فهرست مطالب :
Page vii
Hellmut G. Karge, Jens Weitkamp
List of sponsors
Pages viii-ix
Welcome address by Jens Weitkamp, Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Pages x-xvi
Breck award 1994
Page xvii
IZA award 1994
Page xviii
Election of Professor R. M. Barrer, F. R. S., as Honorary President of the International Zeolite Association
Page xix
After dinner speech given by C. T. O\'Connor at the Congress Banquet
Pages xx-xxiv
List of recent research reports
Pages xxv-xxxv
Synthesis and characterization of zeolites LZ-276 and LZ-277
Pages 3-4
M. Sears, G.W. Skeels, E.M. Flanigen, C.A. Bateman, N. McGuire, R.M. Kirchner
Zeolite Nu-1 prepared from near-neutral fluoride aluminosilicate gels
Pages 5-6
J. Patarin, P. Caullet, B. Marler, A.C. Faust, J.L. Guth
Synthesis and characterization of transition-metal-incorporated beta-zeolites
Pages 7-8
Shu-Hua Chien, Yung-Kuan Tseng, Maw-Chen Lin, Jen-Cheng Ho
Synthesis, characterization, and structure of SAPO-56, a new member of the abc double-six ring family of materials with stacking sequence AABBCCBB
Pages 9-10
Stephen T. Wilson, Nancy K. McGuire, C. Scott Blackwell, Charles A. Bateman, Richard M. Kirchner
Synthesis and characterization of CoAPO/CoAPSO-44 and CoAPO-5
Pages 11-12
U. Lohse, E. Löffler, B. Parlitz, E. Schreie
Synthesis and sorption properties of the zirconium aluminophosphate Molecular sieves ZrAPO-5
Pages 13-14
J. Kornatowski, M. Rozwadowski, W. Lutz, M. Sychev, G. Pieper, G. Finger, W.H. Baur
Molecular Or Supramolecular Templating: Defining The Role of Surfactant Chemistry In the Formation of M41S and Zeolitic Molecular Sieves
Pages 15-16
J.S. Beck, J.C. Vartuli, G.J. Kennedy, C.T. Kresge, W.J. Roth, S.E. Schramm
Synthesis and characterization of boron containing MCM-41
Pages 17-18
U. Oberhagemann, I. Topalovic, B. Marler, H. Gies
Synthesis of V and Ti modified MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves
Pages 19-21
Abdelhamid Sayari, Kondam Madhusudan Reddy, Igor Moudrakovski
Synthesis of titanium molecular sieve ETS-10 and ETS-4
Pages 22-23
Alfonso Nastro, David T. Hayhurst, Steven M. Kuznicki
Preparation by the sol-gel method of raw materials for the synthesis of Ti containing zeolites
Pages 24-25
M.A. Uguina, G. Ovejero, R. Van Grieken, D.P. Serrano, M. Camacho
The synthesis and structure of a new layered aluminium phosphate [AL3P4O16]3− 3(CH3(CH2)3NH3)+ Original Research Article
Pages 26-27
A.M. Chippindale, Q. Huo, R.H. Jones, J.M. Thomas, R. Walton, R. Xu
Synthesis and characterization of (H3N-(CH2)6-NH3)4 [W18P2O62], a Dawson-type anion in a new environment Original Research Article
Pages 28-29
Markus Hölscher, Ulli Englert, Bodo Zibrowius, Wolfgang F. Hölderich
Growth of zeolite a on rutile, sapphire and quartz
Pages 30-31
A. Erdem-Şenatalar, H. van Bekkum, J.C. Jansen
Preparation and properties of primary leonhardite, (Na, K)-exchanged forms of laumontite
Pages 32-33
Atsushi Yamazaki, Takahiro Shiraki, Hironori Ishida, Ryohei Otsuka
Geoautoclave-type zeolitization in the miocene tuffs, Mecsek Mts., SW-Hungary
Pages 34-35
M. Polgári, F. Fórizs, M. Tóth, É. Pécsi-Donáth, Z. Máthé
The synthesis of zeolites from dry powders
Pages 36-37
R. Althoff, S. Reitmaier, W. Schmidt, B. Zibrowius, K.K. Unger, F. Schüth
Synthesis and crystal structures of the decasils, a new family of porosils
Pages 38-39
B. Marler, A. Grünewald-Lüke, H. Gies
New templates for the synthesis of clathrasils
Pages 40-41
G. van de Goor, C. Braunbarth, C.C. Freyhardt, J. Felsche, P. Behrens
Synthesis of zeolites in anhydrous glycol systems
Pages 42-43
N.B. Milestone, S.M. Hughes, P.J. Stonestreet
