The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

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کتاب کنوانسیون پاریس برای حمایت از مالکیت صنعتی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

نام کتاب : The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : کنوانسیون پاریس برای حمایت از مالکیت صنعتی
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Oxford
سال نشر : 2015
تعداد صفحات : 1271
ISBN (شابک) : 9780199659524
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 8 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Title Page......Page 3
Copyright Page......Page 4
Contents......Page 5
Table of Cases......Page 17
Table of Legislation......Page 20
Table of Abbreviations Used in this Work......Page 66
Introduction......Page 71
Acknowledgements......Page 86
Part I: Origins of the Paris Convention......Page 89
Introduction......Page 90
Of Exhibitions and International Unions......Page 91
Patents for invention......Page 93
Unfair competition......Page 98
Patents......Page 100
Designs and models......Page 104
Trade marks and trade names......Page 105
Other rights......Page 107
Introduction......Page 118
Bilateral Treaties and Agreements......Page 119
Provisional protection at international exhibitions......Page 122
Getting serious—the Vienna Patent Congress 1873......Page 124
Further meetings: the Paris Congress 1878......Page 128
Concluding Comments......Page 139
Introduction......Page 149
Preparing the Way......Page 150
The First Diplomatic Conference......Page 152
The Second Diplomatic Conference 1883......Page 158
Part II: Development and Growth of the Paris System......Page 165
Introduction......Page 166
The First Revision Conference: Rome 1886......Page 167
The Second Revision Conference: Madrid 1890......Page 172
The Third Revision Conference: Brussels 1897 and 1900......Page 175
The Fourth Revision Conference: Washington 1911......Page 178
The Fifth Conference of Revision: The Hague 1925......Page 180
The Sixth Revision Conference: London 1934......Page 183
The Seventh Revision Conference: Lisbon 1958......Page 185
The Eighth Revision Conference: Stockholm 1967......Page 192
Introduction......Page 206
Revising Paris Itself......Page 207
The Patent Cooperation Treaty, Washington 1970 (PCT)......Page 216
The Madrid Protocol, Madrid 1989......Page 218
The Integrated Circuits Treaty 1989 (‘the Washington Treaty’)......Page 219
Other treaty-making activities linked to Paris—and the impact of the Development Agenda......Page 220
Paris Convention Requirements as International Trade Standards......Page 223
An Overview of the Paris Convention and its Associated Agreements......Page 228
Part III: The Paris Convention and its Associated Agreements—Overarching Issues......Page 236
6. Public International Law Questions: The Structure of the Paris Convention and the Interpretation and Application of its Provisions (and those of its Associated Agreements)......Page 237
A matter of terminology: what is a ‘convention’?......Page 238
Structure of the Paris Convention......Page 240
Introductory remarks......Page 242
Languages used......Page 246
Rules of interpretation outside Paris and its associated agreements: the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)......Page 253
7. The Paris Union System: Organization and Structure......Page 290
The Concept of ‘Union’......Page 291
Characteristics of International Unions......Page 292
‘The countries to which this Convention applies … ’......Page 301
‘[A]‌ Union for the protection of industrial property … ’......Page 304
Industrial property to be ‘understood in the broadest sense … ’......Page 309
‘Patents … ’......Page 311
Early years......Page 313
Administration of the Paris Union—Present Arrangements......Page 316
Conferences of revision......Page 317
The Assembly......Page 325
Conference of representatives......Page 338
The Executive Committee......Page 340
The International Bureau......Page 346
The Director General......Page 355
Background......Page 357
The present financial provisions......Page 358
Special method of amendment for administrative provisions......Page 366
The other unions and their organs......Page 369
8. Membership and Territory of the Paris Union—The Final Clauses of the Convention......Page 400
Admission requirements......Page 401
Ratification and accession......Page 402
Reservations......Page 417
Denunciation of the Convention......Page 419
Territory of the Union—Application to Dependent Territories......Page 420
Changes in Union Membership......Page 430
The extinction and re-establishment of states......Page 431
