فهرست مطالب :
1 The Beginning of the Protestant Persecution, 1521-1547
2 The Climax of the Persecution, 1547-1559
3 Calvinism and the Conspiracy of Amboise, March 1560
4 The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition, 1560-1562
5 The Struggle for Security, 1563-1570
6 The Huguenots and the Netherlands, 1570-1572
7 The Struggle for Reintegration, 1572-1576: The Peace of Monsieur
8 The Struggle against the Catholic Leagues, 1576-1589
9 The “Protestant State” and the Edict of Nantes, 1589-1598
Appendix: The Edicts of Religion, 1525-1598
23 February 1535, Saint-Germain, Letters Patent
Cat. iii, 23-24, no. 7559. C
16 July 1535, Edict of Coucy
Cat. iii, 109, no. 7990; Ord. vii (3), 248-51, no. 701;
Haag, X, 7-8; Isambert, xii, 405-7. C D Inq. P
i June 1540, Edict of Fontainebleau
Cat. iv, in, no. 11509; Fontanon, iv, 246-48; Haag, X, 8-11. Inq.
30 August 1542, Edict of Lyons Cat. iv, 364, no. 12709.
23 July 1543, Edict of Paris Cat. iv, 473-74, no. 13224.
23 July 1543, Edict of Paris
Cat. iv, 474, no. 13225; Fontanon, iv, 225-26.
5 April 1545, Letters Patent
xxxiv, 1885, 26-27. Inq.
11 December 1547, Edict of Fontainebleau
Fontanon, iv, 373-74. C
19 November 1549, Edict of Paris
Fontanon, iv, 249-50; Haag, x, 14-17.
ii February 1550, Edict of Fontainebleau Fontanon, iv, 251.
22 June 1550, Letters Patent
Fontanon, iv, 226-27; Lambert, xiii, 173. Inq.
27 June 1551, Edict of Châteaubriant
Fontanon, iv, 252-57; Haag, x, 17-29. C J O
2 June 1559, Letters Patent
4 September 1559, Edict of Villers-Cotterêts Fontanon, iv, 259-60.
November 1559, Letters Patent, Blois
Fontanon, iv, 260. D
13 November 1559, Letters Patent, Blois Fontanon, iv, 260.
February 1560, Letters Patent, Amboise Fontanon, iv, 261.
March 1560, Edict of Amboise
Fontanon, iv, 261-63; Haag, x, 42-43.
Isnard, Actes royaux, i, 251, no. 1487; B. N., Mss. Fr., 47022 (16).
May 1560, Edict of Romorantin
Fontanon, iv, 229-30; Haag, x, 43-45. C
May 1560, Edict of Loches
Condé, Mémoires, i, 539.
19 April 1561, Edict of Fontainebleau
Condé, Mémoires, ii, 334-35. P
ii July 1561, Edict of Saint-Germain
Condé, Mémoires, i, 42-45; Fontanon, iv, 264-65;
Haag, X, 47-48; Isambert, xiv, 109-11. A D
20 October 1561, Edict of Saint-Germain
Fontanon, iv, 265-67; Condé, Mémoires, ii, 520, gives
18 October. A D
17 January 1562, Edict of Saint-Germain
Fontanon, iv, 267-69; Haag, x, 48-52. A C D
ii April 1562, Declaration on the edict of January Fontanon, iv, 271. D
19 March 1563, Edict of Amboise
Fontanon, iv, 272-74. A D O P
23 March 1568, Edict of Longjumeau
Fontanon, iv, 289-91; Haag, x, 83-87. O P
[28] September 1568, Edict of Saint-Maur Fontanon, iv, 292-94.
8 August 1570, Edict of Saint-Germain
Fontanon, iv, 300-4; Haag, x, 91-99. J O P PS
[2] July 1573, Peace of La Rochelle (Edict of Boulogne, Paris)
Haag, X, 110-14. J O P PS
6 May 1576, Peace of Monsieur (Edict of Beaulieu) Haag, X, 127-41. C J O PS T
28 February 1579, Treaty of Nérac
Haag, X, 159-67. J PS T
26 November 1580, Treaty of Fleix Haag, X, 171-78.
7 July 1585, Treaty of Nemours
Haag, X, 184-87. J O P PS
7 October 1585, Declaration of Henry III on the Treaty of Nemours
Haag, x, 191-94. P
30 November 1585, Declaration of the King of Navarre Haag, X, 194-95.
July 1588, Édit d’Union
Haag, X, 201-3. O
3 April 1589, Traité de la Trêve Duplessis-Mornay, iv, 351-55.
24 April 1589, Declaration of Navarre on the Traité de la Trêve
Haag, X, 203-5.
26 April 1589, Declaration of the king on the Traité de la Trêve
Haag, X, 205-8; Isambert, xiv, 645-50.
Isambert, xv, 3-5.
4 July 1591, Letters Patent Isambert, xv, 22-27.
4 July 1591, Edict of Mantes
Haag, X, 209-10.
December 1593, Edict of Mantes
13 April 1598, Edict of Nantes
Haag, X, 226-57; Mousnier, L’Assassinat d’Henri IV, 294-334. CJOPPST