autocratic Leadership
3.2.2 Participative Leadership
3.2.3 Transactional Leadership
3.2.4 Transformational Leadership
3.2.5 Laissez-Faire (Delegative) Leadership
3.2.6 Charismatic Leadership
3.2.7 Eclectic Leadership
4 Research Method for the Preliminary Study
4.1 Participants and Setting
4.2 Research design
4.3 Instruments
4.4 Sampling Technique
4.5 Research Questions
4.5.1 Objectives
4.6 Process
4.7 Data Analysis
5 Results of the Study, Analysis, and Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Recommendations
7.1 Need for Future Research
Women Leadership in the Transcontinental Country: A Study in Turkey
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Method
4 Findings
4.1 Challenges at the Societal Level
4.1.1 Cultural Constraints on Women´s Choices
4.1.2 Gender Stereotypes
4.1.3 Leadership Perceptions
4.1.4 Welfare State Implications
4.2 Challenges at the Organizational Level
4.2.1 Religious Identity
4.2.2 Male-dominated Organizational Culture
4.2.3 Lack of Mentorship and Networks
4.2.4 Contradiction in Positive Discrimination Implications (CPDI)
4.3 Strategies at the Societal Level
4.4 Strategies at the Organizational Level
5 Discussion
6 Implications
6.1 Societal Level
6.2 Organizational Level
7 Limitations and Future Study
8 Conclusion
Women Struggling and Thriving in Higher Education: Exploring the Experiences of Women Researchers Through Social Dream Drawing
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Orientation
3 Methodology
4 Research Procedure and Methods
5 Findings
5.1 Research as a Nurturing Endeavour
5.2 Research Excellence as a Gendered Endeavour
5.3 Research as an Expression of Appropriate Competition
5.4 Authentic Connections
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
Empowerment of Unemployed Women in Low Income Communities: A Wellness Perspective-Women Self-reliance for Sustainable Tomorrow...
1 Introduction
2 Problem Statement
2.1 Challenges of Unemployed Women
2.2 Growing the Township Economy
2.3 Skills That Are Relevant for Women Empowerment
2.4 Theoretical Framework
3 Methodology
3.1 Phase 1 of the Study
3.1.1 Data Collection
3.1.2 Data Analysis
3.2 Phase 2 of the Study
3.2.1 Procedure
3.3 Discussion of Findings
4 Recommendations
5 Conclusion
6 Limitations of the Study
Perspectives on Leadership and Management Challenges Facing Women Leaders in Rural Secondary Schools
1 Introduction and Background
2 Statement to the Study Problem
3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Radical Feminism and Its Application to Female School Leadership Challenges
3.2 Liberal Feminism and Its Application to Leadership Challenges in Schools
4 Literature Review
4.1 Barriers Hindering Women from Attaining Principal-Ship Position
4.2 Internal Factors Based on Family Attachments
5 Research Paradigm, Design and Methodology
5.1 Population and Sampling Procedure
5.2 Data Collection Process
5.3 Data Analysis
6 Discussion of the Findings
6.1 Female School Leadership Challenges in the South African Rural Schools
6.2 Gender Biases in School Leadership and Management in Rural South African Schools
6.3 Gender Role Stereotypes and Their Influence on School Discipline
6.4 Lack of Assertiveness in Female School Management
7 Recommendations
8 Conclusion
Part IV: Body and Sexuality as Resources for Women´s Empowerment
Women´s Sexual Health and Reproductive Rights as an Empowerment Strategy Towards Sustainable Futures in Sub-Saharan Africa
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Theoretical Framing
4 Methodology
5 Data Analysis, Extraction, and Management
6 Findings and Discussion
6.1 Constructions of Young Women´s Sexual Health and Reproductive Rights
6.2 Positioning of CSE in Promoting Young Women´s Rights to Healthy Sexual Lives
7 Conclusion
The Sexual Experience of Middle-Aged Married Women: Perceptions, Challenges and Course of Action
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Approaches to Female Sexuality in the Modern Age
2.1 Sexual Desire, Sexual Need and Everything in Between
3 Method
3.1 The Study Population
3.1.1 Research Tools
3.1.2 Procedure
4 Findings
4.1 Challenges with Sexual Aspects and Ways to Deal with Them
4.1.1 Deficiencies and Divergences in Prolonged Sexuality
4.1.2 Sexuality, Mental Well-Being and Female Empowerment
5 Discussion
5.1 Summary and Practical Conclusions
5.2 Research Limitations and Recommendations for Further Research
Lived Menstrual Experiences of Blind Menstruators: Empowering Blind Menstruators for Sustainable Development
1 Introduction
2 Rationale
3 Method
4 Data Collection
4.1 Interview Design: Semi-structured Interview
4.2 Interview Process: Individual In-Depth Interview
4.3 Interview Technique: Open Ended Questions
5 Data Analysis: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis-Steps of Data Analysis
5.1 Step 1: Reading and Rereading
5.2 Step 2: Initial Noting
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
8 Recommendations
9 Limitations
10 Implications
Between Forcefully Surrendering and Willingly Submitting: Implementing the 12-Step Programme in Treating Women Suffering from ...