Synthesis of a novel microporous crystal with organic groups covalently bonded to the skeleton Original Research Article
Pages 44-45
Kazuyuki Maeda, Yoschimichi Kiyozumi, Fujio Mizukami
Synthesis and properties of zeolite a with salt-containing β-cages
Pages 46-47
Ch. Gurris, D. Reich, J.-Ch. Buhl, W. Hoffmann
Structural characterization of SSZ-26 and SSZ-33 molecular sieves by high resolution electron microscopy and electron diffraction
Pages 48-49
M. Pan, P.A. Crozier
Electron Microscopic Study of Cioverite(-CLO)
Pages 50-51
O. Terasaki, T. Ohsuna, D. Watanabe, H. Kessler, C. Schott-Darie
HREM study of Pt-clusters on K-LTL crystal surfaces
Pages 52-53
Osamu Terasaki, Tetsu Ohsuna, Denjiro Watanabe
Location of Tb(III) ions in hydrated Y zeolites by luminescence spectroscopy
Pages 54-55
Jeong Suk Seo, Chong-Hong Pyun, Chang-Hong Kim, Young Sun Uh, Wha Seung Ahn, Suk Bong Hong
Localization of Pt2+ in NaX
Pages 56-57
R. Schnell, C. Kirschhock, H. Fuess
Characterization of SO2-contaminated Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts
Pages 58-60
C.L. Lengauer, E. Tillmanns, C. Plog
Single crystal structure analysis and energy minimizations of a H-ZSM-5/p-dichlorobenzene complex at low sorbate loading
Pages 61-62
H. van Koningsveld, J.C. Jansen, A.J.M. de Man
Single crystal structure analysis of a high-loaded complex of H-ZSM-5 with para-dichlorobenzene
Pages 63-64
H. van Koningsveld, J.C. Jansen
Characterization of bimetallic zeolite supported Pt-Pd catalyst by EXAFS, TEM and TPR
Pages 65-66
T. Rades, M. Polisset-Thfoin, J. Fraissard, R. Ryoo, C. Pak
SIMS investigation on vanadium - zeolite interactions in cracking catalysts
Pages 67-68
Kuei-Jung Chao, Long-Hui Lin, Liang-Yuan Hon
XPS and adsorption of dinitrogen studies on copper-ion-exchanged ZSM-5 and Y zeolites
Pages 69-70
Giuliano Moretti, Giuliano Minelli, Piero Porta, Paolo Ciambelli, Pasquale Corbo
Model of adsorbed NO molecules on Lewis sites in zeolites
Pages 71-72
A. Gutsze, M. Plato, F. Witzel, H.G. Karge
A combined EPR and NMR study of oxidation sites in dealuminated mordenites
Pages 73-74
G. Harvey Estermann, R. Crockett, E. Roduner
Study of Ni-containing SAPO-5 by ESR spectroscopy and hydrogenolysis of thiophene
Pages 75-76
A. Spojakina, N. Kostova, V. Penchev
Electron spin resonance and electron spin echo modulation spectroscopic study of Pd(I) location and adsorbate interactions in PdH-SAPO-34 molecular sieve
Pages 77-78
Jong-Sung Yu, Gern-Ho Back, Vadim Kurshev, Larry Kevan
Stability of the Co(II) valence state in aluminophosphate-5 molecular sieve to calcination from low temperature electron spin resonance
Pages 79-80
Vadim Kurshev, Larry Kevan, David Parillo, Ray Gorte
Characterization of alkali metal cluster-containing faujasites by thermal, IR, ESR, multi-nmr and test reaction studies
Pages 81-82
I. Hannus, I. Kiricsi, A. Béres, J.B. Nagy, H. Förster
A Study of Cu-Y and Cu-Rho zeolites by 129Xe NMR
Pages 83-84
A. Gedeon, J. Fraissard
Direct observation of distributions of mixed clusters of coadsorbed species in zeolite NaA
Pages 85-86
A.K. Jameson, C.J. Jameson, A.C. de Dios, E. Oldfield, R.E. Gerald II
Studies on the formation and structure of molecular clusters of (CdS)4 in zeolite y by in-situ IR and 113Cd MAS NMR
Pages 87-88
Qi Ming, Xue Zhiyuan, Zhang Yongchao, Li Quanzhi
NMR studies of hydrofluorocarbon-zeolite interactions
Pages 89-90
C.P. Grey, D.R. Corbin
Aluminum-27 double-rotation NMR investigations of SAPO-5 with variable silicon content
Pages 91-92
Michael Janicke, Bradley F. Chmelka, Dirk Demuth, Ferdi Schüth
29Si and 27Al MAS NMR studies of faujasite/gallium oxide catalysts
Pages 93-94
Z. Olejniczak, S. Sagnowski, B. Sulikowski, J. Ptaszynski
