توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این جلد یک نظریه عمیق از فضاهای تابع در یک محیط اقلیدسی را مورد بحث قرار می دهد، از جمله چندین ویژگی جدید، که قبلاً در ادبیات به آن پرداخته نشده بود. به طور خاص، یک نظریه یکپارچه از فضاهای بالقوه ناهمسانگرد Besov و Bessel در گوشه های اقلیدسی، با فضاهای Banach بیبعدی به عنوان اهداف ایجاد میکند.
این به ویژه مهمترین زیر کلاسهای فضاهای Besov، یعنی Slobodeckii و Holder را برجسته میکند. فضاها در این حالت، هیچ محدودیتی برای فضاهای هدف اعمال نمی شود، به جز مفروضات بازتابی در نتایج دوگانگی. در این تنظیمات کلی، نویسنده قضایای تعبیهشده، درونیابی و ردیابی، نتایج ضربکننده نقطهای، و همچنین تخمینها و تعمیمهای گاگلیاردو-نیرنبرگ قضایای فشردگی Aubin-Lions را اثبات میکند.
نتایج ارائهشده هموار میشوند. راه برای کاربردهای جدید در موقعیتهایی که فضاهای هدف بیبعد مرتبط هستند - برای مثال در حوزه معادلات دیفرانسیل تصادفی.
فهرست مطالب :
Notations and Conventions
Chapter VI Auxiliary Material
1 Restriction-Extension Pairs
1.1 Smooth Functions on Corners
Restriction-Extension Operators
Approximation by Test Functions
1.2 Tempered Distributions on Corners
Duality Formulas
The Main Theorem
1.3 Duality
1.4 Notes
2 Sequence Spaces
2.1 Duality of Sequence Spaces
Definitions and Embeddings
Duality Pairings
2.2 Weighted Sequence Spaces
Image Spaces
Embeddings and Duality
2.3 Interpolation
Unweighted Spaces
Weighted Spaces
2.4 Notes
3 Anisotropy
3.1 Anisotropic Dilations
Weight Systems
3.2 Quasinorms
3.3 Parametric Augmentations
Augmented Quasinorms
Positive Homogeneity
Differentiating Inverses
Slowly Increasing Functions
3.4 Fourier Multipliers and Multiplier Spaces
Elementary Fourier Multiplier Theorems
Fourier Multiplier Spaces
Resolvent Estimates
3.5 Multiplier Estimates
Resolvent Estimates for Homogeneous Symbols
Functions of Homogeneous Symbols
Dunford Integral Representations
Powers and Exponentials
3.6 Dyadic Partitions of Unity
Preliminary Fourier Multiplier Theorems
3.7 Notes
Chapter VII Function Spaces
1 Classical Spaces
1.1 Bounded Continuous Functions
Banach Spaces of Bounded Continuous Functions
Vector Measures
1.2 Sobolev Spaces
Regular Distributions
Basic Definitions
1.3 Restrictions and Extensions
1.4 Distributional Derivatives
1.5 Reflexivity
1.6 Embeddings
1.7 Notes
2 Besov Spaces
2.1 The Definition
Preliminary Estimates
A Retraction-Coretraction Pair
The Final Definition
2.2 Embedding Theorems
Little Besov Spaces
Embeddings With Varying Target Spaces
2.3 Duality
2.4 Fourier Multiplier Theorems
2.5 Operators of Positive Type
Resolvent Estimates
A Representation Theorem
Bounded Imaginary Powers
Interpolation-Extrapolation Scales
2.6 Renorming by Derivatives
Equivalent Norms
Sandwich Theorems
Sobolev Embeddings
2.7 Interpolation
Real and Complex Interpolation
Interpolation with Different Target Spaces
Embeddings of Intersection Spaces
Interpolation of Classical Spaces
2.8 Besov Spaces on Corners
2.9 Notes
3 Intrinsic Norms, Slobodeckii and Hölder Spaces
3.1 Commuting Semigroups
3.2 Semigroups and Interpolation
Preliminary Estimates
Renorming Intersections of Interpolation Spaces
3.3 Translation Semigroups
3.4 Renorming Besov Spaces
3.5 Intersection-Space Characterizations
Intersection Space Representations
Equivalent Norms
NikoÍ skiǐ Spaces
3.6 Besov-Slobodeckii and Besov-Hölder Spaces
Mixed Intersections
Slobodeckii, Hölder, and Little Hölder Spaces
3.7 Little Hölder Spaces
Very Little Hölder Spaces
3.8 Notes
4 Bessel Potential Spaces
4.1 Basic Facts, Embeddings, and Real Interpolation
4.2 A Marcinkiewicz Multiplier Theorem
4.3 Renorming by Derivatives
4.4 Duality
4.5 Complex Interpolation
A Holomorphic Semigroup
Interpolation with Different Target Spaces
4.6 Intersection-Space Characterizations
4.7 Notes
5 Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces
5.1 Maximal Inequalities
Preliminary Estimates for Sequences
Estimates for a Single Function
5.2 Definition and Basic Embeddings
Equivalent Norms
5.3 Fourier Multiplier Theorems
5.4 Interpolation
5.5 Renorming by Derivatives
Sandwich Theorems
5.6 Sobolev Embeddings and Related Results
Multiplicative Inequalities
Optimal Sobolev-Type Embeddings
Sharp Embeddings of Intersection Spaces
5.7 Gagliardo-Nirenberg Type Estimates
Nonhomogeneous Inequalities
Homogeneous Estimates
Isotropic Multiplicative Inequalities
Sobolev Inequality
Parabolic Estimates
5.8 Notes
6 Point-Wise Multiplications
6.1 Preliminaries
Continuity of Derivatives
Point-Wise Products
6.2 Multiplications in Classical Spaces
Spaces of Bounded Continuous Functions
Sobolev Spaces
Spaces of Negative Order
6.3 Multiplications in Besov Spaces of Positive Order
6.4 Multiplications in Besov Spaces of Negative Order
The Reflexive Case
The Non-Reflexive Case
6.5 Multiplications in Bessel Potential Spaces
6.6 Space-Dependent Bilinear Maps
6.7 Notes
7 Compactness
7.1 Equicontinuity
