توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این منتخب از فصلهای عمیق، انتقادی و جامع در مورد مسائل موضوعی در روانشناسی سلامت کاربردی، کار محققان و پزشکان کلیدی در سیستم سلامت استرالیا را نشان میدهد و به جنبههای نظری و روششناختی این موضوع میپردازد.
- نخستین متن روانشناسی سلامت به طور خاص برای کارآموزان منطقه ای مقطع کارشناسی ارشد
- مجموعه ای از موضوعات و مسائل را پوشش می دهد و بر جنبه های کاربردی سلامت بالینی و ارتقای سلامت تمرکز می کند
- هم موضوعات تخصصی و هم مرزهای جدید تحقیق را در بر می گیرد
- آموزش و یادگیری روانشناسی سلامت را برای دانشجویان استرالیایی ایجاد می کند
فهرست مطالب :
Applied Topics in Health Psychology......Page 3
Contents......Page 7
About the Editors......Page 11
About the Contributors......Page 13
Foreword......Page 25
Preface......Page 27
Acknowledgments......Page 31
Part 1 Health Behavior Change and Enhancing Health Behaviors......Page 33
Maintaining health behavior changes......Page 35
Underlying principles of health behavior change......Page 36
Readiness to change model......Page 37
Self-regulatory model......Page 38
Health and illness management model......Page 39
Interdisciplinary Models of Care......Page 43
References......Page 44
2 Health Coaching : Facilitating Health Behavior Change for Chronic Condition Prevention and Self-Management......Page 47
Health Coaching: What Is It?......Page 48
The Rationale for Health Coaching: The Theoretical Evidence......Page 50
The Efficacy of Health Coaching: Empirical Evidence......Page 51
The HCA Model: a Theoretically Driven Health Coaching Model......Page 54
References......Page 57
3 Physical Activity : An Evidence-Based Examination of Why, How Much, and How to Increase It......Page 61
Weight loss......Page 62
Other positive physical health outcomes of physical activity......Page 63
Potential Risks of Physical Activity......Page 64
How much activity is required to achieve general health benefits?......Page 65
Prevalence of Physical Activity......Page 66
Risks of Sedentary Behavior: More than the Absence of Activity......Page 67
Do interventions work?......Page 68
What kinds of interventions are effective?......Page 69
What kinds of interventions are useful for increasing physical activity?......Page 70
Summary and Conclusion......Page 71
References......Page 72
Introduction......Page 76
The Structure of Exercise Habits......Page 77
Developing Exercise Habits......Page 79
Far Too Much of a Good Thing: Exercise Dependence......Page 80
References......Page 82
Part 2 Age, Gender, and Cultural Factors in Health......Page 87
5 Promoting Aging Well : Psychological Contributions......Page 89
Population and Individual Aging......Page 90
Concepts of Healthy and Successful Aging......Page 91
A Systematic Review of the Literature: Successful Aging and Related Terms......Page 93
Interventions to promote aging well......Page 94
References......Page 99
Background......Page 104
Gender-Role Prescriptions and Stereotypes......Page 105
Limitations of Stereotypes......Page 106
The Interaction between Individuals, and the Context of the Gendered Milieu......Page 107
Hegemonic Masculinity and Drinking as a Strategy for “Doing Gender”......Page 108
The Femininity Hypothesis in Disordered Eating......Page 109
Applications and Conclusions......Page 111
References......Page 112
Migrants......Page 116
Lifestyle factors......Page 117
Health behavior and barriers......Page 121
Indigenous Australians......Page 123
References......Page 127
Part 3 Health and Wellbeing......Page 131
8 The Relationship Between Subjective Wellbeing and Health......Page 133
SWB is normally stable and positive......Page 134
The distribution of SWB is under genetic control......Page 135
SWB is homeostatically protected......Page 136
Homeostatic buffers......Page 137
What is homeostasis defending?......Page 139
Implications for Practice......Page 140
References......Page 141
Positive Psychology and Positive Health......Page 144
Positive health......Page 145
Quality of Life and Wellbeing......Page 146
Subjective Wellbeing......Page 147
Subpopulations......Page 151
Gender......Page 152
Age......Page 153
Personality......Page 154
Spirituality and religiosity......Page 155
Definitional issues......Page 156
Sophisticated data-analysis techniques......Page 157
Conclusion......Page 158
References......Page 159
Dedication......Page 166
Public health campaigns that incorporate companion animals......Page 167
Epidemiological studies of companion animals and human health......Page 168
Service animals......Page 169
Companion Animals and Interprofessional Education......Page 170
Companion Animals and Health Psychology Research......Page 171
References......Page 172
11 Oral Health and Wellbeing......Page 175
Oral Health and Disease......Page 176
Clinical Oral Health Psychology......Page 177
Pain......Page 178
Abnormal Gagging......Page 179
Craniofacial Anomalies......Page 180
Specific Dental Phobias......Page 181
Oral Health Promotion and Health Coaching......Page 182
Summary and Conclusion......Page 184
References......Page 185
The Changing Workplace......Page 190
Sources and Health Effects of Work Stress......Page 192
Workplace Health Promotion......Page 193
Work-Life Balance......Page 194
References......Page 196
Part 4 Health Conditions and Health Issues......Page 201
What is Genetic Risk and Genetic Testing?......Page 203
What Information Can Genetic Testing Provide?......Page 204
