XXIV International Conference on High Energy Physics

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کتاب XXIV کنفرانس بین المللی فیزیک انرژی های بالا نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب XXIV International Conference on High Energy Physics

نام کتاب : XXIV International Conference on High Energy Physics
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : XXIV کنفرانس بین المللی فیزیک انرژی های بالا
سری :
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
سال نشر : 1989
تعداد صفحات : 1634
ISBN (شابک) : 9783642741388 , 9783642741364
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 60 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

داده‌های تک فوتون در برهمکنش‌های pp (UA6) با محاسبات QCD مرتبه بعدی با استفاده از یک تابع ساختار گلوئون "نرم" (مجموعه Duke Owens I) مطابقت دارد. نتایج مشابهی در برخوردهای pp، rr-p، IT+p rr+p توسط NA24 و WA70 حاصل شده است، بدون در نظر گرفتن توابع ساختار ساختار دوک-اوونز 11 II. کارکرد. آزمایش‌های WA70 و NA24 به ترتیب 6 انحراف استاندارد و سیگنال انحراف استاندارد 2.5 را برای تولید rr-p~11X rr-p~llX در Pr·PT بالا مشاهده کرده‌اند. . آزمایش WA70 با استفاده از بهینه‌سازی مقیاس، سازگاری مؤثر با aa بهینه‌شده تئوری اغتشاشی QCD تک فوتونی s 5 s 5 را اندازه‌گیری می‌کند. منابع [1] P. Aurenche et al., Phys. اجازه دهید 1408, 140B, 87 (1984); P. Aurenche et al., Nucl. فیزیک 8286, B286, 509 (1987); P. Aurenche et al., Nucl. فیزیک 8297, B297, 661 (1988). [2] A. Bernasconi et al., Phys. اجازه دهید 2068، 206B، 163 (1988). [3] A.P. Contoguris، برای ظاهر شدن در Proc. کارگاه تحقیقاتی پیشرفته در مورد فرآیندهای هادرونیک سخت QCD، St. Croix Croix (Virgin (جزایر ویرجین)، جزایر)، 1987. [4] D.W. دوک و جی اف اونز، فیزیک. Rev. D30, 49 (1984); J.F. Owens، فیزیک. Rev. D30, 943 (1984). [5] C. De Marzo و همکاران، Phys. Rev. D36, 8 (1987). [6] M. Bonesini و همکاران، Z. Phys. C37, 535 (1988); M. Bonesini و همکاران، Z. Phys. C38, 371 (1988).

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter....Pages I-XX
Address of Welcome....Pages 1-3
Address of Welcome....Pages 4-9
Ansprache....Pages 10-11
Banquet Address....Pages 12-15
Hadron Collider Physics....Pages 18-47
The Status of Perturbative QCD....Pages 48-72
Spectroscopy and Decays of Heavy Quarks....Pages 73-97
Weak Mixing, CP Violation and Rare Decays....Pages 98-135
Lattice Gauge Theories....Pages 136-155
New Results from High Energy e + e - Experiments....Pages 156-189
Status of the Standard Electroweak Model....Pages 190-218
New Developments in Quantum Field Theory....Pages 219-249
Heavy Ions Collisions....Pages 250-266
Lepton — Nucleon Scattering....Pages 267-281
Non-Accelerator Particle Physics....Pages 282-309
Superstrings and Unification....Pages 310-334
Beyond the Standard Model....Pages 335-356
Particle Physics and Cosmology....Pages 357-386
LEP: Machine and Experiment....Pages 387-403
HERA: Machine and Experiment....Pages 404-421
Future Proton and Electron Colliders: Dreams for the 1990’s....Pages 422-440
ICFA Report....Pages 441-445
Summary and Outlook....Pages 446-467
Recent ARGUS results on heavy flavor decays....Pages 470-477
Results on Semileptonic and Hadronic Charm Decays....Pages 478-483
Results on Semileptonic D 0 and D s Decays and Evidence for Non- D D Decays of the ψ (3770)....Pages 484-489
Exclusive Semileptonic B and D Decays....Pages 490-493
Beauty Meson Exclusive Decays into Baryons....Pages 494-500
Weak Annihilation in D-Decays....Pages 501-504
Results From ARGUS About |V bu |/|V bc |....Pages 505-510
Searches for b → u Transitions at CLEO....Pages 511-516
