The Saved and the Damned: A History of the Reformation

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کتاب نجات یافته و نفرین شده: تاریخ اصلاحات نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب The Saved and the Damned: A History of the Reformation

نام کتاب : The Saved and the Damned: A History of the Reformation
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : نجات یافته و نفرین شده: تاریخ اصلاحات
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Oxford University Press
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 377
ISBN (شابک) : 9780198841043 , 0198841043
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 4 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Cover\nTHE SAVED AND THE DAMNED: A History of the Reformation\nCopyright\nPublisher’s Acknowledgement\nContents\nChronology\nIllustrations\n1. Luther and the Reformation\n 1.1. A European Event\n 1.2. Ideal and Actual Reformations\n 1.3. One Reformation or Many? In the Beginning Was Luther\n2. European Christendom c.1500\n 2.1. Construction of a Continent\n New Horizons\n New Economic Spheres\n 2.2. Structures\n Estates-Based Societies\n Political Structures\n 2.3. Nations and Powers in Europe\n 2.4. The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation\n 2.5. Shared Spiritual and Clerical Cultures\n Forms of Piety\n Diversity in Theology\n Indulgence\n 2.6. Cultural Awakenings\n The Print Revolution\n The Humanists’ Mobility\n3. The Early Reformation in the Empire,1517–30\n 3.1. Thirteen Turbulent Years\n 3.2. Martin Luther: A Portrait\n 3.3. The Drop-Out: A Young Augustinian Monk\n Secular Career Plans\n The Zealous Monk\n 3.4. The Exegete of Wittenberg\n Grace and Justification\n The Ninety-Five Theses against Indulgence\n 3.5. Luther’s Break with the Pope\n Polemics and Controversies\n Luther Writes to Save His Life\n 3.6. The Imperial Diet of Worms, Rebellion, and Upheaval\n Refusal to Recant\n Agitation, Protest, Unrest\n Changes in the Cities\n 3.7. Zwingli and the Urban Reformation in Zurich\n Stipendiary Priest at the Grossmünster\n An Evangelical, Municipal Church\n 3.8. Intra-Reformation Disputes\n Franz von Sickingen and the Knights’ Revolt\n The Peasants’ War and Thomas Müntzer\n Luther’s Repudiation of Karlstadt\n The Controversy over the Eucharist\n The First Anabaptist Congregations\n Luther’s Dispute with Erasmus\n 3.9. Political Decisions of Church and State\n Denominational Camps in the Empire\n The Founding of Evangelical Churches\n Augsburg: Evangelical Confession and Imperial Ban\n4. Post-Reformation Europe,1530–1600\n 4.1. Language, Education, Law: Religious Culture Reformed\n 4.2. Early Reformation Movements outside the Empire\n The Netherlands\n France and England\n Scandinavia\n Italy and Spain\n Eastern Europe\n 4.3. John Calvin and the Reformed International\n Calvin’s Intellectual Background\n Church Ordinance and Congregational Discipline\n The Fiery Death of Michael Servetus\n Closing Ranks with Heinrich Bullinger and the Zurich Reformation\n The Internationalization of Reformed Protestantism\n From the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre to the Edict of Nantes\n Political Liberation in the Netherlands\n John Knox and the Scottish Reformation\n 4.4. The Royal Reformations in Scandinavia and England\n Lutheran Northern Europe\n The Anglican Church and the Puritans\n 4.5. The Pacified, Restive Empire\n The Schmalkaldic League and the Schmalkaldic War\n The Augsburg Interim and the Vacuum Left by Luther\n Magdeburg Resists\n The Peace of Augsburg\n Lutheran Theological Disputes\n 4.6. The Transformation of Roman Catholicism\n The Council of Trent\n New Orders, New Ordinances\n 4.7. Dissenters and Nonconformists\n The Anabaptists and the Münster Experiment\n Mystics and Spiritualists\n Antitrinitarians\n 4.8. Latin Europe after the Reformation\n5. The Modern Reception of the Reformation\n 5.1. Reformation Jubilees: 1617 to 2017\n 5.2. Interpretation and Debate\n The Biographical Orientation\n The Enlightenment and the French Revolution\n Beginnings of Scientific Historiography\n German Appropriation\n Relegation to the Middle Ages and the Luther Renaissance\n Anglo-American Perspectives\n Reformation History in East and West Germany before 1990\n Current Research Challenges\n6. The Reformation and the Present: An Appraisal\n 6.1. Time Accelerated: A Change or an Apocalypse?\n 6.2. Impact on the Modern West\n Confessional Cultures and the Role of the Laity\n Economics and Law\n Rationalism and Individualism\n 6.3. Global Protestantism\nEndnotes\n Chapter 1\n Chapter 2\n Chapter 3\n Chapter 4\n Chapter 5\n Chapter 6\nFurther Reading\n General Works Sources, Source Studies, and Bibliographies\n Further Reading by Chapter\n 1. Luther and the Reformation\n 2. European Christendom c. 1500\n 3. The Early Reformation in the Empire, 1517–30\n 4. Post-Reformation Europe, 1530–1600\n 5. The Modern Reception of the Reformation\n 6. The Reformation and the Present: An Appraisal\nIndex

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