توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
بیاموزید که چگونه از یک پایگاه کد مشترک برنامههای تلفن همراه چند پلتفرمی بسازید. ویژگیهای کلیدی ● جنبههای اساسی و پیشرفته توسعه تلفن همراه چند پلتفرمی را پوشش میدهد ● برای ایجاد سریعتر برنامههای بومی مدرن، اصول داتنت و سی شارپ را مجدداً مرور کنید. نکات و توصیهها را بررسی کنید. برای شروع بهعنوان یک توسعهدهنده موفق موبایل توضیحات برای هر توسعهدهنده تلفن همراه، واضح است که دانش Xamarin به لطف معرفی مجدد .NET MAUI حیاتی است. این کتاب تجربه عملی کاملی را در طراحی اپلیکیشن های موبایلی چند پلتفرمی با Xamarin، C# و .NET در اختیار خواننده قرار می دهد. این کتاب در مورد اهمیت توسعه اپلیکیشن موبایل بین پلتفرمی و مزایای یادگیری Xamarin بحث میکند. این کتاب یک درس سریع در C# و Visual Studio ارائه می دهد تا تمام دانش به دست آمده در این کتاب را در اولین برنامه تلفن همراه شما پیاده سازی کند. در نیمه دوم کتاب، یاد خواهید گرفت که با استفاده از Xamarin از صفر شروع کنید و برنامه های موبایل را در سی شارپ ایجاد کنید. نحوه استفاده از ویژوال استودیو به عنوان محیط توسعه، طراحی رابط کاربری با استفاده از زبان نشانه گذاری XAML، سازماندهی کنترل های رایج در طرح بندی، و ایجاد برنامه های چند صفحه ای با پیمایش و صفحات مختلف را توضیح می دهد. این شامل ایجاد منابع قابل استفاده مجدد، مانند سبک ها و قالب ها، و استفاده از پایگاه های داده محلی و راه دور برای دستکاری داده ها است. علاوه بر این، این کتاب توصیههای تخصصی در مورد الزامات یک برنامه تلفن همراه استاندارد، مانند مدیریت اتصال به شبکه، سطح باتری، و حفاظت از دادهها در فضای ذخیرهسازی ایمن دستگاه ارائه میدهد. آنچه خواهید آموخت ● همه جنبه های Xamarin را برای ایجاد برنامه های کاربردی تلفن همراه چند پلتفرمی بیاموزید. ● مهارتهای داتنت، سی شارپ، و ویژوال استودیو را که برای توسعه موبایل لازم است، بهروزرسانی کنید. ● ایجاد رابط کاربری با XAML، نماها، و طرحبندیها، از جمله پیمایش. ● از منابع قابل استفاده مجدد، کدگذاری داده محور، پشتیبانی چند رسانه ای و کد اشکال زدایی استفاده کنید. ● الگوهای برنامه نویسی پیشرفته و راه های بهبود عملکرد را بررسی کنید. ● نکات و پاسخ هایی که به شما کمک می کند به عنوان یک توسعه دهنده تلفن همراه شغلی پیدا کنید. این کتاب برای چه کسی است. این کتاب همچنین دانش شما را از دات نت و سی شارپ تازه می کند تا بتوانید توسعه Xamarin را به سرعت شروع کنید. فهرست مطالب 1. اهمیت توسعه اپلیکیشن موبایل 2. Xamarin و مایکروسافت در بازار اپلیکیشن موبایل 3. معرفی دات نت و ویژوال استودیو 4. زبان برنامه نویسی سی شارپ 5. ساخت اپلیکیشن با Xamarin و Xamarin. فرم ها 6. سازماندهی کاربر رابط با چیدمان ها 7. درک نماهای رایج 8. صفحات و پیمایش 9. منابع و اتصال داده ها 10. براش ها، شکل ها و رسانه ها 11. مدیریت چرخه حیات برنامه 12. کار با Web API 13. کار با Native API 14. یافتن کار 15. موفقیت به عنوان یک توسعه دهنده اپلیکیشن موبایل
فهرست مطالب :
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Dedication Page
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Table of Contents
1. The Importance of Mobile App Development
The importance of mobile app development
Mobile devices and applications
A brief history of modern mobile devices
Mobile devices for everyone
Mobile devices everywhere
The importance of mobile apps for companies
Career opportunities with mobile app development
Making money with mobile app development
Summarizing how a mobile system works
The importance of a cross-platform approach
Limitations of cross-platform code
Application size and performance
Understanding native applications
Demystifying application performance issues
Staying up to date with new devices and platforms
Getting updates from Apple
Getting updates from Google
Getting news from Microsoft
Points to remember
2. Xamarin and Microsoft in the Mobile App Market
Xamarin as the app development framework
Mobile App Development with Microsoft Skills
Xamarin as a company
Introducing the mono project
The transition to Xamarin
Microsoft in the mobile app ecosystem
The importance of Microsoft investments on Xamarin
Improved productivity with Microsoft tools and services
Understanding Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms
Advantages of Xamarin.Forms
Hints about .NET MAUI
Installing and configuring the development tools
System requirements for Xamarin
System requirements on Windows
System requirements on macOS
Android and iOS Devices
Installing and configuring Microsoft Visual Studio
Selecting workloads
Checking for individual components
Configuring Android devices for developer mode
Minimum macOS configuration
Points to remember
3. Introducing .NET and Visual Studio
Introducing .NET
Introducing the .NET framework for Windows
