توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
سازههای فراساحلی: طراحی، ساخت و نگهداری، ویرایش دوم انواع سازهها و پلتفرمهای فراساحلی را پوشش میدهد که در سراسر جهان استفاده میشوند. این کتاب به عنوان مرجع نهایی برای انتخاب، بهره برداری و نگهداری سازه های دریایی، نقشه راه طراحی سازه هایی را ارائه می دهد که حتی در سخت ترین محیط ها نیز پابرجا خواهند ماند. طراحی و نصب خط لوله زیر دریا نیز در این نسخه پوشش داده شده است، همانطور که انتخاب نوع مناسب سازه دریایی، روش طراحی سازه دریایی ثابت، تحلیل غیرخطی (Push over) به عنوان یک تکنیک جدید برای طراحی و ارزیابی سازه موجود است. ، و بیشتر.
با در دست داشتن این کتاب، مهندسان به روزترین روش ها را برای انجام تجزیه و تحلیل چرخه عمر سازه، اجرای طرح های تعمیر و نگهداری برای قسمت های بالایی و ژاکت ها و استفاده از آزمایش های غیر مخرب خواهند داشت.
فهرست مطالب :
Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance
About the author
1 Introduction to offshore structures
1.1 Introduction
1.2 History of offshore structures
1.3 Overview of field development
1.3.1 Field development cost
1.3.2 Multicriteria concept selection
1.4 Front end engineering design requirements
1.5 Types of offshore platforms
1.5.1 Drilling/well-protected platform
1.5.2 Tender platforms
1.5.3 Self-contained platforms
1.5.4 Production platform
1.5.5 Quarters platform
1.5.6 Flare jacket and flare tower
1.5.7 Auxiliary platform
1.5.8 Bridges
1.5.9 Heliport
1.6 Different types of offshore structures
1.6.1 Concrete gravity platform
1.6.2 Floating production, storage, and offloading
1.6.3 Tension-leg platform
Further reading
2 Offshore structure loads and strength
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Gravity load
2.2.1 Dead load
2.2.2 Live load
2.2.3 Impact load
2.2.4 Design for serviceability limit state
2.2.5 Helicopter landing loads
Loads for helicopter landing
Loads for helicopters at rest
Helicopter static loads
Area load
Helicopter tie-down loads
Wind loading
Installation motion
Safety net arms
Design load conditions
Example of helicopter load
2.2.6 Crane support structure
2.3 Wind load
2.4 Example for stair design
2.4.1 Gravity loads
2.4.2 Wind loads
2.5 Offshore loads
2.5.1 Wave load
Comparison between wind and wave calculations
Conductor shielding factor
2.5.2 Current force
Design current profiles
Current profile
2.5.3 Earthquake load
Strength requirements
Ductility requirements
Topsides appurtenances and equipment
2.5.4 Ice loads
2.5.5 Other loads
Marine growth
2.6 Design for ultimate limit state
2.6.1 Load factors
2.6.2 Extreme environmental situation for fixed offshore platforms
2.6.3 Operating environmental situations—fixed platforms
2.6.4 Partial action factors
2.7 Collision events
2.7.1 Accidental impact energy
Total kinetic energy
2.7.2 Dropped objects
2.8 Fires and explosions
2.9 Material strength
2.9.1 Steel groups
2.9.2 Steel classes
Structural steel pipe
Selection for conditions of service
Cement grout
Further reading
3 Offshore structure platform design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Preliminary dimensions
3.2.1 Approximate dimensions
3.3 Bracing system
3.4 Jacket design
3.5 Structure analysis
3.5.1 Global structure analysis
3.5.2 The loads on piles
3.5.3 Modeling techniques
Joint coordinates
Local member axes
Member effective lengths
Joint eccentricities
3.5.4 Dynamic structure analysis
Natural frequency
3.5.5 In-place analysis according to ISO 19902
3.6 Cylinder member strength
3.6.1 Cylinder member strength calculation according to ISO 19902
Axial tension
Axial compression
Column buckling
Local buckling
Torsional shear
Hydrostatic pressure
Hoop buckling
Tubular members subjected to combined forces without hydrostatic pressure
Axial tension and bending
Axial compression and bending
Tubular members subjected to combined forces with hydrostatic pressure
Axial tension, bending, and hydrostatic pressure
Axial compression, bending, and hydrostatic pressure
Effective lengths and moment reduction factors
3.6.2 Cylinder member strength calculation
Axial tension
Axial compression
Local buckling
Elastic local buckling stress
Inelastic local buckling stress
Torsional shear
Pressure on stiffened and unstiffened cylinders
Design hydrostatic head
Hoop buckling stress
Elastic hoop buckling stress
Critical hoop buckling stress
Combined stresses for cylindrical members
Combined axial compression and bending
Member slenderness
Combined axial tension and bending
Axial tension and hydrostatic pressure
Axial compression and hydrostatic pressure
Safety factors