Compact Sets in BUC
Compact Sets in Lq
7.2 Compact Embeddings
Compact Embeddings of Besov Spaces
Compact Embeddings of Hölder, Sobolev-Slobodeckii, and Bessel Potential Spaces
7.3 Function Spaces on Intervals
Classical Spaces
Besov Spaces
A Retraction-Coretraction Theorem
Interpolations and Embeddings
The Rellich-Kondrachov Theorem
7.4 Aubin-Lions Type Theorems
The General Result
Limit Cases
7.5 Notes
8 Parameter-Dependent Spaces
8.1 Sobolev Spaces and Bounded Continuous Functions
8.2 Besov and Bessel Potential Spaces
8.3 Intersection-Space Characterizations
8.4 Fourier Multipliers
8.5 Notes
Chapter VIII Traces and Boundary Operators
1 Traces
1.1 Trace Operators
1.2 The Retraction Theorem
1.3 Traces on Half-Spaces
General Besov spaces
1.4 Spaces of Vanishing Traces
Sobolev-Slobodeckii Spaces
1.5 Weighted Spaces
Weighted Lebesgue Spaces
Hardy Inequalities
Weighted Space Characterizations of Sobolev-Slobodeckii Spaces
1.6 Further Characterizations of Spaces with Vanishing Traces
General Besov Spaces
Bessel Potential Spaces
Hölder Spaces
1.7 Representation Theorems for Spaces of Negative Order
Spaces of Mildly Negative Order
Spaces of Strongly Negative Order
Duality of Sums and Intersections
Weighted Space Representations
1.8 Traces for Corners
Traces on a Single Face
Vanishing Traces on Corners
Faces of Higher Codimensions
Compatibility Conditions
The Retraction Theorem for Corners
1.9 Notes
2 Boundary Operators
2.1 Boundary Operators on Half-Spaces
Normal Boundary Operators
2.2 Systems of Boundary Operators
The Boundary Operator Retraction Theorem
Embeddings with Boundary Conditions
2.3 Transmission Operators
Patching Together Half-Spaces
2.4 Interpolation With Boundary Conditions
The Main Theorem
Complex Interpolation of Bessel Potential Spaces
2.5 Notes
Appendix Vector-Valued Distributions
1 Tensor Products and Convolutions
1.1 Locally Convex Topologies
The Uniform Boundedness Principle
Montel Spaces
Strict Inductive Limits
Smooth Functions
Test Functions
Rapidly Decreasing Smooth Functions
Slowly Increasing Smooth Functions
Spaces of Vector-Valued Distributions
1.2 Convolutions
Convolutions of Distributions and Test Functions
Translation-Invariant Operators
Convolutions of Two Distributions
Elementary Properties of Convolutions
Convolutions of Temperate Distributions
1.3 Approximations
Leibniz' Rule
Approximation by Test Functions
Density by Iteration
Approximation by Tensor Products
Approximation by Polynomials
1.4 Topological Tensor Products and the Kernel Theorem
Algebraic Tensor Products
Basic Examples
Projective Tensor Products
Nuclear Maps and Spaces
Projective Tensor Products and Maps of Finite Rank
Approximation by Maps of Finite Rank
Completeness of Spaces of Linear Operators
The Abstract Kernel Theorem
Tensor Product Characterizations of Some Distribution Spaces
1.5 Extending Bilinear Maps
General Hypothesis
1.6 Point-Wise Multiplication
A Characterization of OM
The General Theorem
Basic Properties of Multiplications
1.7 Scalar Products and Duality Pairings
Parseval's Formula
Duality Pairings
1.8 Tensor Products of Distributions and Kernel Theorems
Approximation by Tensor Products
Tensor Products of Distributions
Basic Properties
Topological Tensor Products of Distributions
Kernel Theorems
1.9 Convolutions of Vector-Valued Distributions
The Basic Theorem
Lp Functions with Compact Supports
Convolutions of Regular Distributions
Tensor Products and Convolutions
Basic Properties
Convolution Algebras
Convolutions of Bounded and Integrable Functions
The Convolution Theorem
2 Vector Measures and the Riesz Representation Theorem
Measures of Bounded Variation
Integrals with Respect to Vector Measures
Vector Measures as Distributions
Convolutions Involving Vector Measures
The Riesz Representation Theorem
List of Symbols
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This volume discusses an in-depth theory of function spaces in an Euclidean setting, including several new features, not previously covered in the literature. In particular, it develops a unified theory of anisotropic Besov and Bessel potential spaces on Euclidean corners, with infinite-dimensional Banach spaces as targets.
It especially highlights the most important subclasses of Besov spaces, namely Slobodeckii and Hölder spaces. In this case, no restrictions are imposed on the target spaces, except for reflexivity assumptions in duality results. In this general setting, the author proves sharp embedding, interpolation, and trace theorems, point-wise multiplier results, as well as Gagliardo-Nirenberg estimates and generalizations of Aubin-Lions compactness theorems.
The results presented pave the way for new applications in situations where infinite-dimensional target spaces are relevant – in the realm of stochastic differential equations, for example.