Who Provides Genetic Testing?......Page 205
Frameworks for Understanding Responses to Genetic Risk Assessment......Page 206
Psychosocial Challenges of Genetic Testing......Page 207
Psychological Interventions in the Genetic Risk-Assessment Context......Page 210
References......Page 212
14 Psychological Implications of Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies......Page 217
Psychological Impact of Infertility and Infertility Treatment......Page 219
Gender Differences in the Experience of Infertility and Infertility Treatment......Page 220
Impact of Infertility and Infertility Treatment on a Couple’s Sexual Relationship, and Cultural and Social Considerations......Page 221
Efficacy of Psychological Interventions......Page 223
Use of Third-Party Reproduction Methods such as Donor Gametes and Surrogacy......Page 225
Conclusion......Page 226
References......Page 227
The Psychological Impact of a Genital Herpes or Genital HPV Diagnosis......Page 231
Disclosure of STI to Sexual Partners......Page 232
Psychological Interventions to Assist in Coping with an STI Diagnosis and Modifying Risk Behavior......Page 233
Psychological Aspects of Living with HIV/AIDS......Page 234
Adjustment to and coping with an HIV diagnosis......Page 235
Depression and anxiety among individuals with HIV/AIDs......Page 236
Medication adherence......Page 237
Procreation/parenting decisions......Page 238
References......Page 239
16 Identification and Treatment of Depression in the Perinatal Period......Page 244
Recognition of Symptoms......Page 245
The Need for Active Identification......Page 246
How should screening be deployed?......Page 247
Screening and diagnosis......Page 248
Psychosocial assessment......Page 249
Group-based cognitive behavior therapy......Page 250
Antidepressants......Page 251
Treatment Preferences......Page 252
Parent–Infant Intervention......Page 253
Making screening an effective population health measure......Page 254
References......Page 255
17 From Insomnia to Healthy Sleep : Cognitive-Behavioral Applications......Page 260
Symptoms and Features......Page 261
Shift Work and Insomnia......Page 262
Electroencephalography and Insomnia......Page 263
Harvey model......Page 264
Treatment of Insomnia: Nonpharmacological......Page 265
Cognitive therapy......Page 267
Drug therapy......Page 268
Investigations: What to Look For and What to Ask as a Practitioner......Page 269
References......Page 270
18 Living with a Craniofacial Condition......Page 274
Craniofacial Conditions......Page 275
What are the challenges of living with a craniofacial condition?......Page 276
Positive aspects of living with a craniofacial condition......Page 278
Psychological wellbeing in adulthood......Page 279
Cognitive functioning......Page 280
Predictors of psychosocial functioning......Page 281
Interventions......Page 282
Cognitive-behavioral interventions......Page 283
References......Page 284
Part 5 Body Image, Eating Problems, and Obesity......Page 289
Body Image and Body Change Behaviors......Page 291
Gender differences in body change strategies......Page 292
Age-related decline in body change behaviors......Page 293
Body Image and Obesity......Page 294
Explaining the relationship between body image and obesity......Page 295
Improving body image......Page 296
Experimental and longitudinal findings......Page 297
Age-related influences on the relationship between body image and mental health......Page 298
Body image and sexual functioning......Page 299
Body image and interpersonal relationships......Page 300
Body Image and Treatment Options......Page 301
Conclusion......Page 302
References......Page 303
20 Maladaptive Eating Practices as Precursors to Eating Disorders : A Method of Assessment......Page 310
Eating Disorder Frameworks......Page 312
Concluding Comments......Page 316
References......Page 317
Psychosocial Determinants of Maternal Obesity Through Pregnancy and the Postpartum......Page 320
Depression, anxiety, and stress......Page 322
Other psychosocial factors......Page 323
The Implications of Maternal Obesity for Childhood Obesity......Page 324
References......Page 332
Prevalence......Page 335
Psychological comorbidities......Page 336
Dietary interventions......Page 337
Pharmacotherapy......Page 338
History of behavioral weight-loss interventions......Page 339
Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral intervention components......Page 340
Enhancing behavioral weight-loss interventions......Page 341
Supporting pharmacological and surgical interventions......Page 342
Integrated treatment for obesity and mental health......Page 343
Summary and Conclusions......Page 344
References......Page 345
Part 6 Substance Use: Prevention and Treatment......Page 349
Evidence of a Problem......Page 351
Risky Drinking......Page 352
Health Behavior Theory and the Role of the Setting......Page 353
An Evidence-Based Framework for Alcohol Management Programs in Sports Clubs......Page 354
The Good Sports Program: an Alcohol Health Promotion Program for Community Sports Club Settings......Page 359
References......Page 361
Substance-Use Disorders
in Young People : Evidence-Based Prevention and Treatment......Page 365
Social learning theory......Page 366
Models of Prevention and Clinical Change......Page 367
Prevention programs......Page 368
Treatment programs......Page 370
Integration......Page 372
Conclusions......Page 373
References......Page 374