3.7 Tubular joint design
3.7.1 Simple joint calculation API RP2A (2007)
Joint classification and detailing
Simple tubular joint calculation
Strength factor Qu
Chord load factor Qf
Joints with thickened cans
Strength check
Overlapping joints
Grouted joints
3.7.2 Joint calculation according to API RP2A (2000)
Punching shear
Allowable joint capacity
Tubular joint punching failure
3.7.3 Fatigue analysis
Stress concentration factors
SCFs in grouted joints
S–N curves for all members and connections
S–N curves for tubular connections
Thickness effect
Fatigue design for a jacket
3.8 Topside design
3.8.1 Grating design
3.8.2 Handrails, walkways, stairways, and ladders
3.9 Boat landing design
3.9.1 Boat landing calculation
Cases of impact load
3.9.2 Riser guard design
Cases of impact load
3.9.3 Boat landing design using the nonlinear analysis method
3.9.4 Boat impact methods
3.9.5 Tubular member denting analysis
Simplified method for denting limit calculation
Nonlinear finite element method analysis
3.10 Riser guard
3.11 On-bottom stability
3.12 Bridges
3.13 Crane loads
3.14 Lift installation loads
3.15 Vortex-induced vibrations
3.16 Helideck design
3.17 Structure analysis and design quality control
Further Reading
4 Geotechnical data and pile design
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Investigation procedure
4.2.1 Performing an offshore investigation
4.2.2 Drilling equipment and method
4.2.3 Wire-line sampling technique
4.2.4 Offshore soil investigation problems
4.3 Soil tests
4.4 In situ testing
4.4.1 Cone penetration test
Equipment requirements
CPT testing procedure
Calibration requirements
CPT results
4.4.2 Field vane test
Testing procedure
4.5 Soil properties
4.5.1 Strength
4.5.2 Soil characteristics
4.6 Pile foundations
4.6.1 Pile capacity for axial loads
Skin friction and end bearing in cohesive soils
Shaft friction and end bearing in cohesionless soils
4.6.2 Foundation size
Pile penetration
4.6.3 Axial pile performance
Static load-deflection behavior
Cyclic response
Axial load-deflection (t–z and Q–z) data
Axial pile capacity
Laterally loaded pile reactions
Lateral bearing capacity for soft clay
Lateral bearing capacity for stiff clay
Lateral bearing capacity for sand
Alternative methods for determining pile capacity
Establishing design strength and effective overburden stress profiles
Time affects changes in the axial capacity in clay soil
4.6.4 Pile capacity calculation methods
Simplified ICP-05
Offshore UWA-05
Application of CPT
4.6.5 Pile capacity under cyclic loadings
Cyclic loading effects
Analytical models
Discrete element models
Continuum models
4.7 Scour
4.8 Pile wall thickness
4.8.1 Pile stresses
4.8.2 Stresses due to the hammer effect
4.8.3 Minimum wall thickness
4.8.4 Driving shoe and head
4.8.5 Pile section lengths
4.9 Pile drivability analysis
4.9.1 Evaluation of soil resistance drive
4.9.2 Unit shaft resistance and unit end bearing for uncemented materials
4.9.3 Upper- and lower-bound soil resistance drive
4.9.4 Results of wave equation analyses
4.9.5 Results of drivability calculations
4.9.6 Recommendations for pile installation
4.10 Soil investigation report
4.11 Conductor support platform
Further Reading
5 Fabrication and installation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Construction procedure
5.3 Engineering of execution
5.4 Fabrication
5.4.1 Joint fabrication
5.4.2 Fabrication based on international standards organization
Tubular members and joints
Slotted members
Grouted pile to sleeve connections
Heat straightening
Rat-holes, penetrations, and cut-outs
Movement, erection, and roll-up of subassemblies
Fabrication tolerances
Legs spacing tolerance
Vertical level tolerance
Tubular member tolerance
Tolerance of leg alignment and straightness
Tubular joint tolerance
Stiffener tolerances
Conductor guides and piles tolerances
Dimensional control
5.5 Jacket assembly and erection
5.6 Weight control
5.6.1 Weight calculation
Classification of weight accuracy
Allowances and contingencies
Management contingency
Operating contingency
Weight engineering procedures
5.7 Loads from transportation, launch, and lifting operations
5.8 Lifting procedure and calculation
5.8.1 Lifting calculation
Calculated weight
Hook load
Skew load factor
Resolved padeye load
Sling force
Crane lift factors
Part sling factor
Termination efficiency factor
Bending efficiency factor
Shackle safety factors
Consequence factors
5.8.2 Structural calculation for lifting
5.8.3 Lift point design
5.8.4 Clearances
