توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این راهنمای جهانی محیط زیست و امنیت انسانی برای انسان-سنه (GEHSHA) متمرکز بر سیاست، به تهدیدات امنیتی جدید، چالش ها، آسیب پذیری ها و خطرات ناشی از تغییرات محیطی و بلایای جهانی می پردازد. در 6 پیشگفتار، 5 پیشگفتار، 95 کشور بررسی شده در 10 قسمت مفاهیم امنیت سخت نظامی و سیاسی و امنیت نرم اقتصادی، اجتماعی، محیطی با تمرکز منطقه ای بر خاورمیانه، شمال و جنوب صحرای آفریقا و آسیا و خطرات را تحلیل می کنند. در مراکز شهری تمرکز اصلی بر روی مقابله با تغییرات محیطی جهانی است: تغییر اقلیم، بیابانزایی، آب، غذا و سلامت و خطرات و استراتژیهای آسیبپذیری اجتماعی و ایجاد تابآوری و استراتژیها، سیاستها و اقدامات سیاسی علمی، بینالمللی، منطقهای و ملی از جمله هشدار سریع درگیری ها و خطرات این کتاب یک ژئواکولوژی سیاسی را پیشنهاد میکند و «انقلاب سبز چهارم» را برای دوران آنتروپوسن تاریخ زمین مورد بحث قرار میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-li
Front Matter....Pages 29-29
Introduction: Coping with Global Environmental Change in the Anthropocene....Pages 31-60
Concepts of Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks....Pages 61-106
Disaster Risk and Vulnerability: Concepts and Measurement of Human and Environmental Insecurity....Pages 107-121
Economic Vulnerability and Economic Security....Pages 123-156
Debt Relief, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Low-Income Countries....Pages 157-175
Front Matter....Pages 177-178
Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks in the Evolution and Implementation of the European Security Strategy....Pages 179-190
NATO’s Traditional Security Problems....Pages 191-198
European Responses to Security Threats in the Mediterranean in the Early 21 st Century....Pages 199-205
Inside/Outside: Turkey’s Security Dilemmas and Priorities in the Early 21 st Century....Pages 207-218
Promoting Democracy as a Security Goal. The ‘inward-outward’ Paradox of the EU’s Foreign Policy....Pages 219-234
Language Games on Security in Finland: Towards Changing Concepts of the State and National Survival....Pages 235-247
Security Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks in US National Security Documents (1990–2010)....Pages 249-274
Changes in the Perception of Military Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks in Russia (1991-2009)....Pages 275-289
Russian Security Policy in the 21 st Century Based on the Experiences of Its First Decade....Pages 291-306
Non-Traditional Security and the New Concept of Security of China....Pages 307-311
Perceptions of Hard Security Issues in the Arab World....Pages 313-326
Arab Perceptions of Soft Security Issues....Pages 327-338
Military Challenges and Threats in West Africa....Pages 339-351
Weak States and Security Threats in West Africa....Pages 353-368
Front Matter....Pages 369-370
Environmental Challenges and Risks in North Africa....Pages 371-393
Front Matter....Pages 369-370
Water Degradation as a Human Security Challenge in Jordan....Pages 395-407
Water Scarcity and Degradation in Palestine as Challenges, Vulnerabilities, and Risks for Environmental Security....Pages 409-419
Social, Environmental and Security Impacts of Climate Change on the Eastern Mediterranean....Pages 421-445
Progressive Development of the Water Resources of Israel and Palestine to Mitigate the Negative Impact of Global Warming....Pages 447-458
Jerusalem: Where To? In Search for Hidden Opportunities....Pages 459-483
Global Climate Change Impacts for the Mediterranean in the 21 st Century: Challenges for Human and Environmental Security....Pages 485-524
Global Environmental Change and Conflict Potential in Central Asia....Pages 525-534
Impact of Environmental Change on Stability and Conflict Potentials in China....Pages 535-546
Front Matter....Pages 547-548
The Vulnerability of Cities to Disasters and Climate Change: A Conceptual Framework....Pages 549-558
Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Case Study on Landslide Risks in La Paz....Pages 559-574
Revealing the Impact of Small Disasters to the Economic and Social Development....Pages 575-584
Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Coastal Ecosystems in Latin-America: A Framework for Analysis....Pages 585-601
Flood Loss Redistribution in a Third World Megacity: The Case of Mumbai....Pages 603-612
Coping with Water- and Wastewater-related Risks in Megacity Delhi....Pages 613-623
Politics of Displacement and Vulnerability....Pages 625-635
Linking Oriental and Western Thinking to Mitigate Flood Risk....Pages 637-645
Preparation for an Earthquake in the Megacity Istanbul....Pages 647-653
Risk Management Strategies for the Predicted Earthquake Hazard in Istanbul....Pages 655-667
Urban Vulnerability to Climate Change and Natural Hazards in Nigeria....Pages 669-687
Front Matter....Pages 689-692
Quantifying Global Environmental Change Impacts: Methods, Criteria and Definitions for Compiling Data on Hydro-meteorological Disasters....Pages 693-717
Front Matter....Pages 689-692
Stormy Weather: International Security in the Shadow of Climate Change....Pages 719-733
Security Risks of Climate Change: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Conflicts and Strategies....Pages 735-756
New Threats? Risk and Securitization Theory on Climate Change and Water....Pages 757-764
Dealing With Uncertainties in Climate Change Impacts Assessments: A Case Study on the Nile Basin....Pages 765-771
Mapping Areas Affected by Sea-Level Rise due to Climate Change in the Nile Delta Until 2100....Pages 773-788
Vulnerability of Tropical Montane Rain Forest Ecosystems due to Climate Change....Pages 789-802
Securitizing Land Degradation and Desertification: A Proactive Soil Security Concept....Pages 803-833
Alternative Livelihoods for Attaining Sustainability and Security in Drylands....Pages 835-852
Societal Vulnerability to Desertification and Policy Response Options....Pages 853-861
Desertification Process in Egypt....Pages 863-874
Impacts of Drought on Agriculture in Northern Mexico....Pages 875-891
Traditional Knowledge in Coping with Desertification....Pages 893-900
Prodromes of Desertification in the Oasis of Tafilalet (Morocco) and Specific Local Solutions....Pages 901-919
Agriculture in Drylands: Experience in Almeria....Pages 921-934
Land-use Changes, Desertification, and Climate Change Impacts in South-eastern Spain....Pages 935-945
Reconsidering Integrated Water Resources Management: Promoting Economic Growth and Tackling Environmental Stress....Pages 947-955
Coping with Population Growth, Climate Change, Water Scarcity and Growing Food Demand in China in the 21 st Century....Pages 957-967
Ensuring Water Security in Rural Areas of Bangladesh under Climate Change and Non-climatic Drivers of Change....Pages 969-981
Applying Bottom-up Participatory Strategies and Traditional Methods of Water Harvesting in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan....Pages 983-996
Coping with Water Scarcity in the Sahel: Assessing Groundwater Resources in the Western Sahel....Pages 997-1004
Front Matter....Pages 689-692
Global Threats, Global Changes and Connected Communities in the Global Agrofood System....Pages 1005-1018
Genetically Modified Organisms: A Threat for Food Security and Risk for Food Sovereignty and Survival....Pages 1019-1041
Natural Disasters and Major Challenges towards Achieving Food Security in the Sahel: The Experience of CILSS....Pages 1043-1053
Responding to Climate Variability and Change: Opportunities and Challenges for Governance....Pages 1055-1065
Coping with Climate Change Impacts on Coffee and Maize for Peasants in Mexico....Pages 1067-1080
The Impact of AIDS on Women’s Social Life in a Mexican Rural Community....Pages 1081-1089
Integrated Assessment of Vulnerability to Heat Stress in Urban Areas....Pages 1091-1099
Front Matter....Pages 1101-1101
Regulation and Coupling of Society and Nature in the Context of Natural Hazards....Pages 1103-1127
Differentials in Impacts and Recovery in the Aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Local Examples at Different Scales in Sri Lanka....Pages 1129-1146