A new assignment of the signals in 23NA dor NMR to sodium sites in dehydrated NaY zeolite
Pages 95-96
Harry A.M. Verhulst, Wim J.J. Welters, Gert Vorbeck, Leo J.M. van de Ven, Vincent H.J. de Beer, Rutger A. van Santen, Jan W. de Haan
Study of mordenite acidity by 1H NMR techniques: Broad-line at 4 K and high resolution MAS at 300 K. Comparison with HY. Brönsted acidity scale and importance of structure defects
Pages 97-98
L. Heeribout, V. Semmer, P. Batamack, C. Doremieux-Morin, J. Fraissard
Spectroscopic evaluation of the relative acidity of the bridged hydroxyl species in zeolites and the isolated hydroxyl species in amorphous silica
Pages 99-100
E. Garrone, B. Onida, G. Spanò, G. Spoto, P. Ugliengo, A. Zecchina
One-point method for the determination of strength of zeolite acidity by temperature programmed desorption of ammonia based on trouton\'s rule
Pages 101-103
Miki Niwa, Naonobu Katada, Masahiko Sawa, Yuichi Murakami
Interaction of CO2, H2O, CH3OH, (CH3)2O, CH3N, H2S, (CH3)2CO, NH3 and Py with Bronsted acid sites of H-ZSM-5: Comparison of the IR manifestation
Pages 104-105
R. Buzzoni, S. Bordiga, G. Spoto, D. Scarano, G. Ricchiardi, C. Lamberti, A. Zecchina
IR characterization of hydroxyl groups in SAPO-40
Pages 106-107
E. Garrone, B. Onida, Z. Gabelica, E.G. Derouane
FTIR evidence of Pt carbonyls formation from Pt metal clusters in KL zeolite
Pages 108-109
A.Yu. Stakheev, E.S. Shpiro, N.I. Jaeger, G. Schulz-Ekloff
IR spectra of 18O exchanged HZSM-5
Pages 110-111
F. Bauer, E. Geidel, Ch. Peuker
Structure and reactivity of framework and extraframework iron in Fe-silicalite as investigated by optical (IR, RAMAN, DRS UV-Vis) and EPR spectroscopies
Pages 112-113
F. Geobaldo, S. Bordiga, G. Spoto, D. Scarano, A. Zecchina, G. Petrini, G. Leofanti, G. Tozzola, M. Padovan
Electrochemistry of transition metal complexes encapsulated into zeolites Original Research Article
Pages 114-115
Carol A. Bessel, Debra R. Rolison
Structure and properties of active species in zinc promoted H-ZSM-5 catalysts
Pages 116-117
H. Berndt, G. Lietz, B. Lücke, J. Völter
FT IR and FT raman studies of [B,Al]-beta + Ga2O3 system
Pages 118-119
M. Derewińiski, J. Knściak, Z. Olejniczak, J. Ptaszyński, B. Sulikowski
Faujasite-hosted Nickel-salen
Pages 120-121
H. Meyer zu Altenschildesche, R. Nesper
Modification of aluminophosphate molecular sieves by reaction with organopalladlum complexes
Pages 122-123
Kathryn M. Tearle, Judith M. Corker
Zeolite-stabilised rhodium complexes with molecular nitrogen as ligand
Pages 124-125
Hans Miessner
Intrazeolitic redox chemistry of manganese prepared from Chemical vapor desposition of Mn2(CO)10 on NaY
Pages 126-128
Carlo Dossi, Sandro Recchia, Achille Fusi, Rinaldo Psaro
Calcination of Pd(NH3)42+ and reduction to Pd° in NaX and CsX zeolites
Pages 129-130
A. Sauvage, P. Massiani, M. Briend, D. Barthomeuf, F. Bozon-Verduraz
Ion exchange in CoAPO-34 and CoAPO-44
Pages 131-132
C.G.M. Jones, R. Harjula, A. Dyer
Characterization of ZSM-5 samples modified by ions of group III A
Pages 133-135
L. Frunza, R. Russu, G. Catana, V. Parvulescu, G. Gheorghe, F. Constantinescu, V.I. Parvulescu
Formation of small Na and Na-M alloy (M=Cs, Rb) particles in nay zeolite;
Pages 136-137
L.C. de Ménorval, E. Trescos, F. Rachdi, F. Fajula, T. Nunes, G. Feio
Attachment and reactivity of tin-cobalt and tin-molybdenumcomplexes in Y zeolites and MCM-41
Pages 138-139
Christian Huber, Chun-Guey Wu, Karin Moller, Thomas Bein
Simultaneous exchange and extrusion of metal exchanged zeolites
Pages 140-141
John N. Armor, Thomas S. Farris
Modification of layer compounds for molecular recognition
Pages 142-143
