فهرست مطالب :
Pergamon Titles of Related Interest, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Page v
FOREWORD, Page xi, J.E. Mottershead
Structural Modification Analysis using Rayleigh Quotient Iteration, Pages 1-9, W.M. TO, D.J. EWINS
Vibration Control in Spacecraft, Pages 11-16, D.J. INMAN, A. SOOM
A Finite Element Stress Analysis of Porous Media, Pages 17-30, R.W. LEWIS, D.V. TRAN, W.K. SZE
Stress Analysis using Boundary Elements, Pages 31-38, R.T. FENNER
Algorithms for the Rapid Computation of Response of an Oscillator with Bounded Truncation Error Estimates, Pages 39-47, V.G. COLVIN, T.R. MORRIS
The Non-contacting Measurement of Full-field Modal Stresses under Random Loading Conditions, Pages 49-57, N. HARWOOD
A Strategy for Quality Assurance in Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Pages 59-67, J.A. BRANDON, H.G.D. GOYDER
Frequency Analysis of an Ultrasonically Excited Thick Cylinder, Pages 69-77, G.M. CHAPMAN, M. LUCAS
Prediction of Vibrational Power Transmission through Jointed Beams, Pages 79-87, J.L. HORNER, R.G. WHITE
Experimental Study on Control of Building Structures by Active Cables, Pages 89-97, J. RODELLAR, F. LÓPEZ-ALMANSA, P. WANG, A. REINHORN, T.T. SOONG
The use of Constrained Layer Damping in Vibration Control, Pages 99-107, G.R. TOMLINSON
Parameter Estimation Techniques for Monitoring Machines and Structures, Pages 109-124, C.D. FOSTER, J.E. MOTTERSHEAD
On the Limitations of Spatial Parameter Estimation Methods in Structural Dynamics, Pages 125-133, J.A. BRANDON, C. CREMONA
Waves and Vibrations in Elastic Fiber-composite Medium and Plates, Pages 135-143, P. NAVI
On the Harmonic Waves Propagation in Multilayered Viscoelastic Media, Pages 145-151, T. NACIRI, P. NAVI, O. GRANACHER
Vibration Analysis Techniques Applied to a Large Turbocharger Rotor, Pages 153-161, G.M. CHAPMAN, J. TURNBULL
Prediction and Measurement of Rotor Blade/Stator Vane Dynamic Characteristics of a Modern Aero-engine Axial Compressor, Pages 163-169, R.J. WILLIAMS, K.L. JOHAL, H.A. BARTON, S.T. ELSTON
Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Natural Frequencies of Laced Blading, Pages 171-179, G.M. CHAPMAN, X. WANG
Theoretical Evaluation of Experimental Techniques for the Determination of Structural Dynamic Properties, Pages 181-189, C. GENATIOS, O. LOPEZ, M. LORRAIN
Comparison among Modal Analyses of Axial Compressor Blade using Experimental Data of Different Measuring Systems, Pages 191-199, G. D'EMILIA, C. SANTOLINI, E.P. TOMASINI
Application of Acceleration and Strain Measurements in Forced Vibration Testing, Pages 201-209, W.F. TSANG, E. RIDER, P. GEORGE
Vibratory Bowl Feeder Design using Numerical Modelling Techniques, Pages 211-217, D. MORREY, J.E. MOTTERSHEAD
Non-linear Modeling of Structures undergoing Free Vibrations, Pages 219-224, A.F. MOUSTAFA, M.A. EL-GEBEILY
Derivation and Application of the Choleski Decomposition for the Positive Semi-definite Matrices used in Structural Dynamics Reanalysis, Pages 225-233, J.A. BRANDON
Old Lamps for New! A Photoelastic Design Tool for Weight and Cost Saving on Aircraft Structures, Pages 235-243, E.W. O'BRIEN
An Improved Method for the Determination of Photoelastic Stress Intensity Factors using the Westergaard Stress Function, Pages 245-254, T.H. HYDE, N.A. WARRIOR
Modelling and Testing of Aluminium Bonded Structural Components, Pages 255-262, I.J. McGREGOR, D. NARDINI
Characterisation and Measurement of the Dynamic Initiation Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials: A Review, Pages 263-278, R.A.W. MINES
A Finite Element Technique for the Investigation of the Shape Development of Planar Cracks with Initially Irregular Profiles, Pages 279-287, M.I. CHIPALO, M.D. GILCHRIST, R.A. SMITH
A Photoelastic Technique to Predict the Direction of Edge Crack Extension using Blunt Cracks, Pages 289-297, A.D. NURSE, E.A. PATTERSON
A Comparison of Finite Element Techniques for Contact Stress Analysis, Pages 299-312, S.K. PASCOE, J.E. MOTTERSHEAD, T.K. HELLEN
A Boundary Element Computer Program for Practical Contact Problems, Pages 313-321, A.A. BECKER
Elastoplastic Stress Analysis by the Boundary Element Method, Pages 323-331, M.R. LACEY, D.A. YORK, J.A. BLAND
Consistency Analysis and Optimization Approach for Multivariable Finite Elements, Pages 333-341, CHANG-CHUN WU