فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Series Preface
Bibliography and Further Reading
Part I Foundations
1 John Henry Merryman (2005), ‘Cultural Property Internationalism’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 12, pp. 11-39
2 Janet Blake (2000), ‘On Defining the Cultural Heritage’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 49, pp. 61-85
3 Rosemary J. Coombe (2009), ‘The Expanding Purview of Cultural Properties and Their Politics’, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 5, pp. 393-412
4 Jonathan S. Bell (2013), ‘The Politics of Preservation: Privileging One Heritage over Another’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 20, pp. 431-50
Part II Types of Cultural Heritage Rights
5 Shabnam lnanloo Dailoo and Frits Pannekoek (2008), ‘Nature and Culture: A New World Heritage Context’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 15, pp. 25-47
6 Gonzalo Oviedo and Tatjana Puschkarsky (2012), ‘World Heritage and Rights-Based Approaches to Nature Conservation’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 18, pp. 285-96
7 Lindsay M. Weiss (2014), ‘Informal Settlements and Urban Heritage Landscapes in South Africa’, Journal of Social Archaeology, 14, pp. 3-25
8 Michael L. Dutra (2004), ‘Sir, How Much is that Ming Vase in the Window? Protecting Cultural Relics in the People\'s Republic of China’, Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal, 5, pp. 62-100
9 Sarah Dromgoole (2003), ‘2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage’, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 18, pp. 59-91
10 Michael F. Brown (2005), ‘Heritage Trouble: Recent Work on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Property’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 12, pp. 40-61
11 Thomas M. Schmitt (2008), ‘The UNESCO Concept of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Its Background and Marrakchi Roots’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14, pp. 95-111
12 Rosemary J. Coombe with Joseph F. Turcotte (2012), ‘Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Development and Trade: Perspectives from the Dynamics of Cultural Heritage Law and Policy’, in Christoph B. Graber, Karolina Kuprecht and Jessica C. Lai (eds), International Trade in Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Legal and Policy Issues, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 272-306
13 Melissa F. Baird (2013), ‘Indigenous Cultural Landscapes and the Politics of Heritage’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 19, pp. 327-40
Part III Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Rights Law
14 Robert K. Paterson (2006), ‘Resolving Material Culture Disputes: Human Rights, Property Rights and Crimes against Humanity’, Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution, 14, pp. 155-74
15 Patty Gerstenblith (2007), ‘Controlling the International Market in Antiquities: Reducing the Harm, Preserving the Past’, Chicago Journal of International Law, 8, pp. 169-95
16 Hirad Abtahi (2001), ‘The Protection of Cultural Property in Times of Armed Conflict: The Practice of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia’, Harvard Human Rights Journal, 14, pp. 1-32
17 Francesco Francioni and Federico Lenzerini (2006), ‘The Obligation to Prevent and Avoid Destruction of Cultural Heritage: From Bamiyan to Iraq’, in B. Hoffman (ed.), Art and Cultural Heritage: Law, Policy, and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 28-40
18 Tim Winter (2008), ‘Post-Conflict Heritage and Tourism in Cambodia: The Burden of Angkor’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14, pp. 524-39
Part IV Future Directions in Cultural Heritage Rights Law
19 Hee-Eun Kim (2011), ‘Changing Climate, Changing Culture: Adding the Climate Change Dimension to the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage’, International Journal of Cultural Property, 18, pp. 259-90
20 Rachael Craufurd Smith (2007), ‘The UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions: Building a New World Information and Communication Order?’, International Journal of Communication, 1, pp. 24-55
21 Pilar N. Ossorio (2007), ‘The Human Genome as Common Heritage: Common Sense or Legal Nonsense?’, Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 35, pp. 425-39
22 Ian Hodder (2010), ‘Cultural Heritage Rights: From Ownership and Descent to Justice and Well-Being’, Anthropological Quarterly, 83, pp. 861-82
Name index