Risks in Central America: Bringing Them Under Control....Pages 1147-1157
Economics and Social Vulnerability: Dynamics of Entitlement and Access....Pages 1159-1168
Social Vulnerability, Discrimination, and Resilience-building in Disaster Risk Reduction....Pages 1169-1188
Front Matter....Pages 1189-1191
Coping with Global Environmental Change: Need for an Interdisciplinary and Integrated Approach....Pages 1193-1204
Research Agenda and Policy Input of the Earth System Science Partnership for Coping with Global Environmental Change....Pages 1205-1220
The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change – Taking Stock and Moving Forward....Pages 1221-1233
DIVERSITAS: Biodiversity Science Integrating Research and Policy for Human Well-Being....Pages 1235-1248
The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme’s (IGBP) Scientific Research Agenda for Coping with Global Environmental Change....Pages 1249-1256
Climate Information for Coping with Environmental Change: Contributions of the World Climate Research Programme....Pages 1257-1271
Key IPCC Conclusions on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations....Pages 1273-1281
Options for Mitigating Climate Change Results of Working Group III of the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC....Pages 1283-1291
Front Matter....Pages 1189-1191
Global Climate Change, Natural Hazards, and the Environment:an Overview of UNESCO’s Activities....Pages 1293-1301
Climate Change and Development: UNDP’s Approach to Helping Countries Build a New Paradigm....Pages 1303-1318
EU Strategies for Climate Change Policy Beyond 2012....Pages 1319-1332
Coping with Climate Change in East Asia: Vulnerabilities and Responsibilities....Pages 1333-1340
Strategies for Coping with Climate Change in Latin America: Perspective beyond 2012....Pages 1341-1353
Politics of Equity and Justice in Climate Change Negotiations in North-South Relations....Pages 1355-1366
Climate Change: Long-Term Security Implications for China and the International Community....Pages 1367-1380
Japanese Climate Change Policy: Moving Beyond the Kyoto Process....Pages 1381-1391
Implications of Equity Considerations and Emission Reduction Targets: Lessons from the Case of Japan’s Mid-Term Target....Pages 1393-1400
Front Matter....Pages 1401-1401
Land-use and Flood Risk Changes in Coastal Areas of South-eastern Spain....Pages 1403-1413
Monitoring Conflict Risk: The Contribution of Globally Used Indicator Systems....Pages 1415-1426
Front Matter....Pages 1427-1427
Networking Disaster and Conflict Early Warning in Response to Climate Change....Pages 1429-1440
Vulnerability Assessment in Sri Lanka in the Context of Tsunami Early Warning....Pages 1441-1449
Front Matter....Pages 1451-1451
Political Geoecology for the Anthropocene....Pages 1453-1485
Coping with Global Environmental Change – Sustainability Revolution and Sustainable Peace....Pages 1487-1503
Back Matter....Pages 1505-1815
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This policy-focused Global Environmental and Human Security Handbook for the Anthropo-cene (GEHSHA) addresses new security threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks posed by global environmental change and disasters. In 6 forewords, 5 preface essays 95 peer reviewed chapcountries analyse in 10 parts concepts of military and political hard security and economic, social, environmental soft security with a regional focus on the Near East, North and Sub-Sahara Africa and Asia and on hazards in urban centres. The major focus is on coping with global environmental change: climate change, desertification, water, food and health and with hazards and strategies on social vulnerability and resilience building and scientific, international, regional and national political strategies, policies and measures including early warning of conflicts and hazards. The book proposes a political geo-ecology and discusses a ‘Fourth Green Revolution’ for the Anthropocene era of earth history.