The creation of new states—treaty succession......Page 434
Other Special Agreements......Page 452
Interruptions in Union Relations due to War......Page 456
Generally......Page 462
The context in which problems of non-compliance arise—the politics of complaint and compliance......Page 466
Revision Conferences and the Assembly......Page 467
Settlement of disputes by the International Court of Justice......Page 468
The applicable rules of customary international law......Page 471
Restricting members’ rights within the Union—refusal to invite certain states to meetings of Union organs......Page 472
Enforcement through the WTO......Page 474
9. Organizing Principles......Page 495
Introduction......Page 496
Persons and Entities Protected under the Convention......Page 497
National Treatment......Page 504
The scope of treatment to be accorded......Page 505
Limitations on national treatment—situations where discrimination against foreigners is permissible......Page 509
National treatment and equality of treatment......Page 513
‘[R]‌ights Specially Provided’ or Unionist Treatment......Page 516
The system of priorities for registered rights under Article 4A-I......Page 517
Patents......Page 518
Designs......Page 519
Unfair competition......Page 520
Who may claim unionist treatment?......Page 521
The Special Agreements......Page 522
Madrid Protocol......Page 523
PCT......Page 524
Budapest Treaty......Page 525
Nature and scope of obligations......Page 526
Incorporation of substantive provisions of the Paris Convention......Page 528
National treatment......Page 529
Most favoured nation treatment......Page 530
Multilateral Agreements on acquisition or maintenance of protection......Page 531
Further protections......Page 532
Part IV: Subject Matter Protected......Page 540
10. Patents and Utility Models......Page 541
National treatment—the point of departure......Page 542
The priority system—the way into the systems of other Union countries......Page 543
Independence of protection......Page 560
Mention of the inventor (Article 4ter)......Page 569
Restrictions of sale by law (Article 4quater)......Page 571
Failure to work, compulsory licences, and forfeiture (Article 5A)......Page 574
Time for payment of fees and restoration of rights (Article 5bis)......Page 593
Defences to infringement: patented devices on ships and aircraft (Article 5ter)......Page 597
Patentees’ rights in relation to importation of products manufactured abroad by process patented in importing country (Article 5quater)......Page 599
Temporary protection at international exhibitions (Article 11)......Page 600
Utility models......Page 606
Beyond Paris: Procedural and Substantive Harmonization......Page 608
The PCT......Page 609
The Strasbourg Agreement......Page 622
Budapest Treaty......Page 624
Patent Law Treaty 2000......Page 626
The proposed Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as far as Patents are Concerned......Page 629
The Geneva Treaty on the International Recording of Scientific Discoveries 1978......Page 637
The TRIPS Agreement......Page 640
11. Industrial Designs......Page 688
Introduction and Overview of this Chapter......Page 689
Designs Protection—Legal and Policy Issues......Page 690
As a subject of protection and national treatment......Page 692
Right of priority......Page 696
Obligation to protect (Article 5quinquies)......Page 703
Independence of protection......Page 707
Restriction on forfeiture and marking......Page 708
Protection under the Berne Convention......Page 711
Classifying Designs—the Locarno Agreement......Page 720
An International Design—The Hague Agreement......Page 722
Main features of The Hague system......Page 724
The Hague system in broader context......Page 733
Obligation to protect......Page 735
Rights in protected designs......Page 740
Exceptions......Page 742
Term of protection......Page 743
General comments......Page 745
Moves to Harmonize Procedural Issues Relating to Designs Applications......Page 746
12. Trade Marks and Trade Names......Page 764
Introduction......Page 765
Gaining protection in the first place—national treatment and priority periods......Page 766
Independence and dependence of protection (Articles 6 and 6quinquies)......Page 769
Service marks (Article 6sexies)......Page 786
Well-known marks (Article 6bis)......Page 788
State emblems, armorial bearings, flags, and the like (Article 6ter)......Page 798
Assignments of trade marks without accompanying goodwill (Article 6quater)......Page 814
