Learn Object-Oriented Java the Hard Way

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کتاب جاوا شی گرا را به روش سخت یاد بگیرید نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Learn Object-Oriented Java the Hard Way

نام کتاب : Learn Object-Oriented Java the Hard Way
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : جاوا شی گرا را به روش سخت یاد بگیرید
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر :
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 309

زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 1 Mb

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فهرست مطالب :

Table of Contents Acknowledgements Preface: Learning by Doing Introduction: Object-Oriented Java Exercise 0: The Setup Exercise 1: Working With Objects Exercise 2: Creating Your Own Single Objects Exercise 3: Defining Objects in Separate Files Exercise 4: Fields in an Object Exercise 5: Programming Paradigms Exercise 6: Accessing Fields in Methods Exercise 7: Encapsulation and Automated Testing Exercise 8: Failure to Encapsulate Exercise 9: Private Fields and Constructors Exercise 10: Automated Testing with Arrays Exercise 11: Public vs Private vs Unspecified Exercise 12: Reviewing Constructors Exercise 13: Default Values for Fields Exercise 14: toString and this Exercise 15: Noughts and Crosses / Extreme Testing Exercise 16: Introduction to ArrayLists Exercise 17: Word Counter Using an ArrayList Exercise 18: Primitive Variables in Memory Exercise 19: Reference Variables in Memory Exercise 20: Lists of Primitive Values Exercise 21: Generics vs. Casts Exercise 22: Object-Oriented Design and Efficiency Exercise 23: Writing a Silly Class with Generics Exercise 24: Writing a Useful Class with Generics Exercise 25: Sorting and Complexity Exercise 26: Sorting Speeds - Primitives vs Objects Exercise 27: Static Variables and Static Methods Exercise 28: Popular Static Methods in Java Exercise 29: Importing Static Class Members Exercise 30: References as Parameters Exercise 31: Java Strings Are Immutable Exercise 32: Parameters vs Properties Exercise 33: Basic Inheritance Exercise 34: How Fields Are Inherited Exercise 35: ``Useful'' Inheritance - A Game Board Exercise 36: A Game Called Breakthrough Exercise 37: Two Kinds of Equality Exercise 38: Implementing Interfaces Exercise 39: The Comparable Interface Exercise 40: List and Map Exercise 41: Implementing Several Interfaces Exercise 42: DropGame and Assertions Exercise 43: Abstract Classes and Final Methods Exercise 44: Packages Exercise 45: Creating a JAR File Exercise 46: A Simple Graphical Window Exercise 47: An Interactive Window Exercise 48: Using (F)XML to Define Your Interface Exercise 49: Canvas Basics Exercise 50: Getting Mouse Input Exercise 51: More Complex Mouse Interaction Exercise 52: Animation Exercise 53: Handling Keypress Events Exercise 54: Graphical Noughts and Crosses Exercise 55: Graphical Drop Game Next Steps

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