Clearances around the lifted object
Clearances around the crane vessel
5.8.5 Lifting calculation report
The crane vessel
5.8.6 Bumpers and guides
Module movement
5.9 Loadout process
5.10 Transportation process
5.10.1 Supply boats
5.10.2 Anchor-handling boats
5.10.3 Towboats
5.10.4 Towing
5.10.5 Drilling vessels
5.10.6 Crew boats
5.10.7 Barges
5.10.8 Crane barges
5.10.9 Offshore derrick barges (fully revolving)
5.10.10 Jack-up construction barges
5.11 Transportation loads
5.12 Launching and upending forces
5.13 Installation and pile handling
Further reading
6 Corrosion protection
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Corrosion in seawater
6.1.2 Steel corrosion in seawater
6.1.3 Choice of system type
6.1.4 Geometric shape
6.2 Coatings and corrosion protection of steel structures
6.3 Corrosion stresses due to the atmosphere, water, and soil
6.3.1 Classification of environments
Categories for water and soil
6.3.2 Mechanical, temperature, and combined stresses
6.4 General cathodic protection design considerations
6.4.1 Environmental parameters affecting cathodic protection
6.4.2 Design criteria
6.4.3 Protective potentials
6.4.4 Detrimental effects of cathodic protection
6.4.5 Galvanic anode materials
6.4.6 Cathodic protection design parameters
Design life
Design current densities
Coating breakdown factors for cathodic protection design
Galvanic anode material design parameters
Anode resistance formulas
Seawater and sediment resistivity
Anode utilization factor
Current drain design parameters
6.4.7 Cathodic protection calculation and design procedures
Current demand calculations
Selection of anode type
Anode mass calculations
Calculation of anode number
Calculation of anode resistance
Anode design precaution
Distribution of anodes
6.5 Design example
6.6 General design considerations
6.7 Anode manufacture
6.8 Installation of anodes
6.9 Anode dimension tolerance
6.9.1 Internal and external inspection
Further Reading
7 Assessment of existing structures and repairs
7.1 Introduction
7.2 American Petroleum Institute RP2A historical background
7.2.1 Environmental loading provisions
Morison’s equation
Wave theories
Selection of design condition
Deck clearance or air gap
The latest editions of RP2A working stress design and load resistance factor design
7.2.2 Regional environmental design parameters
7.2.3 Member resistance calculation
7.2.4 Joint strength calculation
7.2.5 Fatigue
7.2.6 Foundation design
7.3 Historical review of Department of Energy/Health and Safety Executive guidance notes
7.3.1 Environmental loading provisions
7.3.2 Joint strength equations
7.3.3 Fatigue
7.3.4 Foundations
7.3.5 Definition of design condition
7.3.6 Currents
7.3.7 Wind
7.3.8 Waves
7.3.9 Deck air gap
7.3.10 Historical review of major North Sea incidents
7.4 Historical assessment of UK environmental loading design practice
7.4.1 Design environmental parameters
7.4.2 Fluid loading analysis
7.5 Development of American Petroleum Institute RP2A member resistance equations
7.6 Allowable stresses for cylindrical members
7.6.1 Axial tension
7.6.2 Axial compression
7.6.3 Bending
7.6.4 Shear
7.6.5 Hydrostatic pressure
7.6.6 Combined axial tension and bending
7.6.7 Combined axial compression and bending
7.6.8 Combined axial tension and hydrostatic pressure
7.6.9 Combined axial compression and hydrostatic pressure
7.6.10 American institute of steel construction historical background
7.6.11 Pile design historical background
7.6.12 Effects of changes in tubular member design
7.7 Failure due to fire
7.7.1 Degree of utilization
7.7.2 Tension member design by EC3
7.7.3 Unrestrained beams
7.7.4 Example: strength design for steel beam
7.7.5 Steel column: strength design
7.7.6 Case study for a deck under fire
7.8 Platform failure case study
7.9 Failure mechanism
7.9.1 Strength reduction
7.9.2 Environmental load effect
7.9.3 Structure assessment
7.10 Assessment of platform
7.10.1 Nonlinear structure analysis in ultimate strength design
General purpose nonlinear beam column models
Plastic hinge beam column models
Phenomenological models
Shell FE models
Modeling the element
Conductor connectivity
7.10.2 Structural modeling
Secondary framework
Dented beam and cracked joint
7.10.3 Determine the probability of structural failure
7.10.4 Establish acceptance criteria
7.10.5 Reliability analysis
Limit state function
First-order reliability method
7.10.6 Software requirement
7.11 Offshore platform decommissioning
7.11.1 Decommissioning methods