Takayoshi Uematsu, Makoto Iwai, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Shogo Shimazu
H-[B]-ZSM-5 as catalyst for methanol reactions
Pages 144-145
Erik Unneberg, Stein Kolboe
NOx reduction with ammonia over cerium exchanged mordenite in the presence of oxygen. An ir mechanistic study
Pages 146-147
E. Ito, Y.J. Mergler, B.E. Nieuwenhuys, P.M. Lugt, H. van Bekkum, C.M. van den Bleek
Catalytic activity and active sites in zeolite catalysts for N2O decomposition
Pages 148-149
E.B. Uvarova, S.A. Stakheev, L.M. Kustov, V.V. Brei
Role of the preparation and nature of zeolite on the activity of Cu-exchanged MFI for no conversion by hydrocarbons and oxygen
Pages 150-152
Gabriele Centi, Siglinda Perathoner, Laura Dall\'Olio
Selective photooxidation of abundant hydrocarbons by O2 in zeolites with visible light
Pages 153-154
Fritz Blatter, Hai Sun, Heinz Frei
Application of VAPO-5 in liquid phase oxidation reactions: Indications for the presence of different vanadiumsites
Pages 155-156
M.J. Haanepen, J.H.C. van Hooff
Oxidation of primary amines over titanium and vanadium silicalites: Solvent effect
Pages 157-158
J. Sudhakar Reddy, A. Sayari
Room temperature oxidation of methane to methanol on FEZSM-5 zeolite surface
Pages 159-160
V.I. Sobolev, A.S. Kharitonov, O.V. Panna, G.I. Panov
Oxidation and ammoxidation of picolines over vanadium-silico-alumino-phosphate molecular sieves
Pages 161-162
S.J. Kulkarni, R. Ramachandra Rao, M. Subrahmanyam, S. Farsinavis, P. Kanta Rao, A.V. Rama Rao
Transition metal cations in zeolites — A catalyst for hds reactions
Pages 163-164
A. Lugstein, O. El Dusouqui, A. Jentys, H. Vinek
A new coupling reaction between α-pinene and acetone catalysed by beta zeolites
Pages 165-166
J. Vital, J.C. van der Waal, H. van Bekkum
Catalysis of a liquid-phase Diels-Alder-reaction by zeoutes Y, EMT and BETA
Pages 167-168
K. Bomholdt, H. Lechert
Isomerization of n-hexane over platinum loaded zeolites
Pages 169-170
Jeong-Kyu Lee, Hyun-Ku Rhee
Benzene alkylation with ethanol over shape selective zeolite catalysts
Pages 171-173
Radhakrishna Ganti, Subash Bhatia
Effect of the aluminum content at the external surface of the ZSM-5 in the disproportionation of ethylbenzene
Pages 174-175
M.J.B. Cardoso, E.L. Gomes, D. Cardoso
Methanol conversion to hydrocarbons over ZSM-5. Use of isotopes for mechanism studies
Pages 176-177
Ivar M. Dahl, Stein Kolboe, Per Ola Rønning
Fisher-Tropsch synthesis on ruthenium supported titanium silicate catalysts
Pages 178-179
R. Carli, C.L. Bianchi, R. Bernasconi, G. Frontini, V. Ragaini
Synthesis and catalytic properties of extra-large pore crystalline materials for n-hexadecane cracking
Pages 180-181
W. Reschetilowski, K. Roos, A. Liepold, M. Stöcker, R. Schmidt, A. Karlsson, D. Akporiaye, E. Myhrvold
Conversion of ethane into aromatic hydrocarbons on zinc containing ZSM-5 zeolites — role of active centers
Pages 182-183
A. Hagen, F. Roessner
Conversion of n-butane into aromatic hydrocarbons over H-ZSM-11 and GA-ZSM-11 zeolite catalysts
Pages 184-185
N. Kumar, L.-E. Lindfors
Highly dispersed platinum clusters in zeolite beta: Synthesis, characterization and catalysis in liquid-phase hydrogenations
Pages 186-187
E.J. Creyghton, R.A.W. Grotenbreg, R.S. Downing, H. van Bekkum
The effect of outer surface sllylation on the catalytic properties of FeZSM-11
Pages 188-189
L.V. Piryutko, O.O. Parenago, E.V. Lunina, A.S. Kharitonov, L.G. Okkel, G.I. Panov
Hydrolysis of disaccharides by dealuminated Y-zeolites
Pages 190-191
Christoph Buttersack, Daniela Laketic
Adsorption and catalysis mechanism of CFC-11 in NaX zeolite
Pages 192-193
M. Hiraiwa, A. Yamazaki, R. Otsuka, T. Nagoya