Gigantic CP Violations in B-Decays and Prospects for Measuring them....Pages 517-522
Current Status of the direct CP Violation Experiment at Fermilab....Pages 523-527
First Evidence for Direct CP Violation....Pages 528-531
Weak Decays and ∊′/∊ From Lattice QCD....Pages 532-540
Radiative Corrections to | η 00 /η +- |....Pages 541-544
B 0 B 0 Mixing and Rare Decays of B Mesons....Pages 545-552
ARGUS results on lepton-baryon charge correlation in B decays and search for b → s transitions....Pages 553-556
D 0 - D 0 Mixing and Rare Decays of the D 0 and D + ....Pages 557-560
Rare K Decays....Pages 561-566
Loop Induced Rare B Decays: Standard Model and Beyond....Pages 567-572
Weak Radiative B Meson Decay....Pages 573-576
Upsilon Spectroscopy-Experimental Review....Pages 577-583
Recent Results in Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy....Pages 584-589
Meson Spectroscopy in Radiative J/ψ Decays and Hadron Production....Pages 590-599
A Review of Experimental Progress in Gluonia....Pages 600-605
OZI-Violating Dipion Decays of Heavy Quarkonia Via An Intermediate Heavy Meson Pair State....Pages 606-609
Tensor Mesons and Gluonium of QCD....Pages 610-614
The Scalar Meson Nonet and Its Suppressed Decay in the Gauged Chiral Model....Pages 615-618
Madjid Boutemeur LAPP Annecy-Le-Vieux France....Pages 619-620
Measurement of Spin Effects in pp Elastic Scattering Using the Polarized Beam at the AGS....Pages 621-624
Multiparticle Production at Fixed Target and ISR Energies (〈 PT 〉 VS n , Intermittency)....Pages 625-631
Mass Identified Particle Yields in Antiproton-Proton Collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV....Pages 632-635
Minimum Bias Physics at UA1. Bose Einstein Correlations....Pages 636-640
Soft and Semihard Hadronic Interactions....Pages 641-646
Charged Particle Multiplicity Distributions in p -p Collisions at 200 GeV and 900 GeV c.m. Energy....Pages 647-648
Exclusive Resonance Production in Photon-Photon Collisions....Pages 649-654
Two-Photon Production of Exclusive Final States....Pages 655-660
Two Photon Production of Inclusive Final States....Pages 661-667
Charm Photoproduction Results from NA14′....Pages 668-674
New Results on Single and Double Prompt Photon Production at High P T ....Pages 713-718
Preliminary Results from Fermilab Experiment E-706 — A Study of Direct Photon Production in Hadronic Collisions....Pages 719-722
Direct Photon Production in p p Collider Experiments....Pages 723-728
Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant from a Study of W Bosons Produced with Jets....Pages 729-732
Recent Theoretical Developments in Hard Scattering Processes....Pages 733-738
Higher Order Corrections to one Hadron Inclusive Production....Pages 739-742
Yang-Baxter Algebras, Integrable QFT and Conformal Models....Pages 743-746
Renormalization and anomalies....Pages 747-753
Gauge Dependence of Perturbative QCD Predictions....Pages 754-762
Recent Results in Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory....Pages 763-767
Practical Look at Non-Covariant Gauges....Pages 768-781
Non-Abelian Gauge Theories in “Intermediate” Volumes....Pages 782-791
Hadron Masses, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and the Interquark Potential in Lattice QCD....Pages 792-796
Latest Results From The APE Computer....Pages 797-803
Charm Photoproduction Results from E691....Pages 804-809
Preliminary Results from the First Run of the Upgraded UA2 Experiment....Pages 675-681
Results on W/Z Physics from CDF....Pages 682-688