Locating the .NET framework on disk
The .NET framework architecture
The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Compilers and the concept of Assembly
Assemblies in .NET
The Base Class Library
From .NET Framework to .NET Core
Advantages of .NET Core
.NET 6: One .NET
Building applications with Visual Studio
Signing in with a Microsoft account
Synchronized settings
Introducing the Start window
Understanding projects and solutions
Creating projects with C#
Creating your first C# project
Working with the Visual Studio IDE
Working with tool windows
Solution Explorer
The Error List
The Properties window
The Output window
Editing project properties
Editing application settings
Basic code editing features
Syntax colorization
Zooming the code editor
Introducing IntelliSense
Changing the Code Editor options
Compiling, running, and debugging code
Understanding configurations
Running and Debugging Code
Debugging your code
Preparing the sample project for debugging
Breakpoints and data tips
Detecting and fixing runtime errors
Points to remember
Key terms
4. The C# Programming Language
Understanding data types
Meet the Common Type System
Clarifying value types and reference types
.NET primitive types
Declaring and consuming variables
Clarifying the difference between value and reference types
Common data operators
Equals and Not Equals Operators
Arithmetic operators
Conversion operators
Direct type conversion
Converting types with the Convert class
String conversion
Logical operators
Working with strings
Checking for Null or Empty strings
Concatenating strings
Formatting strings
Iterating objects
Understanding loops
Introducing the do loop
Introducing the while loop
Conditional code blocks
The if conditional code block
The switch conditional code block
Introducing arrays
Single-dimensional arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays
Jagged arrays
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Understanding access modifiers
Defining reference types with classes
Storing information with fields and properties
Running actions with methods
Introducing constructors and static classes
Defining derived types with inheritance
Understanding interfaces and abstract classes
Defining interfaces
Implementing interfaces
Introducing abstract classes
Organizing types within namespaces
Accessing types within namespaces with using directives
Defining value types with structures
Assigning structures to variables
Visibility of structures and their members
Defining enumerations
Using enumerations
Implementing error handling
Implementing events
Advanced C# programming
Generics and Nullable Types
Working with Nullable types
Language INtegrated Query (LINQ)
Asynchronous programming
Suggested readings
5. Building Apps with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms
Understanding Xamarin.Android Projects
Understanding the project structure
Drawing and handling the user interface
Configuring the App Manifest
Debugging an Android app
Configuring debugging and Build options
Understanding Xamarin.iOS projects
Understanding the project structure
Handling the user interface
Debugging an iOS app
Understanding provisioning profiles and developer accounts
Configuring App Package options
Cross-platform projects with Xamarin.Forms
Understanding the project structure
Introducing XAML, App.xaml, and MainPage.xaml
Running and debugging apps
Preparing apps for publication
Preparing Android packages
Preparing iOS packages
Points to remember
Key terms
6. Organizing the User Interface with Layouts
Understanding the concept of layout
Alignment and spacing options
Understanding the visual tree
.NET objects hierarchy
Organizing the user interface
Creating a Sample Project
The StackLayout
The FlexLayout
The Grid
Spacing, proportions and spans for rows and columns
The AbsoluteLayout
The RelativeLayout
The ScrollView
Controlling the ScrollView programmatically
The Frame
The ContentView
Using a ContentView
Styling the user interface with cascading style sheets
Defining CSS styles as a XAML resource
Consuming CSS files in XAML
Creating and implementing CSS styles in C#
Points to remember
Key terms
7. Understanding Common Views
Creating a sample project
Common properties
Working with text
Displaying text with the label
Accepting user input with entry and editor
Entering passwords
Applying and managing fonts
Implementing custom fonts
Complex text formatting with FormattedString
User interaction with buttons
