Advanced Metrology: Freeform Surfaces

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کتاب مترولوژی پیشرفته: سطوح آزاد نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Advanced Metrology: Freeform Surfaces

نام کتاب : Advanced Metrology: Freeform Surfaces
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : مترولوژی پیشرفته: سطوح آزاد
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Academic Press Inc
سال نشر : 2020
تعداد صفحات : 383
ISBN (شابک) : 0128218150 , 9780128218150
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 63 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

 مترولوژی پیشرفته: سطوح آزاد راهنمای کاملی را برای طراحان مهندسی و سازندگان علاقه مند به بررسی مزایای این فناوری ارائه می دهد. گنجاندن نمونه‌ها و مطالعات موردی صنعتی به خوانندگان کمک می‌کند تا این تکنیک‌ها را که در صنایع مختلف توسعه می‌یابند اجرا کنند، زیرا عملکرد عملکردی محصولات را بهبود می‌بخشد و وزن و هزینه را کاهش می‌دهد.

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter Copyright Preface Acknowledgments Free-form surface sampling Introduction The state of the art Primitive surfaces Free-form surfaces Model-adapted sampling strategies Self-adaptive sampling strategies Surface reconstruction Tensor product B-spline reconstruction Delaunay triangulation reconstruction Curvature based sampling Curve sampling Surface sampling Adaptive sampling strategy Method description Profile adaptive compression sampling Areal adaptive scanning Performance validation Experimental settings Results and discussion Triangular mesh sampling Summary References Fundaments for free-form surfaces Introduction Free-form surface representation Free-form surface requirements Surface representation models Discrete surface representations Continuous surface representations Subdivision surfaces Ruled surfaces Other surfaces methods Skinned surfaces or multisection surfaces Swept surfaces Swung surfaces Free-form analysis Sampling and reconstruction Feature- or attribute-based sampling Sampling based on orthogonal functions Simplification of meshes Free-form form fitting Nominal form is known Nominal form is not known Free-form filtration and multiscale decomposition Diffusion filtering Morphological filtering Segmentation Wavelets Free-form analytics Form parameters Shape parameters Surface texture field parameters Surface texture feature parameters Summary References Free-form surface sampling Introduction The state of the art Primitive surfaces Free-form surfaces Model-adapted sampling strategies Self-adaptive sampling strategies Surface reconstruction Tensor product B-spline reconstruction Delaunay triangulation reconstruction Curvature based sampling Curve sampling Surface sampling Adaptive sampling strategy Method description Profile adaptive compression sampling Areal adaptive scanning Performance validation Experimental settings Results and discussion Triangular mesh sampling Summary References Geometrical fitting of free-form surfaces Introduction Geometrical representations Algebraic fitting and geometrical fitting Geometric fitting for explicit functions Geometric fitting for implicit/parametric functions Experimental validation Robust estimators Statistical fundaments Commonly used error metrics M-Estimators L-Estimators R-Estimators lp Norm estimators Surrogate functions Experimental validation Minimum zone fitting Definition of tolerance zone Interior point method Experimental validation Exponential penalty function Experimental validation Summary References Free-form surface reconstruction Introduction Triangular mesh parametrization Case studies Surface reconstruction with B-splines and NURBS Surface reconstruction Case studies Surface reconstruction with local B-splines models Truncated hierarchical B-splines Locally refined B-splines Test cases Surface reconstruction with triangular Bezier surfaces Degree 2 interpolation Degree 5 interpolation Case studies Implicit function surface reconstruction Marching cubes Adaptive surface reconstruction Test case Summary References Free-form surface filtering using the diffusion equation Introduction Linear Gaussian filters Diffusion filtering and relationship with Gaussian filters Diffusion equation The relationship between the diffusion time parameter and the Gaussian cutoff wavelength Laplace-Beltrami operator Mean curvature motion Discrete differential geometry Discrete Laplace-Beltrami operators Criteria for convergence Numerical solutions of the diffusion equation Application approach Surfaces without boundaries Surfaces without boundaries Simulation test case Experimental test case Mean curvature flow: Simulation test case Summary References Morphological filtering of free-form surfaces Introduction Mathematical morphology and morphological operations Morphology operations on set Morphological operations on functions Morphological operations in surface metrology Surface scanning Real mechanical surface reconstruction Closing and opening filtering Form approximation Contact points Uncertainty zone for continuous surface reconstruction Scale-space analysis Alpha shape algorithms