Recent Results from the UA1 Experiment....Pages 689-696
Results on Four-Jet Physics at the p p Colliders....Pages 697-704
Large Scale Simulations of Lattice QCD Thermodynamics on Columbia Parallel Supercomputers....Pages 705-712
The Higgs Meson Problem....Pages 810-813
The Problem of Chiral Fermion Theories on the Lattice....Pages 814-820
Improved Fermion Actions and Hadronic Matrix Elements in Lattice QCD....Pages 821-827
QCD-Enhancement of |ΔI| = ½ Transitions....Pages 828-833
Vector meson effects on hadronic matrix elements....Pages 834-839
Introduction — Status of the SLAC Linear Collider....Pages 840-845
Recent Results from Nikko at TRISTAN....Pages 846-847
Recent Results from TOPAZ at TRISTAN....Pages 848-851
Recent Results from VENUS at TRISTAN....Pages 852-859
Tests of the Standard Model in high energy e + e - reactions at TRISTAN....Pages 860-867
t-Lepton Decays....Pages 868-876
Review of c, b and τ Lifetimes from e + e - Experiments....Pages 877-883
Strange B mesons....Pages 884-890
Charm Production in e + e - Annihilation....Pages 891-894
Measurements of α s in e + e - Interactions....Pages 895-900
Effect of higher order QED corrections on the determination of α s from R.....Pages 901-904
Determination of α s from ϒ Decays....Pages 905-908
Measurement of Interference Between Neutral and Charged Current Amplitudes in Neutrino-Electron Scattering....Pages 909-912
v μ e — Scattering Experiments and Determination of sin 2 ⊝ w ....Pages 913-916
Measurement of the Strange Quark Sea from Neutrino Dimuon Production at the Tevatron by the CCFR Collaboration....Pages 917-923
Measurement of R = σ L /σ T and F 2 on Deuterium and Iron in Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering....Pages 995-998
Shadowing in Deep-Inelastic Muon Scattering (European Muon Collaboration) and Preliminary Results from the New Muon Collaboration....Pages 999-1002
Latest Results on Structure Functions, Scaling Violations, and their QCD Analysis....Pages 1003-1006
Spin Dependent Structure Functions and the Parton Model Spin Crisis....Pages 1007-1016
Electroweak Processes Observed in Neutrino Scattering by the CCFR Collaboration....Pages 1017-1023
Evidence for Neutral Current Coupling to Right-handed Quarks in Neutrino Interactions....Pages 924-929
Results in Electroweak Radiative Corrections....Pages 930-932
An Overview of Discovery Techniques and Excluded Mass Regions for the Standard Model Higgs Boson....Pages 933-941
Top Quark in the Standard Model and a Little Way Beyond....Pages 942-953
Meson and Baryon Production in Jet Fragmentation....Pages 954-961
Jet Fragmentation in CDF....Pages 1024-1031
Event Topology Evolution....Pages 1032-1035
Measurement of Interference Effects in Jet Fragmentation....Pages 1036-1041
QCD Coherence in Jets....Pages 1042-1047
Review of Tritium Experiments....Pages 1048-1057
Theory of Heavy Quark Hadroproduction....Pages 1058-1063
Experimental Results on Charm Production....Pages 962-970
Beauty Production Observed at the Proton-Antiproton Collider....Pages 971-980
Phenomenology of Heavy Flavor Production....Pages 981-986
Limits on the t-Neutrino Mass....Pages 987-994
Review of Double Beta Decay Experiments....Pages 1064-1065
Neutrino oscillations at nuclear reactors....Pages 1066-1071
Neutrino oscillations at accelerators....Pages 1072-1075
Experimental Limits on Radiative Neutrino Decay....Pages 1076-1079
Matter Effects in Neutrino Propagation....Pages 1080-1082
Renormalization Group and String Field Theory....Pages 1083-1089
