توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
تاریخچه نگارش عربی بروکلمان ، اطلاعات بیولوژیکی بیولوژیکی را در مورد آثاری که به زبان عربی و نویسندگان آنها نوشته شده است ، با تأکید بر نسخه های خطی از دوره کلاسیک ارائه می دهد. این کار مرجع چند ولت در ابتدا در بخش های سازمان یافته زمانی تقسیم می شود ، که توسط ژانر ادبی تقسیم می شوند. ورودی های فردی به طور معمول از یک بخش بیوگرافی و لیستی از آثار نویسنده در نسخه خطی و چاپ ، با اشاراتی به ادبیات ثانویه تشکیل شده است. "Brockelmann" ، که اکنون به زبان انگلیسی نیز موجود است ، یک ابزار تحقیقاتی ضروری برای هر کسی است که به طور کلی در جهان اسلام کار می کند و به ویژه خاورمیانه.
فهرست مطالب :
Table of contents
Book 3. The decline of Islamic literature
First section: From Mongol rule until the conquest of Egypt by Sultan Selīm I in the year 1517
Chapter 1. Egypt and Syria
§ 1. Poetry and rhymed prose
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
A. Individual biographies
B. Collective biographical works
C. Local and national history
D. Universal history
§ 4. Popular literature in prose, anthologies, and folk tales
§ 5. Ḥadīth
A. ʿIlm al-ḥadīth wa-ʿilm al-rijāl
B. Biographies of the Prophet
C. Collections of ḥadīth and edifying works
§ 6. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Mālikīs
C. The Shāfiʿīs
D. The Ḥanbalīs
§ 7. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 8. Dogmatics and uṣūl al-dīn
§ 9. Mysticism
§ 10. Mathematics
§ 11. Astronomy
§ 12. Geography and cosmography
§ 13. Politics and public administration
§ 14. Militaria, hunting, and agriculture
§ 15. Medicine and veterinary science
§ 16. Zoology
§ 17. Music
§ 18. Occult sciences
§ 19. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
7. al-Suyūṭī
I. Fann al-tafsīr wa-taʿalluqātuhu wal-qirāʾāt
II. Fann al-ḥadīth wa-taʿalluqātuhu
III. Fann al-fiqh wa-taʿalluqātuhu
IV. al-Ajzāʾ al-mufrada fī masāʾil makhṣūṣa ʿalā tartīb al-abwāb
V. Fann al-ʿarabiyya wa-taʿalluqātuhu
VI. Fann al-uṣūl wal-bayān wal-taṣawwuf
VII. Fann al-taʾrīkh wal-adab
Chapter 2. Iraq and al-Jazīra
§ 1. Poetry and rhymed prose
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Mālikīs
C. The Shāfiʿīs
D. The Ḥanbalīs
E. The Shīʿa
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Mathematics
§ 10. Astronomy
§ 11. Music
§ 12. Medicine
Chapter 3. North Arabia
§ 1. Poetry and rhymed prose
§ 2. Historiography
§ 3. Ḥadīth
§ 4. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Mālikīs
§ 5. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 6. Mysticism
§ 7. Mathematics
§ 8. Geography
Chapter 4. South Arabia
§ 1. Poetry
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Shāfiʿīs
C. Sayyid Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm b. ʿAlī b. al-Murtaḍā b. al-Mufaḍḍal b. al-Hādī b. al-Wazīr
D. The Zaydīs
§ 5. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 6. Mysticism
§ 7. Medicine
§ 8. Horse breeding
§ 9. Occult sciences
§ 10. Encyclopaedias
Chapter 5. Iran and Turan
§ 1. Poetry and rhymed prose
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Shāfiʿīs
C. The Shīʿa
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Philosophy
§ 10. Politics
§ 11. Mathematics
§ 12. Astronomy
§ 13. Medicine
§ 14. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
Chapter 6. India
§ 1. Philology
§ 2. Historiography
§ 3. Fiqh, Abū Ḥanīfa
§ 4. Qurʾānic exegesis
§ 5. Mysticism
Chapter 7. The Turks of Rūm and the Ottoman empire
§ 1. Philology
§ 2. Historiography
§ 3. Fiqh, Abū Ḥanīfa
§ 4. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 5. Dogmatics
§ 6. Mysticism
§ 7. Medicine
§ 7a. Mathematics and astronomy
§ 8. Occult sciences
§ 9. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
Chapter 8. North Africa
§ 1. Poetry
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
A. Local history
B. History of the Ibāḍīs
C. History of dynasties
D. Universal history
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Fiqh, Mālik
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Politics
§ 10. Mathematics
§ 11. Astronomy
§ 12. Travelogues
§ 13. Medicine
§ 14. Music
§ 15. Alchemy and occult sciences
§ 16. Eroticism
Chapter 9. Spain
§ 1. Poetry and belles-lettres
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Fiqh, Mālik
§ 5. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 6. Mysticism
§ 7. Politics
§ 8. Mathematics and astronomy
§ 9. Travelogues and geographies
§ 10. Medicine
§ 11. Sport
Second Section