History and Significance of Problematic Drinking Behaviors......Page 380
Psychological Treatments for Problematic Drinking Behaviors......Page 381
CBT......Page 382
Understanding Substance-Use Disorders: a Metacognitive Perspective......Page 383
MCT for Substance-Use Disorders......Page 384
MCT: Problem Drinking Behavior......Page 385
Applying the model in practice: case study 1......Page 386
Applying the model in practice: case study 2......Page 388
Discussion......Page 389
References......Page 390
Part 7 Chronic Illness: Facilitating Adjustment......Page 393
26 Psycho-oncology : The Role of Psychology in Cancer Care......Page 395
Cancer Treatments and Side Effects......Page 396
Psycho-Oncology......Page 397
Social and practical concerns......Page 398
Issues with the healthcare system......Page 399
Screening for distress......Page 400
Psychological interventions......Page 401
Resources for Health Professionals......Page 403
References......Page 404
Prevalent Psychosocial Concerns......Page 408
When to assess?......Page 409
Case Formulation......Page 410
Case example......Page 411
Cognitive behavior therapy......Page 412
Mindfulness-based interventions......Page 413
Clinical hypnosis......Page 414
Self-help interventions......Page 415
Print self-help......Page 416
Therapist Self-Care......Page 417
References......Page 418
Arthritis: Diagnosis and Prognosis......Page 423
Managing and treating OA and RA......Page 425
FM: Diagnosis and Prognosis......Page 428
Management and treatment of FM......Page 431
Summary......Page 433
References......Page 434
29 Rumination as a Cognitive Process in Chronic Illness......Page 437
Ruminating on the Future......Page 443
References......Page 444
30 Illness Cognition, Coping, and Emotion in the Management of Diabetes : Evidence-Based Interventions for Self-Regulation......Page 447
Self-Regulation, Self-Determination, and Self-Management......Page 449
Cognitive Processes, Emotion, and Coping in Diabetes......Page 451
Diabetes-Specific Psychological Assessment......Page 455
Educational and self-management interventions......Page 457
Counselling and psychotherapeutic approaches......Page 458
Self-regulation interventions for diabetes management......Page 460
Conclusion......Page 461
References......Page 462
31 The Experience and Management of Asthma......Page 467
Psychological Factors in the Etiology and Management of Asthma......Page 469
Asthma Management......Page 470
Promoting Treatment Adherence Among Asthmatics......Page 471
Summary......Page 475
References......Page 476
Defining Adherence......Page 478
Measuring Adherence......Page 479
Health belief model (HBM)......Page 480
Causes of Nonadherence......Page 481
Treatment factors......Page 482
Cognitive skills......Page 483
Clinician factors......Page 484
Psycho-educational approaches......Page 485
Behavioral interventions......Page 486
Summary and Conclusions......Page 487
References......Page 488
33 Psychological Management of the Common Primary Headaches......Page 494
The Headache Classification System and Diagnosing Headaches......Page 495
Peripheral and Central Mechanisms of Migraine and Tension-Type Headache......Page 496
The Functional Model of Primary Headaches......Page 498
Self-monitoring......Page 501
Psychological Treatment of Primary Headaches......Page 502
Cognitive behavior therapy......Page 503
Effectiveness of Psychological Treatment for Primary Headaches......Page 504
References......Page 505
Nociception......Page 509
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health......Page 510
Yellow flags, blue flags, black flags......Page 512
Assessment......Page 513
Outcome measures......Page 514
Goals and treatment plan......Page 515
Cognitive behavior therapy......Page 516
Interdisciplinary......Page 517
Case study 1: Persistent arm pain and difficulty returning to work......Page 518
Case study 2: Persistent back pain and shifting beliefs and expectations......Page 519
References......Page 520
Part 8 Multidisciplinary Approaches......Page 525
The Nursing Profession in Australia......Page 527
What is Nursing?......Page 529
Multidisciplinary Healthcare......Page 530
Nurses Enhancing the Collective Capability of Healthcare Teams......Page 532
References......Page 534
Introduction to General Practice in Australia......Page 537
General practitioners......Page 538
Practice nurses......Page 539
Mental health nurses......Page 540
Useful Multidisciplinary Approaches for Psychologists and Other Allied Health Professionals......Page 541
A stronger multidisciplinary approach......Page 542
Models of Primary Healthcare in Rural and Remote Australia......Page 543
Future of Primary Healthcare in Australia......Page 545
References......Page 546
Index......Page 549
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This selection of in-depth, critical and comprehensive chapters on topical issues in applied health psychology features the work of key researchers and practitioners in the Australasian health system and deals with both theoretical and methodological aspects of the subject.
- The first health psychology text aimed specifically at regional postgraduate trainees
- Covers an array of topics and issues and focuses on applied aspects of clinical health and health promotion
- Includes both specialized topics and new frontiers of research
- Contextualizes health psychology teaching and learning for Australasian students