String Interactions At High Energy....Pages 1090-1097
Elliptic Genera and String Loop Amplitudes....Pages 1098-1107
Status report on four-dimensional strings....Pages 1108-1113
Recent Developments in Orbifolds....Pages 1114-1123
Space-time supersymmetries, world-sheet symmetries and exceptional groups....Pages 1124-1130
Coset Space Dimension Reduction of Gauge Theories....Pages 1131-1136
Can we Probe Short Distances by High Energy Strings?....Pages 1137-1141
Accidental Symmetry and Kahler Potentials for Moduli of Z N Orbifolds....Pages 1142-1148
Wake Field Acceleration A Way to TeV e + e - -Collisions....Pages 1149-1159
Linear Collider Research and Development at SLAC, LBL and LLNL....Pages 1160-1169
Linear Collider Work at CERN....Pages 1170-1176
Calorimeters With Charge-Collection Readout....Pages 1177-1186
First results from a UA1 Uranium — TMP calorimeter module....Pages 1187-1194
Compensating Hadron Calorimeters with Scintillator Readout....Pages 1195-1199
Large Area Silicon Detectors....Pages 1200-1207
Tracking with Scintillating Fibres....Pages 1208-1215
Cryogenic Detectors: Status and Prospects....Pages 1216-1221
Tracking in a High Multiplicity Environment....Pages 1222-1228
Tracking With Silicon Detectors....Pages 1229-1239
Application Specific Integrated Circuits....Pages 1240-1248
Electroweak Vector Bosons: Standard Model and Beyond....Pages 1249-1255
Searching for Higgs at e + e - and pp Colliders....Pages 1256-1264
Searching for Supersymmetry at High-Energy Colliders....Pages 1265-1274
Renormalization of Extended Electroweak Models from the Heterotic String and Z′ Production....Pages 1275-1283
Measurements of Nucleon Stability with Underground Detectors....Pages 1284-1289
Flavor Composition of Atmospheric Neutrinos in Underground Detectors....Pages 1290-1297
Atmospheric Neutrino Interactions in IMB-3 Detector....Pages 1298-1304
Underground Muons from the Direction of Cygnus X-3....Pages 1305-1306
Evidence for Emission of Neutral Particles from Cygnus X-3 With Energy Greater Then 3x10 5 TeV....Pages 1307-1310
Solar Neutrinos....Pages 1311-1312
Observation of Hercules X-1 at Energies Above 50 TeV....Pages 1313-1320
Searching for New Macroscopic Interactions: Is There a “Fifth Force”?....Pages 1321-1324
Searches for Dark Matter Particles....Pages 1325-1331
SN1987A: Correlation between the Data Recorded by the Mont Blanc Neutrino Detector and by the Maryland and Rome Gravitational Wave Antennas....Pages 1332-1340
Search for Free Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations....Pages 1341-1346
Status of the UMC Cosmic Ray Experiment....Pages 1347-1350
Current Status of the DUMAND Project....Pages 1351-1352
Energy Flow and Particle Spectra in 10–15 A GeV/c Heavy-Ion Collisions at BNL....Pages 1353-1354
Photon and π 0 Production in Nuclear Collisions at 60 and 200 AGeV....Pages 1355-1361
Dimuon and J/ψ Production in Ultrarelativistic Ion Collisions....Pages 1362-1368
Nuclear Effects in J/ψ and Lepton-Pair Production....Pages 1369-1375
E T and Multiplicity Results from CERN....Pages 1376-1381
The Dual Parton Model for Hadron-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions....Pages 1382-1388
Production of Heavy Higgs Bosons at Future Heavy Ion Colliders....Pages 1389-1394
The A-Dependence of Leading Particle Production by 800 GeV Protons....Pages 1395-1399
The A-Dependence of Highly Inelastic Proton-Nucleus Collisions at 800GeV....Pages 1400-1402
Dubna Results on Particle Production in Hadron-Nucleus Interactions....Pages 1403-1405