From the conquest of Egypt by Sultan Selīm I in 1517 to the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt in 1798
Chapter 1. Egypt and Syria
§ 1. Poetry and rhymed prose
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
A. Individual biographies
B. Collective biographical works
C. Local and national history
D. Chronicles
E. Universal history
§ 4. Popular works and anthologies
§ 5. Ḥadīth
§ 6. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Mālikīs
C. The Shāfiʿīs
D. The Ḥanbalīs
E. The Shīʿa
§ 7. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 8. Dogmatics
§ 9. Mysticism
§ 10. Homiletics and paraenesis
§ 11. Philosophy
§ 12. Politics
§ 13. Mathematics
§ 14. Astronomy
§ 15. Geography and travelogues
§ 16. Hunting and militaria
§ 17. Music
§ 18. Medicine
§ 19. Occult sciences
§ 20. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
Chapter 2. Al-Jazīra, Iraq, and Bahrain
§ 1. Poetry
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Shāfiʿīs
C. The Shīʿa
§ 5. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 6. Dogmatics
§ 7. Mysticism
§ 7a. Philosophy
§ 8. Travelogues
Chapter 3. North Arabia
§ 1. Poetry
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Fiqh
A. The Ḥanafīs
B. The Mālikīs
C. The Shāfiʿīs
D. Ḥanbalīs and Wahhābīs
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Philosophy
§ 10. Mathematics
§ 11. Astronomy
§ 12. Geography and travelogues
§ 13. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
Chapter 4. South Arabia
§ 1. Poetry and belles-lettres
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Fiqh
A. The Shāfiʿīs
B. The Zaydīs
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Astronomy
§ 10. Occult sciences
Chapter 5. Oman, East Africa, and Abessinia
A. Oman
B. East Africa
C. Abyssinia
Chapter 6. Iran and Tūrān
§ 1. Poetry and belles-lettres
§ 1b. Philology
§ 2. Ḥadīth
§ 3. Shīʿī fiqh and kalām
§ 4. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 5. Mysticism
§ 6. Philosophy
§ 8. Mathematics and astronomy
§ 10. Medicine
§ 11. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
Chapter 7. India
§ 1. Philology
§ 2. Historiography
§ 3. Belles-lettres
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Ḥanafī fiqh
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Philosophy
§ 10. Travelogues
§ 11. Encyclopaedias
Chapter 8. The Malay Archipelago
Chapter 9. Rumelia and Anatolia
§ 1a. Philology
§ 2. Historiography
§ 3. Popular prose
§ 4. Ḥadīth
§ 5. Fiqh, Abū Ḥanīfa
§ 6. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Politics
§ 10. Astronomy
§ 11. Medicine
§ 12. Music
§ 13. Agriculture
§ 14. Occult sciences
§ 15. Encyclopaedias and polyhistors
Chapter 10. The Maghreb
§ 1. Adab
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Popular prose
§ 5. Ḥadīth
§ 6b. Fiqh, Mālikī
§ 7. Qurʾānic sciences
§ 8. Dogmatics
§ 9. Mysticism
§ 9a. Philosophy
§ 10. Mathematics and astronomy
§ 11. Geography and travelogues
§ 12. Medicine
§ 13. Warfare
Chapter 11. The Sudan
Third Section
From the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt in 1798 until the present day
Chapter 1. Egypt
§ 1. Poetry and rhymed prose
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Popular prose
§ 5. Ḥadīth
§ 6. Fiqh
A. The Mālikīs
B. The Ḥanafīs
C. The Shāfiʿīs
§ 7. Dogmatics
§ 8. Mysticism
§ 9. Paraenesis
§ 10. Mathematics
§ 11. Geography and travelogues
§ 12. Encyclopaedias
Chapter 2. Syria
§ 1. Poetry
§ 2. Philology
§ 3. Historiography
§ 4. Islamic theology and mysticism
Chapter 3. Mesopotamia and Iraq
Chapter 4. Mecca (North Arabia)
Chapter 5. South Arabia
Chapter 6. Oman
Chapter 7. Persia
Chapter 8. Afghanistan
Chapter 9. India
Chapter 11. Istanbul
Chapter 12. Russia
Chapter 13. The Maghreb
Chapter 14. The Sudan
Addenda & Corrigenda
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Brockelmann’s History of the Arabic Written Tradition offers bio-bibliographic information about works written in Arabic and their authors, with an emphasis on manuscripts from the classical period. This originally multivolume reference work is divided in chronologically organized sections, which are subdivided by literary genre. Individual entries typically consist of a biographical section and a list of the author’s works in manuscript and print, with references to secondary literature. The “Brockelmann”, now also available in English, is an indispensable research tool for anyone working on the Islamic world in general and the Middle East in particular.