توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
بررسی اجمالی
تقاضا برای برنامه های تلفن همراه در پلتفرم های اندروید، iOS و ویندوز اغلب توسعه دهندگانی را که به دات نت و سی شارپ عادت کرده اند در تنگنا قرار می دهد. شکاف بین سیستم عامل های پلت فرم، زبان های برنامه نویسی و دستگاه ها یک مانع بزرگ است. در حالت ایدهآل، این توسعهدهندگان میتوانند از مهارتها و دانش موجود خود برای ساخت برنامههای تلفن همراه بومی استفاده کنند. زامارین. فرم ها این امکان را فراهم می کند. در Xamarin.Forms Succinctly by Alessandro Del Sole، خواهید آموخت که چگونه Xamarin.Forms به توسعه دهندگان اجازه می دهد تا از طریق یک پایگاه کد C# از طریق استفاده از کانتینرها، کنترل ها، ناوبری، اتصال داده ها، API های بومی، برنامه هایی را برای Android، iOS و Windows بسازند. و بیشتر. این نسخه چهارم ویژگیهای اضافهشده در Xamarin.Forms نسخههای 3.5 تا 5.0، ویرایشگر کد XAML، ابزارهایی برای توسعه برنامههای iOS و استفاده از کنترلهای بومی Android و iOS بدون نوشتن APIهای سفارشی را پوشش میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents
The Story Behind the Succinctly Series of Books
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Note on the Fourth Edition
About the Author
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Xamarin.Forms
Introducing Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms
Supported platforms
Setting up the development environment
Configuring a Mac
Creating Xamarin.Forms solutions
The Xamarin.Forms library
The Xamarin.Android project
The Xamarin.iOS project
Automatic iOS provisioning
Remote Xamarin.iOS update
The Universal Windows Platform project
Debugging and testing applications locally
Setting up the iOS Simulator
Running apps on physical devices
Analyzing and profiling applications
Chapter summary
Chapter 2 Sharing Code Among Platforms
Sharing code with .NET Standard
.NET Standard with Xamarin.Forms
Adding .NET Standard libraries
Chapter summary
Chapter 3 Building the User Interface with XAML
The structure of the user interface in Xamarin.Forms
Coding the user interface in C#
The modern way: Designing the user interface with XAML
Productivity features for XAML IntelliSense
Fuzzy matching and linting
Light bulb: Quick actions and refactorings
Go To Definition and Peek Definition
Responding to events
Understanding type converters
Xamarin.Forms Previewer
Xamarin.Forms Hot Reload
Introducing C# Markup
Chapter summary
Chapter 4 Organizing the UI with Layouts
Understanding the concept of layout
Alignment and spacing options
The StackLayout
The FlexLayout
The Grid
Spacing and proportions for rows and columns
Introducing spans
The AbsoluteLayout
The RelativeLayout
The ScrollView
The Frame
The ContentView
Styling the user interface with CSS
Defining CSS styles as a XAML resource
Consuming CSS files in XAML
Consuming CSS styles in C# code
Chapter summary
Chapter 5 Xamarin.Forms Common Controls
Understanding the concept of view
Views’ common properties
Introducing common views
User input with the Button
Working with text: Label, Entry, and Editor
Formatted strings and bindable spans
Managing fonts
Using custom fonts
Working with dates and time: DatePicker and TimePicker
Displaying HTML contents with WebView
App Transport Security in iOS
Implementing value selection: Switch, Slider, Stepper
Introducing the SearchBar
Long-running operations: ActivityIndicator and ProgressBar
Working with images
Playing audio and videos
Introducing gesture recognizers
Displaying alerts
Introducing the Visual State Manager
Chapter summary
Chapter 6 Pages and Navigation
Introducing and creating pages
Single views with the ContentPage
Splitting contents with the FlyoutPage
Displaying content within tabs with the TabbedPage
Swiping pages with the CarouselPage
Navigating among pages
Passing objects between pages
Animating transitions between pages
Managing the page lifecycle
Handling the hardware Back button
Simplified app architecture: the Shell
Structure of the Shell
Implementing the flyout menu
Implementing the tab bar
Implementing the flyout with tab bar
Adding the search bar
Styling the Shell
Chapter summary
Chapter 7 Resources and Data Binding
Working with resources
Declaring resources
Introducing styles
Style inheritance
Implicit styling
Working with data binding
IntelliSense support for data binding and resources
Bindable spans
Working with collections
Working with the TableView
Showing and selecting values with the Picker view
Binding images
Introducing value converters
Displaying lists with the CollectionView
Scrolling lists with the CarouselView
Introducing the IndicatorView
Introducing Model-View-ViewModel
Implementing pull-to-refresh: The RefreshView
Chapter summary
Chapter 8 Brushes and Shapes
Understanding brushes
Solid colors with SolidColorBrush
Linear gradients with LinearGradientBrush
Circular gradients with RadialGradientBrush
Drawing shapes
Drawing ellipses and circles
Drawing rectangles
Drawing lines
Drawing polygons
Drawing complex shapes with the Polyline
Hints about Geometries and Paths
Chapter summary
Chapter 9 Accessing Platform-Specific APIs
The Device class and the OnPlatform method
Device-based localization
Working with the dependency service
Wrapping native APIs: Xamarin.Essentials
Checking the network connection status
Opening URIs
Sending SMS messages
Handling exceptions
More Xamarin.Essentials
Working with native views
Embedding native views in XAML
Working with custom renderers
Hints for effects
Introducing platform-specifics
Chapter summary
Chapter 10 Managing the App Lifecycle
Introducing the App class
Managing the app lifecycle
Sending and receiving messages
Chapter summary
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The demand for mobile applications across Android, iOS, and Windows platforms often puts developers accustomed to .NET and C# in a bind. The gap between platform operating systems, programming languages, and devices is an immense obstacle. Ideally, these developers would be able use their existing skills and knowledge to build native mobile apps. Xamarin. Forms makes this possible. In Xamarin.Forms Succinctly by Alessandro Del Sole, you will learn how Xamarin.Forms allows developers to build apps for Android, iOS, and Windows from a single C# codebase through the use of containers, controls, navigation, data binding, native APIs, and more. This fourth edition covers features added in Xamarin.Forms versions 3.5 through 5.0, the XAML code editor, tools for developing iOS applications, and using native Android and iOS controls without writing custom APIs.