for morphological filtering Alpha shape theory Link between alpha hull and morphological envelopes Morphological envelope computation based on the alpha shape Divide and conquer optimization Contact points and their searching procedures Redundancy of the Delaunay triangulation Definition of contact points Propositions for searching contact points Case studies Summary References Segmentation of topographical features on free-form surfaces Introduction Watershed segmentation and its application Watershed segmentation in geography Watershed segmentation in image processing Watershed segmentation in engineering surface analysis Watershed segmentation of free-form surfaces General strategy of applying the watershed method on free-form surfaces Watershed segmentation of topographical features on free-form surfaces Extraction of surface topography Construction of the Pfaltz graph Oversegmentation merging Case studies Summary References Further reading Free-form surface filtering using wavelets and multiscale decomposition Introduction Wavelet multiscale analysis Implementations methods of wavelet multiscale analysis First-generation wavelet: The filter bank method Second-generation wavelet: The lifting scheme method Wavelets generations for surface texture characterization Wavelet multiscale decomposition for 3-D triangular meshes Free-form surface filtering using lifting wavelets Split operator Random split operator Shortest-edge split operator Quadric error metric (QEM) split operator Prediction operator Laplacian prediction operator Gaussian prediction operator Update operator Mesh simplification (the approximation) The details (wavelet coefficients) Merge operator Filtration algorithm Multiscale free-form surface decomposition using a Laplacian mesh relaxation Laplacian mesh relaxation Multiscale decomposition using a relaxation scheme Scale-limited surfaces using mesh relaxation Case studies Computer-generated surfaces Lifting wavelets filtration results Laplacian mesh decomposition results Bioengineering surfaces Lifting wavelets filtration results Laplacian mesh decomposition results Comparisons Summary References Further reading Characterization of free-form surfaces Introduction Surface representation Reference form computation Plane estimation Cylinder estimation Sphere estimation Areal texture parameters definition Height parameters Hybrid parameters Functional parameters Comparison with ISO 25178-2 Triangular mesh approximation Test cases Portion of lattice structure Comparison between the grid and mesh methods Comparison of different reconstruction and form estimation methods Ball bearing surface Heavy-duty stick-on Velcro surface Portion of turbine blade Feature parameters Summary References Characterization of free-form structured surfaces Introduction Characterization framework of free-form structured surface F-operator for the form removal of the free-form structured surface Robust spline filter Generalized robust spline filter M-estimation Iteratively reweighted least squares solution for generalized spline filter L2 norm-Linear spline filter Proposed nonlinear spline filter Experimental results Robust Gaussian regression filter PDE-based surface characterization Linear diffusion for regular lattice grid surface analysis Adaptive diffusion filter for surface analysis Wavelet regularization PDE-based surface characterization Numerical solution and experiments Profile analysis Areal surface analysis Feature extraction Sobel edge operator Segmentation Wolf pruning Case studies for the characterization of MEMs surfaces Methodology to characterize tessellation surfaces Methodology AACF Lattice building Case studies Summary References Further reading Smart surface design and metrology platform Introduction Semantics of surface design and metrology Semantic flows among the four conceptual realms Representing the semantics CSL semantics Basic semantics Enriched semantics Hierarchical semantics CSL reasoning Semantics of surface texture specification Hierarchical operation model Reasoning on the semantics CatSurf: An integrated surface texture information system CatSurf: System architecture and components Design your specifications with functionality and production capability Intelligent specification generation Guidance and analysis of measurement Using CatSurf in CAD systems Test cases PST specification design for a helical gear in AutoCAD Areal specification design for a stepped shaft in solidworks Summary Appendix Basic category concepts High-level categorical concepts References Index A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

Advanced Metrology: Freeform Surfaces provides the perfect guide for engineering designers and manufacturers interested in exploring the benefits of this technology. The inclusion of industrial case studies and examples will help readers to implement these techniques which are being developed across different industries as they offer improvements to the functional performance of products and reduce weight and cost.

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