فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Units and Significant Figures
1.1 Introduction: Units Help Tell Us How Much
1.2 Unit Conversions
1.3 Power of 10 Conversions
1.4 Significant Figures
1.5 Chapter 1 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 1.2
Section 1.3
Section 1.4
Chapter 2 Motion in a Straight Line
2.1 Introduction: Describing Motion in the World
2.2 Motion Quantities
2.3 Displacement, Position, and Coordinate Systems
2.4 Average and Instantaneous Velocity
2.5 Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
2.6 Motion on a Line with Constant Acceleration
2.7 Free Fall
2.8 What If Acceleration Is Not Constant?
2.9 Chapter 2 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 2.4
Section 2.5
Section 2.6
Section 2.7
Chapter 3 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
3.1 Introduction: Three Dimensions Are More Realistic Than One
3.2 Dimensions Behave Separately
3.3 Vector Math: Components and Magnitude and Direction
3.4 Doing Basic Math with Vectors: Adding Vectors, Multiplication by a Scalar
3.5 Two-Dimensional Constant Acceleration Problems
3.6 Projectile Motion
3.7 Motion in Three Dimensions
3.8 Chapter 3 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 3.3
Section 3.4
Section 3.5
Section 3.6
Chapter 4 Introduction to Forces
4.1 Introduction: Forces Cause Motion
4.2 Newton’s Second Law
4.3 Newton’s First and Third Laws
4.4 Chapter 4 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 4.2
Chapter 5 Specific Types of Forces, and Force Problems
5.1 Introduction: There are Different Types of Forces
5.2 Free Body Diagrams
5.3 What Forces Are on My Object?
5.4 Gravity (near Earth)
5.5 Kinetic Friction
5.6 Static Friction
5.7 Spring Forces
5.8 Common Force Problems, Type 1: Ramp Problems
5.9 Common Force Problems, Type 2: Problems with Elevators
5.10 Common Force Problems, Type 3: Problems With a Rope and Pulley
5.11 Common Force Problems, Type 4: Combining Force and Kinematics Problems
5.12 Chapter 5 Summary
Practice Problems:
Section 5.4 (Gravity near Earth)
Section 5.5 (Kinetic friction)
Section 5.6 (Static Friction)
Section 5.7 (Spring Forces)
Section 5.8 (Ramp Problems)
Section 5.9 (Problems with Elevators)
Section 5.10 (Problems with a Rope and a Pulley)
Section 5.11 (Combining Force and Kinematics Problems)
Chapter 6 Energy, and Work
6.1 Introduction: Motion Has Energy
6.2 Work by a Constant Force
6.3 Work Done by Springs, Where Force Changes with Position
6.4 Net Work
6.5 Kinetic Energy
6.6 The Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
6.7 Potential Energy
6.8 Mechanical Energy
6.9 Conservation of Mechanical Energy
6.10 Power
6.11 Chapter 6 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 6.2 (Work Done by Constant Forces), Section 6.3 (Work Done by Springs) and Section 6.4 (Net Work)
Section 6.5 (Kinetic Energy)
Section 6.6 (Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem)
Section 6.7 (Potential Energy)
Section 6.8 (Mechanical Energy)
Section 6.9 (Conservation of Mechanical Energy)
Section 6.10 (Power)