1 Introduction
2 Spiritual Victimology
3 12-Step
4 Method
5 First Step: Admitting Powerlessness
6 Second Step: Accepting the Help of Another
7 Third Step: Submission to God
8 Discussion
Appendix: The 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous
Part V: Women´s Empowerment in Minority Contexts
Experiences of Being a Muslim Hijab-Wearing Woman in Estonia: Personal Stories from Immigrant and Local Women
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
3 Methodological Background
4 Findings
4.1 Interaction with the Locals in Estonia
4.2 Sense of Belonging
4.3 Challenges in Adaptation
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Empowering Widows in Low-Resourced Communities: Rethinking Multidisciplinary Interventions for Widowed Women in Low-Resourced ...
1 Introduction
2 The Challenges Experienced by Widows
2.1 The Strengths-Based Perspective and Widowhood
2.2 Empowerment Strategies from a Strength-Based Perspective
3 Multidisciplinary Interventions for the Challenges Experienced by Widows
3.1 Methods and Instruments
3.2 Summary of Findings
3.2.1 Findings from the Widows
3.2.2 Findings from the Social Service Providers
3.2.3 Discussion of the Findings
4 The Social Work Integrative Basic Care Model
5 Conclusions
6 Recommendations
Toward Autonomy and Empowerment: An Examination of Identity Amongst Iranian Migrant Women in Canada
1 Introduction
1.1 Patriarchy & Formation of Powerless Self-images
1.2 Immigration & Changes in Self-image
2 Methodology
2.1 Selection of Cases
2.2 Procedure
2.3 Data Analysis
3 Findings & Discussion
3.1 Case Illustration: Sima, 38 Years Old, Married, Migrated to Canada in 2017
3.1.1 Taking the Control of My Life: Agency and Control Over Decision Making
3.2 Case Illustration: Sarah, 31 Years Old, Married, Migrated to Canada in 2014
3.2.1 Suffocated by My Father´s Restraints: From Independence Toward Autonomy
3.2.2 Gender Role Conflicts in a Married Couple
Who Is the ``Breadwinner?
3.3 Case Illustration: Mary, 29 Years Old, Single, Migrated to Canada in 2017
3.3.1 From a Spoiled Girl to a Mature Woman: Separation from the Overprotective Mother
3.4 Case Illustration: Raha, 38 Years Old, Married, Migrated to Canada in 2020
3.4.1 Am I a Bad Mother?
4 Conclusion
Part VI: Women´s Empowerment from a Gender Perspective
Vignettes of Equality, Wellbeing and Teaching
1 Introduction
2 Eudaimonic Wellbeing
3 Background to the Teach4Reach Project
4 Methodology
4.1 Research Approach
4.2 Aim of the Chapter
4.3 Context of the Webinar
4.4 Vignette Research
5 Findings
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
Using Position of Power to Empower Women: Men in Action
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 The Current State of Gender Equality in Japanese Society
2.2 The Role of Men in Women´s Empowerment
3 Method
3.1 Participants
3.2 Positionality Statement
3.3 Interview Protocol
3.4 Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Leadership Through the Lens of Men
4.2 Participants as Inclusive Male Leaders
4.3 Men´s Experiences Working with Female Leaders
4.4 Women´s Empowerment
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Media Contagion Suicides Among Married Women of India: Rethinking Women´s Empowerment Practices in India
1 Introduction
2 Implications of Behavioral Contagion
3 Incidence of Suicide Among Women in Kerala
4 Domestic Violence as One of the Major Reasons for Suicide Among Women
4.1 Domestic Violence and Its Social Consequences
5 Conceptualizing Women´s Empowerment
5.1 Women´s Empowerment: Existing Practices in India
6 Need for Redefining the Parameters
7 Self-empowerment and Empowering Others
8 A `PPP´: Positive Psychological Perspective on Women´s Empowerment
9 Conclusion
10 Need for Future Research
Psychological Empowerment and Intention to Quit: Is There a Difference Between Female and Male Employees?