Selecting dates and time
Selecting dates with the DatePicker
Selecting a time with the TimePicker
Displaying HTML content
Selecting Boolean and numerical values
Turning options on and off with the switch
User choices with the CheckBox
Multiple choices with RadioButton
Implementing multiple groups
Value selection with the Slider
Incremental value selection with the Stepper
Implementing search functionalities
Handling long-running tasks
Displaying images
Handling the aspect
Managing image files
Adding interactivity to Views
Implementing GestureRecognizers
Displaying and handling alerts
Understanding visual states
Key terms
Suggested readings
8. Pages and Navigation
Introducing available pages
Individual pages: The ContentPage
Master-details views: The FlyoutPage
Organizing contents within tabs: The TabbedPage
Scrolling pages: The CarouselPage
Navigating between pages
Sharing data between pages
Implementing custom titles
Understanding pages lifecycle
Intercepting the physical back button
Common app features: The Shell
Understanding the structure of the Shell
Adding a Flyout menu
Leveraging built-in navigation: The Tab bar
Implementing both the Flyout and Tab bar
Implementing the Search bar
Programmatically interacting with the Shell
Changing the Shell styles
Key terms
Suggested readings
9. Resources and Data Binding
Creating a sample project
Understanding and Defining Resources
Defining resources
Defining and assigning styles
Implementing style inheritance
Implementing implicit styling
Binding data to the user interface
Getting started with data binding
Property change notifications: INotifyPropertyChanged
Assigning the binding context
Working with data collections
Displaying data: The ListView
The DataTemplate as a resource
Binding different types: Value converters
Displaying Collections efficiently
Displaying lists with the CollectionView
Scrolling lists with the CarouselView
Displaying item indicators with the IndicatorView
Selecting items with the Picker
Introducing bindable layouts
Advanced data binding: The Model-View-ViewModel pattern
Defining the data model
Implementing the business logic: Commands and ViewModels
Exposing data
Defining actions with Commands
Designing the user interface
MVVM frameworks
Pull-to-Refresh gesture: The RefreshView
Local data access with SQLite databases
Installing the SQLite NuGet package
Getting the database path
Implementing a data model
Implementing a data access layer
Invoking the data access layer
Extending the user interface
Key terms
10. Brushes, Shapes, and Media
Creating a sample project
Coloring objects with brushes
Defining linear gradients
Defining circular gradients
Drawing shapes
Drawing circles and ellipses
Drawing rectangles
Drawing lines
Drawing polygons
Drawing custom shapes
Further studies: Path and geometries
Working with multimedia
Installing the Xamarin Community Toolkit
Implementing the MediaElement
Controlling the media file
Playing local files
Key terms
Suggested readings
11. Managing the Application Lifecycle
Creating a sample project
The Application class
Working with themes
Defining global variables
Events of the Application lifecycle
Understanding and using Application events
A real-world example: Storing and retrieving data
A real-world scenario: Restoring data forms
Responding to page events
Sending messages through the app
Broadcast messages with MVVM
MessagingCenter tips and tricks
Key terms
Suggested readings
12. Working with Web API
Chapter prerequisites
Getting a Free Azure subscription
Downloading Postman
Understanding web services and Web API
JSON: A standard data exchange format
Creating Web API in Visual Studio
Understanding the project structure
Creating a data model
Implementing controllers
Retrieving data
Creating and updating data objects
Deleting data objects
Testing Web API services
Making API calls with Postman
Publishing Web API services
Consuming Web API with Xamarin.Forms
Creating a data model
Creating the ViewModel
Calling Web API services from C#
Designing the user interface
Testing the application
Key terms
Suggested readings
13. Working with Native API
Preparing a sample project
Working with the device class
Working with Timers
Running thread-safe code
Device-based content orientation
Conditional XAML: OnPlatform and OnIdiom
Advanced view customization: Custom renderers
Defining a custom view
Defining the Android renderer
Defining the iOS renderer
Applying custom renderers to views