Small pieces
Large pieces
Single lift
7.11.2 Cutting tools
7.11.3 Case study for platform decommissioning
7.12 Scour problem
7.13 Offshore platform repair
7.13.1 Deck repair
7.13.2 Reduce the loads
Marine growth removal
Vibration monitoring
7.13.3 Jacket repair
7.13.4 Dry welding
Dry welding in topsides
Dry welding at or below the sea surface
Hyperbaric welding
Platform underwater repair
7.13.5 Platform “shear pups” repair
7.13.6 Underwater repair for a platform structure
7.13.7 Case study 2: platform underwater repair
7.13.8 Clamps
Stressed mechanical (friction) clamps
Unstressed grouted clamp connections
Stressed grouted clamps
Stressed elastomer-lined clamp
Drilling platform stabilization post Hurricane Lili
7.13.9 Grouting
Joint grouting
Grout filling of members
Allowable axial force calculation
Composite technology
Reinforced epoxy grout
Fiber reinforced polymer composites
7.13.10 Example of using fiber reinforced polymer
7.13.11 Case study for conductor composite repair
7.13.12 Fiberglass access decks
7.13.13 Fiberglass mudmats
7.13.14 Case study 1: flare repair
7.13.15 Case study 2: repair of the flare jacket
7.13.16 Case study 3: repair of the bearing support
Further Reading
8 Risk-based inspection technique
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Structure integrity management methodology
8.3 Quantitative risk assessment for fleet structures
8.3.1 Likelihood (probability) factors
Likelihood calculation for strength
Design practice
Number of legs and bracing configuration
Piles system
Risers and conductors
Boat landings
Grouted piles
Damaged, missing, and cut members
Splash zone corrosion and damage
Flooded members
CP surveys and anode depletion
Inspection history
Remaining wall
Likelihood calculation for load
Design loading
Marine growth
Topside weight change
Additional risers, caissons, and conductors
Earthquake load
Likelihood categories
Consequence factors
Environmental losses
Business losses
Safety consequences
Consequence categories
8.3.2 Overall risk ranking
8.4 Underwater inspection plan
8.4.1 Underwater inspection (according to API SIM 2005)
8.4.2 Baseline underwater inspection
8.4.3 Routine underwater inspection scope of work
8.4.4 Inspection plan based on ISO 9000
8.4.5 Inspection and repair strategy
Expected total cost
Optimization strategy
8.4.6 Flooded member inspection
Final inspection reporting
8.5 Anode retrofit maintenance program
8.6 Assessment process
8.6.1 Collecting data
8.6.2 Structure assessment
Simple methods
Design-level method
Ultimate strength method
Damage modeling
Actual yield stress
Effective length factors
Soil strength
Alternative assessment methods
Historical performance
Explicit probabilities of survival
Acceptance criteria
8.7 Mitigation and risk reduction
8.7.1 Consequence mitigation
8.7.2 Reduction probability of platform failure
Load reduction
Gravity and hydrodynamic loading
Raising the deck
Member flooding
8.8 Occurrence of member failures with time
Further reading
9 Subsea pipeline design and installation
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Pipeline project stages
9.2.1 Pipeline design management
9.3 Pipeline design codes
9.3.1 Pipeline route design guidelines
9.4 Design deliverables
9.4.1 Pipeline design
Pipeline bursts
The collapse
Buckle propagation
On-bottom stability
9.4.2 Near-shore pipeline
9.4.3 Methods of stabilization
9.4.4 Combined current and wave in pipeline
9.4.5 Impact load
9.4.6 Pipeline free span
9.5 Concrete coating
9.5.1 Inspection and testing
9.6 Installation
9.6.1 S-lay
9.6.2 J-lay
9.6.3 Reel-lay
9.6.4 Piggyback installation
9.7 Installation management
Further reading
Back Cover
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance, Second Edition covers all types of offshore structures and platforms employed worldwide. As the ultimate reference for selecting, operating and maintaining offshore structures, this book provides a roadmap for designing structures which will stand up even in the harshest environments. Subsea pipeline design and installation is also covered in this edition, as is the selection of the proper type of offshore structure, the design procedure for the fixed offshore structure, nonlinear analysis (Push over) as a new technique to design and assess the existing structure, and more.
With this book in hand, engineers will have the most up-to-date methods for performing a structural lifecycle analysis, implementing maintenance plans for topsides and jackets and using non-destructive testing.