فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Introduction, Pages ix-x, Jacques R BOISSIER
Inside Front Cover, Page xb
Dedication, Page xi, A.H. Conney, J.R. Gillette, F. Oesch
Metabolic Activation of Chemicals to Reactive Electrophiles: An Overview, Pages 3-12, James A. Miller, Elizabeth C. Miller
DNA Binding and Polycyclic Hydrocarbon Carcinogenesis, Pages 13-27, Philip L. Grover, Peter Sims
Environmental Chemicals Causing Cancer and Genetic Birth Defects: Mutagenicity Testing for Reactive Metabolites, Pages 29-40, Bruce N. Ames
Biological Activity of Polycyclic Hydrocarbon Metabolites and the Bay Region Theory, Pages 41-52, A.H. Conney, W. Levin, A.W. Wood, H. Yagi, R.E. Lehr, D.M. Jerina
Stereoselective Metabolic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Pages 53-62, D.M. Jerina, H. Yagi, D.R. Thakker, J.M. Karle, H.D. Mah, D.R. Boyd, G. Gadaginamath, A.W. Wood, M. Buening, R.L. Chang, W. Levin, A.H. Conney
Metabolic Inactivation of Reactive Metabolites, Pages 63-70, Franz Oesch
Factors Influencing DNA Damage and its Repair with Cellular Implications for Toxicology, Pages 71-79, D.S.R. Sarma, S. Rajalakshmi, R.S. Udupa, E. Farber, Prema M. Rao
New Aspects of Nitrosamine-Induced Carcinogenesis, Pages 81-91, P.N. Magee
Tissue Specificity in Metabolic Activation, Pages 93-102, H. Bartsch, N. Sabadie, C. Malaveille, A.-M. Camus, G. Brun
Formation of Chemically Reactive Metabolites from Drugs, Pages 103-111, George B. Corcoran, Jerry R. Mitchell, Yashesh Vaishnav, Evan C. Horning, Sidney D. Nelson
Metabolic Activation of Aminostilbene Derivatives and Diethylstilbestrol, Pages 113-122, Hans-Günter Neumann, Manfred Metzler
Matabolic Activation of Chlorinated Ethylene Derivatives, Pages 123-130, D. Henschler, G. Bonse
Carbenes and Free Radicals of Haloalkanes as Toxic Intermediates, Pages 131-138, V. Ullrich, L.J. King, C.R. Wolf, W. Nastainczyk
Concluding Remarks, Pages 139-148, James R. Gillette
The Agenda of Behavioral Toxicology, Pages 151-155, Bernard Weiss
Duration of Exposure: An Important Variable in Behavioural Toxicology, Pages 157-167, Hugh L. Evans
Changes in Performance, Personality and Subjective Well-being as Indicators of Long-term Exposure to Toxic Environments, Pages 169-177, Helena Hänninen
Neurophysiological Characteristics of the Action of Toxic Substances on the Organism, Pages 179-185, A. Bokina, N. Eskler, A. Berezina
Neurochemical Changes Associated with the Behavioural Toxicity of Organophsophate Compounds, Pages 187-201, H. Michalek, A. Meneguz, G.M. Bisso, G. Carro-Ciampi, G.L. Gatti, G. Bignami
Approach to a Behavioural Screen in Toxicity Testing, Pages 203-210, A.P. Silverman
Alertness Impairing Substances and Transport and Occupational Safety: Laboratory Assessment of Hazard, Pages 211-220, Milan Horváth, Emil Frantik, Eva Novotná
Principles of Percutaneous Absorption, Pages 223-235, H. Schaefer, G. Stüttgen, W. Schalla, J. Gazith, E. Bauer
Epidermal Response to Antihyperkeratotic Agents, Pages 237-244, Enno Christophers
Toxicological and Pharmacological Aspects of Topical Agents in Relation to the Dermis, Pages 245-249, Malcolm W. Greaves
Toxicological and Pharmacological Aspects of Topical Agents in Relation to Specific Cutaneous Structures: The Melanocytes, Pages 251-258, Hans Rorsman
The Pilosebaceous Unit: Toxicological and Pharmacological Aspects of Topical Agents, Pages 259-267, John S. Strauss
Toxicology and Pharmacology of Topically-applied Agents on the Eccrine Sweat Gland, Pages 269-275, Richard L. Dobson
Carcinogenicity of Cosmetic Materials, Pages 277-287, Michel Pruniéras
Toxins Acting at the Presynaptic Part of the Neuromuscular Junction, Pages 291-299, Stephen Thesleff
Index, Pages 301-304