A New Measurement of Low p T Direct Photons and a Comparison to the Low Mass Dilepton Continuum....Pages 1406-1411
Search for Heavy Quarks at p p Colliders....Pages 1412-1415
Search for New Leptons....Pages 1416-1423
Update On Light Higgs’ Searches....Pages 1424-1431
Narrow Positron Line Emission in Collisions of Very Heavy Ions....Pages 1432-1440
Experiments on Low Energy Bhabha Scattering Search for Neutral Resonances in the MeV/c 2 Mass Region....Pages 1441-1446
Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model at a High Energy e + e - Collider....Pages 1447-1450
Limits on the Masses of Supersymmetric Particles from 1.8 TeV P — P Collisions....Pages 1451-1458
Rare B Meson Decays: A Window to Physics Beyond the Standard Model....Pages 1459-1466
Higgs Bosons Beyond the Standard Model....Pages 1467-1474
The Problem of Small Violations of the Pauli Principle....Pages 1475-1484
Superstring Phenomenology and Model Building....Pages 1485-1487
Majoron Models and Solar Neutrino Oscillations....Pages 1488-1496
An Approach to the Flavor Problem Through Supersymmetry and Compositeness....Pages 1497-1503
Neutralino Interaction in the Laboratory....Pages 1504-1510
Supernova 1987 A and some Properties of Light, Exotic Particles....Pages 1511-1518
Study of Ultrahigh Energy Gamma Ray Emission by Supernova SN1987a by the JANZOS Collaboration....Pages 1519-1524
The Cosmic Microwave Background as a Probe of Particle Physics....Pages 1525-1531
A Natural Origin of Inflation Within a Class of Supersymmetric Preon Models....Pages 1532-1537
Temporarily Broken Gauge Symmetries in the Early Universe....Pages 1538-1544
Electroweak Production of the Baryon Asymmetry....Pages 1545-1548
The Quark-Hadron Phase Transition and Early Nucleosynthesis....Pages 1549-1556
Primordial Magnetic Monopoles....Pages 1557-1560
Cosmology of Very Heavy Neutrinos....Pages 1561-1566
Back Matter....Pages 1567-1570
....Pages 1571-1615

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

Single photon data in pp interactions (UA6) are in agreement with the next-to leading order QCD calculations using a "soft" gluon structure function (Duke Owens set I). Similar conclusions have been reached in pp, rr-p, IT+p rr+p collisions by NA24 and WA70, excluding the Duke-owens Duke-Dwens set 11 II structure structure functions. functions. The WA70 and NA24 experiments have observed a 6 standard deviation and a 2.5 standard deviation signal, respectively, for the production of rr-p~11X rr-p~llX at high Pr· PT' The measured cross-sections agree with Bll QCD predictions. The WA70 experiment measures an effective a consistent with the optimized aa of the s 5 s 5 single photon QCD perturbative theory using scale optimization. REFERENCES [1] P. Aurenche et al., Phys. lett. 1408, 140B, 87 (1984); P. Aurenche et al., Nucl. Phys. 8286, B286, 509 (1987); P. Aurenche et al., Nucl. Phys. 8297, B297, 661 (1988). [2] A. Bernasconi et al., Phys. lett. 2068, 206B, 163 (1988). [3] A.P. Contoguris, to appear in Proc. Advanced Research Workshop on QCD Hard Hadronic Processes, St. Croix Croix (Virgin (Virgin Islands), Islands), 1987. [4] D.W. Duke and J.F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D30, 49 (1984); J.F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D30, 943 (1984). [5] C. De Marzo et al., Phys. Rev. D36, 8 (1987). [6] M. Bonesini et al., Z. Phys. C37, 535 (1988); M. Bonesini et al., Z. Phys. C38, 371 (1988).

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