More information on custom renderers
Managing native properties with effects
Declaring effects
Implementing platform-specific effects
Testing the code
Displaying native views
Customizing views with platform-specifics
Accessing device features: The DependencyService class
Cross-platform access to native API: Xamarin.Essentials
Checking the network connection
Checking the battery status
Sending emails and SMS messages
Sending emails
Sending SMS messages
Opening contents
Opening the web browser
Opening default apps
Storing user preferences
Storing secure settings
Secure settings with app version tracking
More essentials API
Hints about plugins
Key terms
Suggested readings
14. Finding a Job
Preparing your resume
Finding jobs, the modern way: Using LinkedIn
Searching for a job
A step forward: Attracting jobs
Connecting with the right contacts
Sharing contents from others
Sharing your knowledge
Writing articles and other content
Joining online communities
Sharing your code
Final considerations about LinkedIn
Preparing for job interviews
Technical interviews
Personal interviews
Points to remember
15. Succeeding as a Mobile App Developer
Developing your passion and curiosity
Experiment on custom projects
Experimenting with third-party components
Learning to be a team player
Staying up-to-date with development technologies
Attending conferences and meetups
Points to remember
Suggested readings
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Learn how to build cross-platform mobile apps from a single shared codebase KEY FEATURES ● Covers fundamental and advanced aspects of multi-platform mobile development ● Revisit the fundamentals of.NET and C# to create modern native apps more quickly ● Check out tips and advice on getting started as a successful mobile developer DESCRIPTION For any mobile developer, it's clear that Xamarin knowledge is vital, thanks to the reintroduction of .NET MAUI. This book provides the reader with complete hands-on experience in designing cross-platform mobile applications with Xamarin, C#, and .NET. The book discusses the importance of cross-platform mobile app development and the benefits of learning Xamarin. The book delivers a quick lesson on C# and Visual Studio to implement all of the knowledge gained in this book into your first mobile application. In the second half of the book, you'll learn to start from scratch using Xamarin and create mobile apps in C#. It explains how to utilise Visual Studio as the development environment, design the user interface using the XAML markup language, organise common controls into layouts, and create multi-page applications with navigation and various pages. This includes creating reusable resources, such as styles and templates, and the use of local and remote databases for data manipulation. In addition, the book offers expert advice on the requirements of a standard mobile application, such as handling network connection, battery level, and safeguarding data in the device's secure storage. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ● Learn every aspect of Xamarin to create cross-platform mobile applications. ● Refresh .NET, C#, and Visual Studio skills required for mobile development. ● Build UI with XAML, views, and layouts, including navigation. ● Use reusable resources, data-oriented coding, multimedia support, and debug code. ● Explore advanced programming patterns and ways to improve performance. ● Tips and answers to help you land a job as a mobile developer. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is intended for beginners, aspiring mobile developers, .NET users, Visual Studio users, and application developers eager to design and build mobile apps compatible with numerous platforms. This book will also refresh your knowledge of .NET and C# so you can begin Xamarin development rapidly. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. The importance of mobile app development 2. Xamarin and Microsoft in the mobile app market 3. Introducing .NET and Visual Studio 4. The C# programming language 5. Building apps with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms 6. Organizing the User Interface with layouts 7. Understanding common views 8. Pages and navigation 9. Resources and Data Binding 10. Brushes, Shapes, and Media 11. Managing the application lifecycle 12. Working with Web API 13. Working with Native API 14. Finding a job 15. Succeeding as a Mobile App Developer