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Psychological Empowerment
2.2 Psychological Empowerment and Gender
2.3 Intentions to Quit
2.4 Psychological Empowerment, Intentions to Quit, and Gender
3 Methods
3.1 Participants and Procedure
3.2 Instrument Design and Measurement
4 Analyses and Results
4.1 Pre-testing
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
5 Discussion and Conclusions
5.1 Practical Implications
5.2 Limitations and Future Research
How Language Use Can Empower Women: The Discourse on Gender-Equitable Language in Germany
1 Introduction
2 Methodology: Discourse Analysis
3 Gender Inequality in Germany
4 Gender Designations in German
5 The Beginning: Feminist Linguistics and the First Changes
6 The Development During the Twenty-Tens
7 Linguistic Solutions
8 Language Change and New Standards
9 Recent Developments
10 Empirical Studies
11 Conclusion
12 Needs for Future Research and Practice
Part VII: Women´s Empowerment: Examples of Outstanding Women
Remote Counselling from a Positive Psychology Perspective During Covid-19
1 Introduction
2 Beyond WEIRD Contexts in South Africa
3 Selected Positive Psychology Interventions in Counseling
3.1 Meaning-Making in Counselling from a Positive Psychology Perspective
3.2 Symbol Work Through Active Imagination
4 Research Methodology
4.1 Research Design, Paradigm and Approach
4.2 Sampling and Sample
4.3 Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
4.4 Quality Criteria and Research Ethics
5 Presenting the Case Study Findings and Discussion
5.1 Positive Perspectives in Meaning-Making
5.2 Working with Symbols
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Role of Social Capital in Career Development: Empowering a Japanese Woman to Become an Executive at an International Company
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Research
3.1 Research Paradigm and Approach
3.2 Research Methodology
3.3 Participants of the Study
3.4 Procedures
3.5 Ethical Approach
4 Findings
4.1 Summary and TEM of Yumi´s Career Path
4.2 TEM
5 Analysis
5.1 SG (Social Guidance) and SD (Social Direction)
5.2 Passion for Mastering English
5.3 Yumi´s Husband´s Overseas Experience
5.4 Job Offer and Connection from Her Network
5.5 Supervisor´s Support and Her Own Mother´s Support
6 Conclusion
Appreciating Women in Leadership
1 Introduction
2 Women in Leadership Within the South African Context
2.1 The Role of Women in Leadership Positions
2.2 The Influence of Women in Leadership Positions in Society
2.3 Challenges Faced by Women in Leadership Positions
2.4 Support Provided to Advance Women in Leadership Roles
3 Case Studies
3.1 Case Study 1: Devi Sankaree Govender, Television Investigative Journalist
3.2 Case Study 2: Bridgitte Ellen Hartley, South African Olympic Medalist
3.3 Case Study 3: Nomalanga Anastacia Ngwenya, Manager Monitoring and Evaluation uThukela District Municipality
3.4 Case Study 4: Duduzile Patience Mazibuko, CEO uThukela Development Agency
3.5 Case Study 5: Nothile Ernel Tshabalala, Deputy Mayor oKhahlamba District Municipality
4 Methodology
4.1 Themes Generated from the Interviews
4.1.1 Theme 1: Existence of Personal Strengths Advancing Leadership Position
4.1.2 Theme 2: Impact of Diverse Character Traits on Leadership Styles
4.1.3 Theme 3: Strategies to Enhance Females to Leadership Positions in Organisations
4.1.4 Theme 4: Challenges Experienced by Female Leaders in Leadership Spaces
4.1.5 Theme 5: The Concept of Women Leadership in Leadership Spaces
5 Conclusion
Activism, Advocacy, and Rebellion: Arab Women Through the Work of Nawal El Saadawi
1 Introduction
2 Egyptian Feminisim
3 Empowerment, Education & Social Justice
4 Conclusion