فهرست مطالب :
Cover\nHalf-title\nTitle\rpage\nCopyright\rinformation\nDedication\nTable of contents\nList of illustrations\nList of color plates\nAcknowledgments\nNote to the reader\nList of abbreviations\nIntroduction\n I.\n II.\n III.\n1 From composition to performance: epigrams in context\n Why verse? Epigrams and the power of logos\n Verses on the page: epigrams in the manuscript record\n Patrons, poets, artists\n Epigrams and the viewer/reader\n2 The patron’s ‘‘I’’\n Between praise and prayer: the patron in the dedicatory epigram\n The patron says ‘‘I’’\n Performed identities, crafted selves\n3 Kosmos\n What is kosmos?\n Kosmos, matter, and the sacred\n Cladding/clothing\n4 Golden words\n Script as ornament\n Verses in space\n Labyrinths and crosses: figured epigrams\n Logikos kosmos\n5 Devotional gifts\n Toward a typology of devotional gifts\n Gifts, prayers, and memory\n Paradoxical exchange\n6 The erotics of devotion\n Of gifts and love\n Defining pothos\n Personal patronage and the rhetoric of pothos\n7 Image of the beloved\n Affective images\n Adornment, desire, and the relational self\n Epithets\n Pothos portrayed\nConclusion\nBibliography\n SourcesActes de Docheiariou, ed. N. Oikonomidès (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1984).Actes de Lavra, ed. P. Lemerle, A. Guillou, N. Svoronos, and D. Papachryssanthou, 4 vols. (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1970-82).Actes de Pantocrator, ed. V. Kravari (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1991).Actes de Vatopédi, ed. J. Bompaire, J. Lefort, V. Kravari, Ch. Giros, and K. Smyrlis, 2 vols. (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 2001-6).Actes de Xénophon, ed. D. Papachryssanthou (Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1986).Aelius Theon, Progymnasmata, ed. M. Patillon, Aelius Théon: Progymnasmata (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1997).Akindynos, Gregory, Letters, ed. A. Constantinides Hero, Letters of Gregory Akindynos (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1983).Akropolites, George...\n Secondary WorksAbel, U. (1978) ‘‘An Icon’s Attire-On the Frames and Covers of Russian Icons,’’ Nationalmuseum Bulletin 2.3: 89-101.Abramovich, D. I. (1930) Kievo-Pecherski paterik (Kiev: Vseukraïnska akademiia nauk).Acheimastou-Potamianou, M. (ed.) (1988) Holy Image, Holy Space: Icons and Frescoes from Greece, exh. cat. (Athens: Greek Ministry of Culture, Byzantine Museum of Athens).Acheimastou-Potamianou, M. (1998) iotakappanuepsi tauupsi upsizetaanutauiotanu upsisigmaepsiupsi thetaetanunu (Athens: amuepsi rhochiaiotalambdagammaiotakappanu Pirhoomeganu kappaaiota pialambdalambdataurhoiotasigmaepsiomeganu).Acheimastou-Potamianou, M. (2002) ‘‘rhopiiota sigmaupsinutaurhoetasigmaeta epsiiotakappanuomeganu sigmatau upsizetanutauiota,’’ in Vassil...\nIndex\nColor plates