Chapter 7 Linear Momentum and Collisions
7.1 Introduction: Collisions and Momentum
7.2 Linear Momentum
7.3 Linear Momentum Problems Without Collisions
7.4 Collisions and Linear Momentum
7.5 Collisions, Problem Type 1: Perfectly Inelastic Collisions with One Dimension
7.6 Collisions, Problem Type 2: Elastic Collisions with One Dimension
7.7 Perfectly Inelastic Collisions with Two Dimensions
7.8 How Much Force Happened?
7.9 Extra Topic: Center of Mass and Linear Momentum Conservation
7.10 Chapter 7 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 7.3 (Linear Momentum Problems without Collisions)
Section 7.5 (Perfectly Inelastic Collisions with One Dimension)
Section 7.6 (Elastic Collisions with One Dimension)
Section 7.7 (Perfectly Inelastic Collisions with Two Dimensions)
Section 7.8 (How Much Force Happened)
Section 7.9 (Center of Mass)
Chapter 8 Uniform Circular Motion (Moving in a Circle at Constant Speed)
8.1 Introduction: Sometimes Things Move in a Circle
8.2 Centripetal and Tangential Directions
8.3 Centripetal Acceleration
8.4 Net Force in the Centripetal Direction (Also Called Centripetal Force)
8.5 Chapter 8 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 8.3 (Centripetal Acceleration)
Section 8.4 (Net Force in the Centripetal Direction; Also Called Centripetal Force)
Chapter 9 Rotation Motion and Forces
9.1 Introduction: Rotational Motion is Like Linear Motion
9.2 Units for Angle: Radians and Revolutions
9.3 Rotation Equivalents of Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
9.4 Motion with Constant Angular Acceleration
9.5 Moment of Inertia (Rotation Equivalent of Mass)
9.6 Torque (Rotation Equivalent of Force)
9.7 Newton’s Second Law (Rotation Equivalent)
9.8 Relating Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, and Angular Acceleration to Linear Displacement, Linear Velocity, and Linear Acceleration
9.9 Extra Topic: Torque is a Vector; Calculating Its Components
9.10 Chapter 9 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 9.2 (Units for Angle)
Section 9.4 (Motion with Constant Angular Acceleration)
Section 9.5 (Moment of Inertia)
Section 9.6 (Torque)
Section 9.7 (Newton’s Second Law)
Section 9.8 (Relating Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, and Angular Acceleration to Linear Displacement, Linear Velocity, and Linear Acceleration)
Section 9.9 (Extra Topic: Torque Vector Components)
Chapter 10 Rotation: Energy, Momentum, and Rolling
10.1 Introduction: Energy and Momentum for Rotation
10.2 Rotation and Kinetic Energy
10.3 Rolling (Without Slipping)
10.4 Rotation Equivalent of Work
10.5 Rotation Equivalent of Power
10.6 Angular Momentum
10.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum
10.8 Chapter 10 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 10.2 (Rotation and Kinetic Energy)
Section 10.3 (Rolling, without Slipping)
Section 10.4 (Rotation and Work)
Section 10.5 (Rotation and Power)
Section 10.6 (Angular Momentum)
Section 10.7 (Conservation of Angular Momentum and Rotation Collisions)
Chapter 11 Newton’s More General Law of Gravity
11.1 Introduction: Gravity Is Different Away from The Ground
11.2 Newton’s Law of Gravity
11.3 Connecting m∙g with Newton’s Law of Gravity
11.4 Potential Energy from Gravity Using Newton’s Law of Gravity
11.5 Newton’s Law of Gravity with Conservation of Mechanical Energy
11.6 Newton’s Law of Gravity with Circular Motion
11.7 Chapter 11 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 11.2 (Newton’s Law of Gravity)
Section 11.4 (Potential Energy from Gravity Using Newton’s Law of Gravity)
Section 11.5 (Newton’s Law of Gravity with Conservation of Mechanical Energy)
Section 11.6 (Newton’s Law of Gravity with Circular Motion)
Chapter 12 Simple Harmonic Motion
12.1 Introduction: Motion Repeats
12.2 Repetitive Motion Quantities, and Simple Harmonic Motion
12.3 Position, Velocity and Acceleration
12.4 Simple Harmonic Motion and Objects on Springs
12.5 Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Pendulum
12.6 Object Connected to a Spring and Mechanical Energy
12.7 Chapter 12 Summary
Practice Problems
Sections 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4 (Repetitive Motion Quantities; Position, Velocity, and Acceleration; Simple Harmonic Motion and Objects on Springs)
Section 12.5 (Simple Pendulum)
Section 12.6 (Object Connected to a Spring and Mechanical Energy)
Chapter 13 Math Review
13.1 Introduction: Physics Uses Math
13.2 Algebra Problems – Solving for a Variable
13.3 Exponential Numbers
13.4 Solving When Something is Squared, Part 1
13.5 Solving When Something is Squared, Part 2
13.6 Two Equations at Once
13.7 Trigonometry
13.8 Circle Geometry Review
13.9 Chapter 13 Summary
Practice Problems
Section 13.2 (Algebra Problems – Solving for a Variable)
Section 13.3 (Exponential Numbers)
Section 13.4 (Solving When Something is Squared, Part 1)
Section 13.5 (Solving When Something Is Squared, Part 2 – Quadratic Formula)
Section 13.6 (Two Equations at Once)
Section 13.7 (Trigonometry)