Agents and representatives acting without authority (Article 6septies)......Page 818
Nature of the goods to which trade mark is to be applied......Page 824
Collective marks (Article 7bis)......Page 826
Use of trademarks (Article 5C)......Page 832
Protection of trade names......Page 836
Seizure on importation and ‘appropriate legal remedies’ (Article 9)......Page 839
International exhibitions (Article 11)......Page 849
Origins......Page 850
Registration in contracting country as the starting point for seeking international registration......Page 851
How the international application is made......Page 852
What the international application covers......Page 853
Effect of the international registration......Page 855
Refusal of protection by designated contracting countries......Page 856
Dependency of international registration......Page 859
Duration of international registration and renewals......Page 860
Provisions relating to the international register and national registers......Page 861
Fees......Page 863
Governance and administration of the Madrid system......Page 864
Revision of the Madrid system: the Trademark Registration Treaty 1973 and the Madrid Protocol 1989......Page 866
The Trademark Registration Treaty 1973......Page 867
The Madrid Protocol 1989......Page 870
The significance of the Madrid system......Page 873
The Trademark Law Treaty 1994......Page 874
The Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks 2010......Page 878
Classification Treaties—Nice and Vienna......Page 881
Substantive Harmonization and the TRIPS Agreement......Page 884
Incorporation of Paris norms within TRIPS......Page 885
National treatment and MFN......Page 886
Protectable subject matter......Page 887
Substantive Harmonization—Post-TRIPS ‘Progressive Development’ Within WIPO......Page 909
Introduction......Page 939
The Paris Convention......Page 941
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Sources on Goods 1891......Page 949
The concept of unfair competition......Page 960
Genesis of the obligation in the Paris Convention......Page 963
The present obligations arising under Article 10bis......Page 967
Protection of undisclosed information—collateral amendment of Article 10bis through the TRIPS Agreement?......Page 979
Under the Paris Convention......Page 993
The Lisbon Agreement......Page 997
Revision and extension of international protection for appellations under the WIPO agreements......Page 1007
Moves to revise the Lisbon Agreement......Page 1011
Concluding comments about protection of appellations under the Paris Convention and associated WIPO Agreements......Page 1014
Geographical indications under TRIPS......Page 1015
Introduction......Page 1041
A ‘Special Industrial Property Service’......Page 1042
‘Common offices’......Page 1044
Official Periodical Journal......Page 1045
Modern technologies …......Page 1048
Part V: The Wider Context......Page 1051
15. The Paris Convention and the Future......Page 1052
Of Centenaries and Past Achievements......Page 1053
A World Without Paris?......Page 1057
Continued Relevance?......Page 1060
Why revise?......Page 1062
The object of revision—codification with some progressive development......Page 1068
Codification by way of incorporation of the substantive provisions of TRIPS into Paris......Page 1069
Where would incorporation stop?......Page 1074
How to proceed?......Page 1075
In general......Page 1076
Private international law issues......Page 1077
Intellectual property rights and human rights: issues of access......Page 1084
Concluding Comments......Page 1091
Appendices......Page 1099
Appendix 1 Third draft treaty prepared for the First Paris Diplomatic Conference 1880......Page 1100
Appendix 2 The Jagerschmidt draft presented to the Paris Conference 1880 (original text from Actes 1880, pp 26–27)......Page 1102
Appendix 3 List of translated words from WIPO official texts of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property......Page 1105
Appendix 4.1 Paris Act 1883......Page 1107
Appendix 4.2 Additional Act of Brussels 1900......Page 1112
Appendix 4.3 Act of Washington, 1911......Page 1114
Appendix 4.4 Act of The Hague, 1925......Page 1122
Appendix 4.5 Act of London, 1934......Page 1133
Appendix 4.6 Act of Lisbon, 1958......Page 1145
Appendix 4.7 Attachment 7—Stockholm Act 1967......Page 1161
Appendix 5 Declaration on the Objectives of the Revision of the Paris Convention......Page 1187
Appendix 6 Proposed revision of the Paris Convention......Page 1189
Select Bibliography......Page 1213
Index......Page 1223

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