فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 0
Contents......Page 6
List of Tables......Page 10
List of Figures......Page 13
Preface......Page 14
1.0 Introduction: neogrammarian vs. lexically diffused......Page 16
1.1 Labov's treatment of lexical diffusion......Page 22
1.1.1 Labov's complementary distribution of regular vs. lexically diffused changes......Page 26
1.1.2 A central puzzle: Æ-tensing in Northern cities......Page 28
1.2 Optimality Theory and word frequency......Page 33
1.3 Usage-based phonology and word frequency......Page 37
1.4 Actuation versus implementation......Page 41
1.5 Conclusion and preview......Page 43
2.0 Introduction......Page 46
2.1 Diatonic pairs in English: the least frequent words changing first......Page 49
2.2 Other product-oriented schemas......Page 54
2.3 Stress shift in -ate verbs: a case of the most frequent words changing first......Page 56
2.4 The role of lexical analysis......Page 61
2.5 Word frequency and the Rhythm Rule......Page 64
2.6 Forms in -ate versus -ator......Page 67
2.7 Motivation, actuation, implementation......Page 70
3.0 Introduction......Page 72
3.1.1 Vowel reductions and deletions......Page 73
3.1.2 Consonant reductions and deletions......Page 78
3.1.3 Assimilations......Page 82
3.1.4 Vowel shifts......Page 86
3.1.5 Summary......Page 90
3.2.1 Glide deletion in Southern American English......Page 91
3.2.2 Other consonant deletions/reductions......Page 96
3.2.3 Middle English unrounding of /ø(:)/......Page 99
3.2.4 Old English lengthening before -ld, - nd, etc.......Page 102
3.3 Conclusion......Page 108
4.0 Introduction......Page 111
4.1 Function words......Page 117
4.1.1 Function words changing first and most frequent words first......Page 118
4.1.2 Function words changing first but most frequent words last......Page 119
4.1.3 Function words changing last but most frequent words first......Page 123
4.1.4 Function words changing last and most frequent words last......Page 124
4.2 Other word class effects......Page 127
4.3 Frequency effects within word classes......Page 131
4.4 Conclusion......Page 138
5.0 Introduction......Page 139
5.1 Lexical diffusion and analogy......Page 140
5.2 Lexical diffusion and borrowing......Page 143
5.2.1 Borrowings which affect the least frequent words first......Page 150
5.2.2 Borrowings which affect the most frequent words first......Page 157
5.2.3 Phonetic discreteness vs. gradualness in borrowed changes......Page 170
5.3 Conclusion......Page 172
6.0 Introduction......Page 173
6.1 Lexical diffusion as a guide to scribal intent......Page 174
6.2 The Peterborough Chronicle diphthongs......Page 180
6.3 Lexical diffusion and competing analyses of sound change......Page 187
6.3.2 Evidence......Page 188
6.3.3 Explanations......Page 190
6.3.5 Görlach's hypothesis......Page 191
6.3.6 An alternative explanation......Page 192
6.3.7 Conclusion to /u:/ laxing......Page 194
6.4 General conclusion......Page 195
7.0 Introduction......Page 196
7.1 Apparent time effects......Page 197
7.2 Child language......Page 198
7.3 Age of acquisition......Page 201
7.4 Discourse strategies......Page 203
7.5 "Neogrammarian" change as rapid dispersion through the lexicon......Page 206
7.6 Conclusion......Page 211
Appendix A Stress Patterns and the Suffix -ate......Page 212
Appendix B Prenasal /a/-Raising in the Old English Pastoral Care......Page 215
Appendix C Unrounding of OE Long and Short /ø(:)/ in the Ormulum......Page 218
Appendix D Vowel Lengthening before Voiced Homorganic Consonant Clusters in the Ormulum......Page 220
Appendix E Spellings in <
> versus <> before Nasals in the Pastoral Care......Page 224